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Messages - Pyro

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Live Shows / 07/10/2005: Nissan Pavilion - Bristow, VA (review)
« on: July 10, 2005, 09:43:41 pm »
Quote from: "ILoveHanson"
it was amazing. i was the only one around me who was enjoying vanessa (up until she played atm) which was sad. i started crying during the one and some lady in the next section walked over and handed me tissues lol.. that was embarassing. it was very good. her voice was perfect tonight. brian will have a special treat for you all tomorrow. :)

Cool, I'm looking forward to finding out what that is!  8)

Live Shows / 07/10/2005: Nissan Pavilion - Bristow, VA (review)
« on: July 10, 2005, 09:29:22 pm »
I just got back too! It really was amazing. I'm still ecstatic over the fact that I was within a few yards of Vanessa, in person! :D

Wow. I mean, she looked lovely. She sang beautifully. She played with grace and talent. I think it was the best live performance I've ever seen from her! It's the only one I've ever seen in person, but I've seen a lot of footage from some of her other performances. This one was just perfect.

She started right on time and I believe the songs she played were:
Ordinary Day (and she sang the alternate lyrics! Divide and conquer!)
Who's to say
White Houses
This Time
Put Your Hands on Me
Best Behavior (Only You)
A Thousand Miles
The One

I'm pretty sure that was the order. Not 100% though.

And I had the best seats! I had expected to be sitting way in the back because I could only afford cheap tickets, but my friend got the tickets like a few hours before the show, and they were right in the center, section 102, way up front just behind the orchestra seats. I couldn't have asked for better seats because I wouldn't have wanted to be in the orchestra seats, or further back either. And then I had my binoculars! So I had a spectacular view of Vanessa! I could see every strand of hair and every sparkle on her dress... lol.

And I was so glad when she came back on for the cover of Rock & Roll. I whipped out my binoculars and stared at her swaying and singing. I was sad when she left the stage though. But then she came back at the end and bowed! I was happy.

And Stevie Nicks was really good too. I wasn't familiar with her songs but she really rocked. The songs near the end were the best. But that beauty and the beast one was kind of weird. 0_o But she was really great.

The musicians were extremely talented. The percussionist was unbelievable. Her drummer was amazing. The guitar players were awesome. And her piano player was very talented. I guess the harpsichord guy was good too but I couldn't really distinguish his playing.

The lights were fantastic! They were so cool, but probably bad for anyone with epilepsy. It got pretty extreme sometimes.

I too ran into people who didn't know who Vanessa was. I guess this guy in front of my friend and me saw me singing the words to her songs, and eventually he and the people with him asked us who she was. They were like, "I've never heard of her before," and, "Is she playing her own songs? I thought she was playing someone else's songs."  And that was while she was playing "A Thousand Miles"! After she said "Yes, I'm that girl."!  :roll: Of course I set them straight, and promoted her cds. :D I was disappointed that so many of the people there were Stevie fans and pretty much disregarded Vanessa, but I couldn't be too upset with them. They'd probably have a fit if I went in saying, "Who is Stevie Nicks?" "Does she play that oldies music?" lol. Actually my mom thought Stevie was a guy until I told her when we got to the pavilion. I really want to a concert that's all Vanessa's so the fans will all be hyped to see her instead of ignoring her and chatting about.

I looked around, but I couldn't pick out any Nessaholics either. I also desperately wanted to meet Vanessa, but I didn't ask anyone because I didn't see anyone who looked like they had some sort of connections. I instead looked for ways to sneak backstage. (hehe :twisted: ) I brought the picture I drew of her (here's a link if anyone is interested) and was hoping to get her to sign it, or maybe I'd give it to her. But oh well, I'm sure I'll meet her one day.

All in all it was an amazing concert. It would be so cool if one day my friend and I end up on stage performing. He's a great drummer, and I sing and play the piano (and the sax too). That would be great. :)

Live Shows / 7/10/2005: Nissan Pavilion - Bristow, VA
« on: July 10, 2005, 01:13:54 pm »
Yeah, I'm wondering if I should make a sign that says "NESSAholics! Over Here!" lol.  I don't think I will though.

Live Shows / 6/21/2005: Joe's Pub- New York, NY (review)
« on: July 10, 2005, 09:04:46 am »
Quote from: "All I Ask2003"
i've got it up on yousendit! (i think)

Hey, thanks so much! This is so cool, it makes me wish I could go to a Vanessa concert... (hopefully I will tonight! :D) I found the link in the "Where can I download _____" thread, but I came here because I couldn't get that link to work.  But it worked here! Great show! And it was so funny when she was saying she was a threat to society with her "naughty" White Houses lyrics. lol!

Live Shows / 7/10/2005: Nissan Pavilion - Bristow, VA
« on: July 10, 2005, 07:28:57 am »
So where are we meeting up? By the merch booths?

Live Shows / 7/10/2005: Nissan Pavilion - Bristow, VA
« on: July 08, 2005, 12:28:40 pm »
Lol, calm down. I don't even have tickets yet so I'm the one who should be freaking out. I will get tickets though, no matter what. It's just hard cuz I have no munny. :(

Live Shows / 7/10/2005: Nissan Pavilion - Bristow, VA
« on: July 08, 2005, 11:13:10 am »
Hey, can I meet up with you guys too? If there's a meet and greet I'd love to be a part of that.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Where can i download _____ ???
« on: July 08, 2005, 10:02:00 am »
Thanks everyone! Another new song, Whooooo! Vanessa never seems to have a bad song. Best Behavior just proves it. Love it.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Re: White Horses
« on: July 07, 2005, 07:56:09 am »
Quote from: "Si_duffers!"
Did they edit them to white horses?!

lol, no. They just edited out blood in "rush of........... oh oh, and a little bit of pain."

And speaking of MTV edits, they also didn't like the original ending to the Pretty Baby video when she had her guy tied up. I think it was changed, but I can't remember.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / White Horses
« on: July 05, 2005, 07:00:31 pm »
Lol! I was just watching my video of the world premiere of White Houses on MTV, and I just noticed they misspelled it as "White Horses"! That sucks so much. It was bad enough that they edited her lyrics. Poor, Vanessa, no respect. :(

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Vanessa on "Celebrity Charades"
« on: July 03, 2005, 05:37:55 pm »
It really is sad that people don't know her. I bet she'd have a much larger fanbase if more people knew who she was. I've been spreading the word as much as I can though. I love Vanessa! She was so pretty and cute on CC. The losers from that show better have gone out and bought her cd!

Quote from: "phu"
i stole the beginning from JazzyManda - thank you Amanda :D
it's the demo tape version...

All I Ask.pdf
All I Ask.mid

Good job! I'd figured out All I Ask a long time ago, I just never wrote it down. :B  I play it a little bit differently though. Would you like to compare transcriptions with me?

Live Shows / 7/10/2005: Nissan Pavilion - Bristow, VA
« on: July 03, 2005, 09:17:15 am »
Quote from: "ILoveHanson"
they released really good seats on ticketmaster. i just bought a 4th row ticket. i decided to buy the expensive ones since it will be my last time seeing vanessa until she tours again. i had to play around with it to make sure i got the left side and not right lol but i got em.
Cool! Take some pictures, please. This will be my first time seeing Vanessa, and unfortunately, I'll have to get the cheapest tickets. :( I'll bring some binoculars though. lol

Live Shows / 7/10/2005: Nissan Pavilion - Bristow, VA
« on: July 01, 2005, 02:35:08 pm »
I'm going (hopefully... still haven't got tickets yet)! Can't wait! :D

Live Shows / Vanessa opening for Stevie Nicks
« on: July 01, 2005, 02:23:35 pm »
Thanks, B. I'm really looking forward to the concert. But I hope there is a lot of Vanessa. I've never heard Stevie Nicks' music before; I don't know if I'd be interested in it. I guess I should take GardenStateGirlies word that it'll be good.

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