Some people here seem to be backing up everyting Vanessa does as if she is a diety or infalliable or something. Vanessa is one of my two favorite artists, but if she does someting completely different, I'm not going to completely change my opinion of music in general just so I can go on blindly supporting her. It's too early to say she's "sold out" because we haven't heard the album and we have no clue what's going to be on it.
But, if the songs all have that relentlessly shallow, phony and boring sound that masks her creative ability like the clips we've heard of This Time, then, at the very least, she will have evolved (or devolved) into just another radio whore and I'll ignore her album just like I would a Lindsay Lohan album. I'll still love the way her songs sound as bootlegs and I'll never stop listening to BNN and Harmonium, but I'm not going to buy or support the third album just because it's Vanessa.
Remember, I'm not saying that her third album is going to suck or that she's sold out, I'm just saying that based on Perry's production of This Time, there is definately a seed for this stuff to happen. Whether she decides to water this seed is yet to be seen. And, even if going in this direction isn't exactly selling out (although I would argue it is an unconcious sell out at the very least), it is still a deviation from the Vanessa that I love. If this is the way she decides to grow, then that's fine, but I'm not going to support it just because she made music I like in the past.