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Topics - GeNuInEwAnNaBe69

Pages: [1]
Completely Off-Topic / Whitehouses is 16!
« on: January 29, 2006, 10:08:25 am »
On saturday January 28th, Nessaholic Whitehouses turned sweet 16!  


Out of curiousity does anyone know who the inspiration behind Who's to Say is? Or is this Nessa's version of "You're so vain"?

Polls / Harriet Miers- Yay or Nay?
« on: October 24, 2005, 02:52:36 pm »
Harriet Miers is the new nominee to the Surpeme Court some bipartisan facts:

1. she is in favor of overturning Roe Vs. Wade
2. She has never been a judge
3. She did not fill out her recent questionarre properly and is being asked to fill it out again

Polls / Have you ever been outside of the US?
« on: October 19, 2005, 02:34:37 pm »
I'm big on travel, any suggestions on where to go?

Creative Endeavors / Any Artists In the house?
« on: October 19, 2005, 02:27:26 pm »
Has anyone done any artwork they want to share?  I'll put some of mine on later.


Entertainment - Movies / TV / Books / Tracy Chevalier (Novelist)
« on: October 16, 2005, 04:50:26 pm »
She is one of my favorite authors and has gotten a little more popularity since Scarelett Johansson and Colin Firth starred in "Girl with a Pearl Earring" based on her book.  Has anyone else read anything by her?

ie. Falling Angels, The Lady and the Unicorn, or Virgin Blue?

Since he has been more popular lately, and I am a very big fan, I thought I would see what sort of fan base he has among Nessaholics

So, do you
a. Like Jon Stewert well enough
B. Love him!
C. Never Heard of Him

Introduce Yourself / Genuine Wannabe
« on: October 10, 2005, 02:03:13 pm »
I am 15, from New York and, like all of you, love Vanessa Carlton's music.
I am an aspiring artist and art historian.  I only recently, and due in part to Nessa, started dabbling in music, but with a paintbrush in my hands I feel more willing to express myself than in front of my keyboard.  But, after giving it too much thought, I have started to see stark similarities between the two.  I also occassionaly whip out a notebook and write stories.  In short-- I'm artsy.

I wanted to join Nessaholics because something about Vanessa's music inspired me and my art and I wanted to meet and discuss that with other people.  

Don't be shy!

Creative Endeavors / Déjà Vu
« on: October 10, 2005, 01:39:29 pm »
I found this online and I loved it:

Déjà Vu

You’re born into a world where everything is new
Experimenting with things that before long become familiar

Soon learning that even before you’ve lived it,
The ink on the course of you life has dried

An endless chain of identical days lay before your feet
And in no time at all you’re too big and your world is too small

Then one day, the life you had always been expected to lead
Morphs into a life a world away from everything you know

It expands the scope of all you can achieve and permanently altars
Your perception of the “you” you are and will be

The magic in the world you just left seems pathetic and
Meaningless to the renovated aristocrat you are

Mingled with your new maturity and social standing
Is an unquenchable hunger for discovery

Yet, though your “new” life seems far removed from the former,
Inevitably your course has once again been predetermined

And your miraculous world seems to shrink just as the other had
Into bit-sized food for thought that hardly satisfies anymore[/u]

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