Author Topic: which vanessa song is going to be a hit?  (Read 17047 times)

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which vanessa song is going to be a hit?
« Reply #45 on: August 06, 2006, 09:11:28 am »
Some people here seem to be backing up everyting Vanessa does as if she is a diety or infalliable or something.  Vanessa is one of my two favorite artists, but if she does someting completely different, I'm not going to completely change my opinion of music in general just so I can go on blindly supporting her.  It's too early to say she's "sold out" because we haven't heard the album and we have no clue what's going to be on it.

But, if the songs all have that relentlessly shallow, phony and boring sound that masks her creative ability like the clips we've heard of This Time, then, at the very least, she will have evolved (or devolved) into just another radio whore and I'll ignore her album just like I would a Lindsay Lohan album.  I'll still love the way her songs sound as bootlegs and I'll never stop listening to BNN and Harmonium, but I'm not going to buy or support the third album just because it's Vanessa.

Remember, I'm not saying that her third album is going to suck or that she's sold out, I'm just saying that based on Perry's production of This Time, there is definately a seed for this stuff to happen.  Whether she decides to water this seed is yet to be seen.  And, even if going in this direction isn't exactly selling out (although I would argue it is an unconcious sell out at the very least), it is still a deviation from the Vanessa that I love.  If this is the way she decides to grow, then that's fine, but I'm not going to support it just because she made music I like in the past.


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« Reply #46 on: August 06, 2006, 01:43:07 pm »
I will definately buy the new cd no matter what. At least to see what it is like. I REALLY don't understand what everyone is SO worried about though. Vanessa is NOT selling out with this album. Even if she chooses to take a more commercial route this time around it's not like she's going to start f@#$ing some guy on a beach in one of her vids. I doubt that she would completely change her musical style now. Musical experimentation is totally acceptable and even vital to her growth as an artist. Also Vanessa needs to have moderate success with this album if she is going really root herself in the music industry. I hope Vanessa has huge success so that she will be able to put out future amazing albums.

As long as she keeps putting out new albums, I'll be buying them :)
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which vanessa song is going to be a hit?
« Reply #47 on: August 06, 2006, 02:34:23 pm »
I don't think she's ever strayed from her sound at all.  What do you people like about "Be Not Nobody" if you claim to hate pop music so much?

What do you like about "Private Radio" & "San Fransisco"?  I'm just confused!  So many people here are anti-pop, but Vanessa's music IS pop.  It is damn good pop music and that is NOT an oxymoron.
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which vanessa song is going to be a hit?
« Reply #48 on: August 06, 2006, 03:13:58 pm »
Quote from: "PianoGirl4444"
I don't think she's ever strayed from her sound at all.  What do you people like about "Be Not Nobody" if you claim to hate pop music so much?

What do you like about "Private Radio" & "San Fransisco"?  I'm just confused!  So many people here are anti-pop, but Vanessa's music IS pop.  It is damn good pop music and that is NOT an oxymoron.

I don't know whether I am one of the people you're addressing, but I'll assume I am and say that I agree with your comments about Vanessa being pop and that "pop" shouldn't be a dirty word or immediately recall images of just Britany and Hilary and whatnot.  I agree that there's a difference between good and bad pop.  I'm not upset at This Time because it is pop (I agree that Vanessa is and always has been pop for the most part), I am upset with the sound of that track because it is a blatantly commercialized version of a Vanessa Carlton song.  

The dirty word for me is not pop, it is commercialization.  The production on that song emphasizes bells and whistles instead of the heart.  If you feel that Perry's version of This Time does not sound very disimilar to Stephan's versions of Private Radio and San Francisco, then we just completely disagree on that and that is why we seem to be on such a different page.  The reason Harmonium sounds so good is because Stephan  emphasized the soul in Vanessa's music in the studio.  All Perry seems to be doing is bringing out the $$$ potential of the melody by using every boring little studio trick that every top 40 song uses in order to please the  tremendously gullable and homoganized taste of mainstream America.

And, like I said before, if that ends up being the type of sound that Vanessa wants, then that's fine.  I'll cherish her older stuff and leave her new stuff to the people that like that kind of thing...

...all the while praying that Amanda Palmer doesn't eventually follow the same career path. :wink:

And, again, all this is just speculation on a long shot.  Other than a couple of songs produced by Perry that will probably make their way onto the album, I hope and still expect number three to sound great -just not as consistant as Harmonium.


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which vanessa song is going to be a hit?
« Reply #49 on: August 07, 2006, 02:24:43 am »
PianoGirl4444 wrote:
I don't think she's ever strayed from her sound at all. What do you people like about "Be Not Nobody" if you claim to hate pop music so much?

What do you like about "Private Radio" & "San Fransisco"? I'm just confused! So many people here are anti-pop, but Vanessa's music IS pop. It is damn good pop music and that is NOT an oxymoron.

abbottANDcostello wrote:
I don't know whether I am one of the people you're addressing, but I'll assume I am and say that I agree with your comments about Vanessa being pop and that "pop" shouldn't be a dirty word or immediately recall images of just Britany and Hilary and whatnot. I agree that there's a difference between good and bad pop. I'm not upset at This Time because it is pop (I agree that Vanessa is and always has been pop for the most part), I am upset with the sound of that track because it is a blatantly commercialized version of a Vanessa Carlton song.

Ok, I'll assume you're referring to me as well, ("you people" :? ) and I must say I agree with abbottANDcostello. The songs you mention are not the reason I like Vanessa Carlton. I was never a fan of A Thousand Miles either. I kind of liked it, but a friend lent me her copy of BNN and I started to like other songs like Wanted, Twilight, Prince, and especially Paint it Black (and yes, I know she didn't write it....), so I bought my own copy. I never listen to Pretty Baby or the more "pop" songs.

If Vanessa's music was all "pop", then I wouldn't be a fan. Vanessa's music is not all "pop", she is a mulitfaceted, genre-blending ARTIST with many different moods and styles within her music (and yes, that includes pop.) If Linda Perry or whoever else is working with her now takes her music and makes it ALL "pop", then it won't be the Vanessa I have come to love, and so of course I and many, many others will feel very disappointed. It will seem to me like she will have lost a large part of her unique artistry, which is what makes Vanessa Carlton, Vanessa Carlton.

 As for "selling out", I don't know if I would use that term, but for "us people", Vanessa stands for something that we believe in, and it would be disappointing for us to see her stray from that, dammit. I know she is her own person, and can choose to change if that is her wish, but I hope you can understand what I am saying.
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which vanessa song is going to be a hit?
« Reply #50 on: August 07, 2006, 09:17:53 am »
Quote from: "abbottANDcostello"
Some people here seem to be backing up everyting Vanessa does as if she is a diety or infalliable or something.  Vanessa is one of my two favorite artists, but if she does someting completely different, I'm not going to completely change my opinion of music in general just so I can go on blindly supporting her.  It's too early to say she's "sold out" because we haven't heard the album and we have no clue what's going to be on it.

But, if the songs all have that relentlessly shallow, phony and boring sound that masks her creative ability like the clips we've heard of This Time, then, at the very least, she will have evolved (or devolved) into just another radio whore and I'll ignore her album just like I would a Lindsay Lohan album.  I'll still love the way her songs sound as bootlegs and I'll never stop listening to BNN and Harmonium, but I'm not going to buy or support the third album just because it's Vanessa.

Remember, I'm not saying that her third album is going to suck or that she's sold out, I'm just saying that based on Perry's production of This Time, there is definately a seed for this stuff to happen.  Whether she decides to water this seed is yet to be seen.  And, even if going in this direction isn't exactly selling out (although I would argue it is an unconcious sell out at the very least), it is still a deviation from the Vanessa that I love.  If this is the way she decides to grow, then that's fine, but I'm not going to support it just because she made music I like in the past.

exactly my thoughts.

i don't think this album is going to be bad. i'm just concerned with them trying to make a radio hit, and putting a couple formulaic pop hits on the album, and ruining flow, etc, that stephan and vanessa create so well.


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which vanessa song is going to be a hit?
« Reply #51 on: August 08, 2006, 12:56:00 am »
we haven't even heard the album yet so we should stop trippin' and just wait.

we've only heard a few live songs and some studio snippets (and "this time" thing which wasn't the final product).

there isn't enough for us to debate whether or not her music is "all pop" and what not.

once we get the album, then maybe we can start to talk about it like we are now. but there simply isn't enough to go on to say that she's "selling out" or whatever else anyone says.

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which vanessa song is going to be a hit?
« Reply #52 on: August 08, 2006, 07:38:25 am »
Quote from: "white_houses"
we haven't even heard the album yet so we should stop trippin' and just wait.

we've only heard a few live songs and some studio snippets (and "this time" thing which wasn't the final product).

there isn't enough for us to debate whether or not her music is "all pop" and what not.

once we get the album, then maybe we can start to talk about it like we are now. but there simply isn't enough to go on to say that she's "selling out" or whatever else anyone says.

No one is saying the music is "all pop," we're saying that This Time sounds commercialized (or at least I am).  And we aren't saying she's sold out, we're just speculating based on what we've heard from her recently that there is a chance.  

As far as suggesting that we "stop tripping," I think you're getting it wrong.  We aren't tripping, we're just using our imaginations to speculate based on what we have heard.  We aren't making any definitive judgments before we hear a final product, I don't think any of us here are that shallow.  We just like to throw our opinions around and argue with others who maybe's fun.  Kind of like how they have all those pregame shows for sports and awards shows and stuff.  It would be kind of boring if we just sat around here doing nothing until the next album came out. :)


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which vanessa song is going to be a hit?
« Reply #53 on: August 08, 2006, 12:05:29 pm »
yeah.. what else is there to talk about?

why can't stephan just produce the whole album? jesus.

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which vanessa song is going to be a hit?
« Reply #54 on: August 08, 2006, 12:32:19 pm »
Quote from: "ordinaryday6"
yeah.. what else is there to talk about?


Quote from: "ordinaryday6"

why can't stephan just produce the whole album? jesus.

I kind of understand that Vanessa wants to work with a couple of different people to maybe get a different perspective on her songs because that can help her grow.  And she does seem to be sticking with Stephan for most of the songs (unless I'm behind in some news).

I just don't like her choice of Linda Perry. :thumbsdown:   At first I figured that Perry probably isn't one-dimensional and maybe she and Vanessa could come up with some cool stuff together, but, after hearing those clips of This Time, my early optimism was completely shot down. :2guns:

I'm curious about how the third album is going to sound and flow when it is completely finished, and my anticipation is still high, but I'm definately preparing myself for a letdown compared to Harmonium...something I wouldn't be doing if it was just Stephan again.  Those two are genius together. :heart:


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which vanessa song is going to be a hit?
« Reply #55 on: August 08, 2006, 05:51:17 pm »
It seems, though, that Vanessa does really like Linda Perry from what I hear.

Maybe she wants to be popular like she once was, and she is feeling pressure from the people that like that kind of music.

To be honest, I hope Vanessa stays as she is because I really like her music, but if she does change I can understand why. No one is forced to like her new music, I just hope that someone out there does.
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which vanessa song is going to be a hit?
« Reply #56 on: August 09, 2006, 08:37:52 am »
Quote from: "WhiteHouses108"
It seems, though, that Vanessa does really like Linda Perry from what I hear.

Maybe she wants to be popular like she once was, and she is feeling pressure from the people that like that kind of music.

I'm really hoping that isn't all there is to it, because that is the definition of selling out. :cry:


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which vanessa song is going to be a hit?
« Reply #57 on: August 09, 2006, 10:55:29 am »
Quote from: "abbottANDcostello"
Quote from: "ordinaryday6"
yeah.. what else is there to talk about?


Quote from: "ordinaryday6"

why can't stephan just produce the whole album? jesus.

I kind of understand that Vanessa wants to work with a couple of different people to maybe get a different perspective on her songs because that can help her grow.  And she does seem to be sticking with Stephan for most of the songs (unless I'm behind in some news).

I just don't like her choice of Linda Perry. :thumbsdown:   At first I figured that Perry probably isn't one-dimensional and maybe she and Vanessa could come up with some cool stuff together, but, after hearing those clips of This Time, my early optimism was completely shot down. :2guns:

I'm curious about how the third album is going to sound and flow when it is completely finished, and my anticipation is still high, but I'm definately preparing myself for a letdown compared to Harmonium...something I wouldn't be doing if it was just Stephan again.  Those two are genius together. :heart:

i don't think i've ever agreed with you so much, in such a short time, as i have in this thread, max. and i agree with your next post too.. completely the definition of selling out. i really don't think it's going to come to that though. the main thing i'm worried about is the flow, and not liking every song on the album, etc. i don't know.. it just worries me.

but.. i mean, i hung out with her in march.. i really can't picture her selling out and wanting to be famous and popular again. i don't think it'll happen. i think she'll make what music she wants to.. hopefully that will coincide with what we all like.

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which vanessa song is going to be a hit?
« Reply #58 on: August 09, 2006, 01:06:49 pm »
Quote from: "ordinaryday6"

i don't think i've ever agreed with you so much, in such a short time, as i have in this thread, max.

That just means you're getting smarter! :lol:  8)  :wink:

Quote from: "ordinaryday6"

 and i agree with your next post too.. completely the definition of selling out. i really don't think it's going to come to that though. the main thing i'm worried about is the flow, and not liking every song on the album, etc. i don't know.. it just worries me.

but.. i mean, i hung out with her in march.. i really can't picture her selling out and wanting to be famous and popular again. i don't think it'll happen. i think she'll make what music she wants to.. hopefully that will coincide with what we all like.

You would know better than me because you actually met her and got to talk with her, and I agree based on what I know about her that she doesn't seem the type that would just straight up sell out, but, based on some of the things she's said recently about promising fans the next ablum will be a huge hit, I'm a little worried about an unconcious sell out.  But, like you, I still don't think it will be full blown because that's just not her and I think I'll like most of her album, but it's going to be really frustrating listening to songs that Perry produces and wondering how much better they could of sounded with Stephan's guidance.


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which vanessa song is going to be a hit?
« Reply #59 on: August 10, 2006, 06:42:07 am »
yup. exactly (except the getting smarter part. i don't do that. hey wait.. lol)

i had a dream last night that linda perry was producing a lot, but stephan was still working on all of those songs to make sure they were good.

it made me feel better. lol. then i found out it was a dream.