Author Topic: Alexa Ray Joel (Billy Joel's daughter)  (Read 10762 times)


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Alexa Ray Joel (Billy Joel's daughter)
« Reply #15 on: March 15, 2007, 06:46:53 pm »
I dunno, I look young for my age. but i know she read the message so maybe i'll get a chance.

& wow, her blog has just about 200 responses (all are positive). crazy...


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Alexa Ray Joel (Billy Joel's daughter)
« Reply #16 on: March 15, 2007, 09:52:26 pm »
omg she is the nicest girl, i wasnt even expecting a reply let alone this... ill probably end up going since its 2 days before my birthday. ahh i cant believe it haha

"Hey Laura,
Unfortunately, the Viper Room is very strict about only having a 21 + crowd (which is a stupid rule, in my opinion!!). However, I've worked it out so that, when I play the Jimmy Kimmel show in L.A. the very day before, I've worked it out so that 13 of my fans from 17-20 can come see me there--and get really good seats for the show!! Please contact my manager Eric Cohen (his email is: leaving it blank on purpose) for details. I told Eric to be expecting your email, so he'll be able to help you with the logistics of everything if you'd like to come.
I'm sorry that you can't come to the Viper Room--I would love for you to be able to see a full show--but coming to Jimmy Kimmel should be really fun in it's own way because you'll get to see the WHOLE talk-show, and after I perform my song I'll be talking with him on the couch for a little bit (should be fun, yet I'm slightly nervous!!).
Hope to see you there!!!
Lex xoxox "


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Alexa Ray Joel (Billy Joel's daughter)
« Reply #17 on: March 16, 2007, 07:41:47 am »
You should definitely go!  That was really cool of her.
Cross paths with what you used to have. You've gotta learn that you've gotta earn
The fantasy
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Alexa Ray Joel (Billy Joel's daughter)
« Reply #18 on: March 16, 2007, 08:05:43 am »
that was so nice of her.I'm sure you'll end up having more fun than you would at the show.


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Alexa Ray Joel (Billy Joel's daughter)
« Reply #19 on: March 17, 2007, 05:13:56 pm »
so yup, im going for sure. my mom already said she'd take me since im seeing another concert 2 days later w/ my friends. cant wait! *prays its the same day Paula or someone from AI goes on* lol


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Alexa Ray Joel (Billy Joel's daughter)
« Reply #20 on: April 17, 2007, 11:08:16 pm »
so yeah looks like i wont be seeing Alexa anymore. Kelly Clarkson is performing a day after her at Kimmel and you cant go to the show more than once every 2 weeks, and I wanna see her more than Alexa & my friends wanna see her too so yeahh I feel bad. oh well, maybe i'll have another chance

although if Paula ends up going on the same day as Alexa, than Im gonna back out of the Kelly Clarkson performance lol but I doubt that would happen


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Alexa Ray Joel (Billy Joel's daughter)
« Reply #21 on: April 26, 2007, 06:58:04 pm »

It must suck when your mom is a supermodel!


Christie Brinkley and Billy Joel's daughter, Alexa Ray, somehow ended up at some sporting event, the 3rd annual Spirit of Jimmy V gala, Wednesday night in NYC.

She's not that bad, actually.

She's just no supermodel!

Posted by on April 26, 2007 11:56 AM| link


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Alexa Ray Joel (Billy Joel's daughter)
« Reply #22 on: April 26, 2007, 07:39:39 pm »
that was mean, but okay. i think she looks amazing


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Alexa Ray Joel (Billy Joel's daughter)
« Reply #23 on: April 30, 2007, 03:05:31 pm »
Alexa is definitely not afraid to speak her mind.. its weird cuz Perez posted her response on his site & I was expecting people to bash her even more for venting, but the first 12 or so comments I had time to read all said Perez sucks & most people actually do think hes becoming too mean-spirited. Theres almost like 1000 responses, he usually only gets 80 or something. Crazy right?

Im glad she stuck up for herself.. I think shes just sick of people everywhere comparing her to her parents & calling her ugly I dont think this is coming just from the Perez comment.

Perez is gay & im sure he hates people judging him for being gay, yet he's always judging everyone else on their looks & stuff. wtf? I dont understand that.

anyways this is from Alexa's blog (long but worth the read):

I've got to get away from this computer! I know it's ridiculous, and I should have a thicker skin by now and just plain NOT CARE, but I can't help but be a little bummed out because the incredibly cruel, bullying Perez Hilton (this tabloid guy who calls himself the "queen of media") just put up a horrible picture of me on his site and basically in so many words called me ugly, or rather, wrote that I'm "not that bad, actually, I'm just no supermodel"...

I just feel like saying: "YES, my mom and I look completely different, and I'm OK with that. I like that I look unique, or more "exotic"--I don't want to look like everybody else, and I also don't want to look like a supermodel--I just want to look like ME!" (sorry if this sounds like a repeat of my last blog, but I just have to VENT)...

Oh well, I guess that's a part of the crap that comes with the industry--those sites LOVE putting bad pictures up, and everybody has a few unflattering shots--especially on the red-carpet! I'm still not comfortable posing on it, and (who knows?) maybe I never will be, but I'm just so OVER being compared to my mom looks-wise! I'm happy to have a lot of my father's features (especially his eyes and lips)--I think he's very handsome, and I'm quite sick of hearing people call HIM ugly--I think he has a very soulful face--the face of someone with character and integrity--who has LIVED, and has something important to say.

I just can't help but wonder these days: why does the media's idea of beauty have to always fit inside such a conventional box? Why doesn't the media promote any sense of individuality and open-mindedness? My boyfriend always tells me how much he loves my dimples and how I have a "cute over-bite" when I smile, as well as this scar on my chest that I used to be self-conscious about-- he calls it my "sexy mark", (yes--he's a keeper!!)-- so if these imperfections are what our partners end up growing to love so much about us, why isn't this celebrated as a natural, human truth? Why is it hidden, and replaced with this false truth that everybody's supposed to aspire to look like a "supermodel" (whatever looking like a super-model entails--I have no clue). When my mom saw that Perez Hilton thing, she was like, "OK, what's his point?--I have hundreds of bad pictures taken of me, and I'm a supermodel! Should I release them to the media so everyone can see that NOBODY is perfect?" (I love her for that).

It's just rather depressing on a larger, societal level because apparently his tabloid site gets an average of 6 million hits a day (internationally), and I just feel like--WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THIS WORLD? Why would 6 MILLION PEOPLE be on a site that does nothing but exploit, objectify, ridicule, and degrade public figures for no reason? Oh well, I know I shouldn't care--I guess I'm just a bit of an idealist and I wish the media wasn't so shallow and affected. It's like, why do these people get such a high out of bringing others down for no real reason?

I must say, I think this Perez Hilton guy is quite dangerous because has actually made a BUSINESS out of calling people fat, ugly whores! Why is this? Is it because the general public has somehow become so obsessed with the media that it is entirely acceptable to trash public figures (and their children) and call them all sorts of names JUST FOR THE HECK OF IT? I mean, there was even some blogger on there picking a part the appearance of my 8 year-old sister--it made me sick to my stomach to see that. She's just a little girl--and she's my adorable, beautiful little sister! I cried my eyes out when I saw that, I was so disgusted.

Sorry, I don't mean to get preachy on you guys--I guess I'm just venting. I also wanted to get all of this out there because I don't think there's a lot of people inside of the media who talk openly about it's artificiality, and really question why this is happening, and I think it's about time we started. Because the media really is in a terrible place right now, and I truly feel like the more tabloid magazines we buy, and the more tabloid sites we blog on, the more we are feeding into this dangerous obsession with the media that is spiraling out of control.

Thanks for reading this guys... this subject is very close to my heart, so I had a lot to say about it, and those of you who actually finished reading this whole thing are troopers : )

I'd be very interested to hear from all of you about this--please write me!!


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Alexa Ray Joel (Billy Joel's daughter)
« Reply #24 on: April 30, 2007, 07:09:05 pm »
I think the fact that he publised her response without any comment is as close to an apology as he will get. Besides, the readers comments to both of his posts on Alexa are pretty positive, which means this ended up working in favor of Alexa, since more people will access her myspace and, therefore, listen to her music. So, despite any emotional damage done, this whole media exposure only helped her.


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Alexa Ray Joel (Billy Joel's daughter)
« Reply #26 on: May 05, 2007, 12:33:51 pm »
Quote from: "PianoGirl4444"

I'm with Laura.  It sucks to be called ugly - no matter who you are.

Why are people so fucking MEAN?!

Yeah I agree, not much more to say really except that she is hot and also incredibly nice so get over yourselves
You say we're too young but maybe you're too old to remember...


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Alexa Ray Joel (Billy Joel's daughter)
« Reply #27 on: May 05, 2007, 08:07:42 pm »
ugh Perez is SUCH an asshole. i bet he has so many insecurities about himself that he just feels the need to put people like Alexa down. what a jerk


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Alexa Ray Joel (Billy Joel's daughter)
« Reply #28 on: May 06, 2007, 07:07:20 pm »

not my site, but im surprised i didnt think of it first. add it & PLEASE spread the word. thanks


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Alexa Ray Joel (Billy Joel's daughter)
« Reply #29 on: May 08, 2007, 12:33:25 pm »
Oh, please. That's what Perez and a lot of other bloggers do. His site's hilarious and if Alexa Ray can't handle being criticised, why the hell is she tyring to get into the music industry? This has happened twice now, she needs to grow some skin. Her attitude surrounding this is turning me off of her music.