Are you sure you're not Vanessa in disguise? lol. You sound so much like her it's scary!
I'm just now listening to Twilight but as far as suggestions I'd say watch out for being under the pitch sometimes and don't be afraid to get loud! I bet you could really belt if you wanted to; don't shy away from dynamic contrast. That will really help with those pitchy problems you're talking about and it will make the performance more dramatic overall.
Oh wow, I really like this last song. I'm not familiar with it but I'm loving the inflection you're putting on the end of your phrases.
I don't know what you're doing for a career but I can def. see you being successful in the music world. Have you ever thought about getting a set list together and just gigging somewhere? Making a CD of covers?
You have a great ear for music. Great voice. Loved all of it.