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Messages - HarmySandwhich

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General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / What singles would YOU release?
« on: September 28, 2007, 09:32:49 am »
Home or This Time

Completely Off-Topic / For all the old school nessaholic fans
« on: September 28, 2007, 09:28:09 am »
I'm here. I was Meraphix on the VCMBs

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Fan Reviews of Heroes and Thieves
« on: September 28, 2007, 09:11:45 am »
I promised to write a review of Heroes and Thieves and so I think I will now. Admitably, upon first listening, I didn't think the album was anything really special. I don't mean that in a negative way - of course I really enjoyed listening to it the first time and the anticipation of what the next one track would sound like. But personally, I didn't get any real amazement until I heard Home. Obviously, I had heard it to some extent thanks to Ghisy hooking me up and the recording Nessa did with Star Lounge Radio. I had always loved this song and there wasn't one second that I thought it could get any better. Well, I was wrong. The thought of this song having strings, a piano solo and a drum rhythm never cross my mind at all. Saying that, these additions make Home even more special that it already is. I can't really beging to explain just how wonderful that piece of music is, especially the piano solo. Its melody and the way the drums are placed - it's just something you'll be humming for many years to come. I love the way Home stops [as if finished] and starts again. Whenever I listen to that piano solo, I keep thinking to myself that I'm really lucky to be able to find music which is so gorgeous. If I had to make a negative critisism, I would say that the very ending sounds too much like Pachabel's Canon.

Let's get back to the start with Nolita Fairytale. Ever since I heard that promo clip of this song, I thought, "that's it - this is going to be such a John Mayer Continuum-like album". I couldn't be more right and suprisingly, I'm not the only one who holds this opinion. This isn't necessarily a bad opinion, in fact it isn't. I like John Mayer but I always thought he was much better sticking at the acoustic-pop stuff. Getting back on Nessa, I believe that this swift change is good for her. It's refreshingly different from both Be Not Nobody and Harmonium. I think she's at a stage where she's producing more singable tracks and she knows she's getting better at creating melody. Nolita Fairytale is no exception and I generally find this song to be completely solid. My only pet peeve is the part where Nessa shouts out, "Hey!", which reminds me too much of Avril. I'm not a fan of Avril and anyone is perfectly entitled to write any lyrics they want to but in my opinion, the "Hey!" part just didn't think. It would be better off without it.

Moving swiftly to Put Your Hands on Me - i've got to say that I don't like the production of this song. I think that it's an awesome song. I loved it ever since she debuted it. I was actually expecting this track to be a solo song with little drumming much like Afterglow was. Instead, I heard the track which appeared to me, as being over-produced. The more I listen to this track the more I can pick things that I don't like. Those strings that appear - upond first listen I didn't think they were too bad but I do now. Let's be honest, it's not the best violin you've heard is it? The sound of the violins sound weak and sound more like added effects rather than actually coming from a wooded and holed instrument. Another thing which I didn't like it how upbeat the song was - the drumming sounded as if it came from a drum machine [I'm a guitar player and that drum machine sound is only too familiar to my ears]. I disliked the way the track included added vocal effects just before the chorus. If you listen real carefully, you can hear some vocal effect thats very subdued and sounds very much like - "Oh boy!" There are two further things that annoy me about this song - the added vocals on the chorus sounded terrible I think - those high vocals harmonized with Nessas. I didn't like that too much and the same goes with the Choir. I don't hate this song but I was just disappointed - way too overproduced.

I'm going to go on one of my favourites, Spring Street. Like many, I didn't like this upon first listen. It was hard to pick a real melody I think. You can always tell whether a song has melody. Likewise, you can always tell when the melody consists mainly of aimless singing trying to stick to a particular tune. This was exactly the first thing that I thought of. However, it grew on me and there is definitely a melody there in the verses, even though it's quite hard to make out. The "Nanana" part doesn't really annoy me but I believe that Nessa could have done better with the verses. My favourite part of this song is the part beginning, "Everything Changes". It sounds like a completely different song but like Home, I think it's a gorgeous piece of music, especially when Nessa sings the note, "Never Forget You". It's that gorgeous voice which really makes me adore her - it's very admirable. It's a very well produced track I think.

The next song is one which is still growing on me. The song is called My Best and it is evidently not her best track but that doesn't matter because that's not what the reference is to :lol:. It's a heartbreaking story about two lovers who have decided to split but never forget they their partner's always gave their best so even though there are no tears it just commemorates a very unfortunate happening. My favourite part of this song is the chorus - no doubt about it. It's sticks in your head and it's very catchy. I also like the way Nessa changes her pitch when she sings, "Never Tell" - if only she did more of those in this track.
The only criticism of this track I can think of is the fact that the verses are just too long. At least that's just what I think. I find myself trying to sing the chorus but falling short just because I didn't expect the verse to be too long. It's a great effort Nessa but I would have enjoyed a much simpler verse.

The next song is Come Undone and i'll be frank, it's alright at best. But by contrast, Come Undone has one of my favourite highlights of the album - i'll comment on this later. I really like the piano bridge but I think the verse is too weak. It's quite like My Best where I didn't know if there was an actual melody or aimless singing. In my opinion, there is very little melody in the beginning verse but I really like her singing when she does actually sing. I think she used the words, "Come Undone" too much. I mentioned briefly that Come Undone had one of my favourite parts of the whole album: this happens beginning, "I tell you what you mean to me" - where she hums out the main bridge. Oh wow - I love music with a lot of humming exactly like this, which is why i'm a huuuge Jessica Harp fan. It's simply beautiful!

Now - let's skip to the worst of the album. The One - let me just stress how much I really, really like this song but I am so disappointed with the way it turned out especially with the vocals Stevie did. A lot of Nessaholics here have expressed the same opinion. Some have suggested not listening to Stevie but how is that really possible? It's there like drowning Cow, mooing. No disrespect to Stevie of course who is legendary but I really didn't like the way she sang The One. The fact that she sang this song the way she did is a major negative criticism. I love everything else but I think Stevie has ruined it for me because I always dread hearing the chorus whenever I listen to this song. So far, editing Stevie's vocals have been a impossible feat for me but i'm still trying, :lol:. One of the things i'm glad about the way The One did turn out was the fact that she played the Alternate version that she debuted live in Japan. This features a difference in the way she uses the chords on the verse, which makes the song sound much more sad as she gradually steps down from each chord she plays. But personally, i'd give anything to have the old version of The One back [the one she debuted Live @ The Living Room] on the condition that Stevie is excluded.

The next track is Heroes and Thieves. In my personal opinion, I think this is quite a neutral track but I didn't think it was that great as to call the album after it. I would be more satisfied if the album was called something like, "Fools Like Me" [*asks for a show of hands of those who agree*]. Even Nolita Fairytale would have sounded better. However, I think there's a reason why elected Heroes and Thieves - would it be perhaps because it's the main theme of the album? I'm pretty sure this is the reason. Heroes and Thieves is a wonderful track and I have to give Nessa a lot of credit for singing and keeping the parts she struggled with - the crack in her voice in the chorus. In some places such as the very end it sounds quite bad but better than the promo version that was released a while ago. However, saying that I think she did a realy good attempt at the second chorus where it was almost perfect. Heroes and Thieves for me is quite a neutral track - amazing melody but there wasn't anything particularly special about it. What I liked most was the bridge towards the end where she builds up a beautiful hum - "without you...ohh..". It's lovely. +10 for more of these on the next album. All these hums are a great way of producing melody in the album.

This time, I have to say is one of my favourites off the new album, if not, my favourite. It's exactly the way I envisioned it. Of course, we all had the promo version but there was some confusion about whether this would actually be the final product. The album version is exactly the promo version and I couldn't ask for more. This song is absolutely perfect, from head to toe. There is nothing negative about it and I really mean it. This along with Home are, in my opinion two very, very solid songs without any fault at all. I'm not being nice, I'm telling you "my truth" [no pun intended]. I love the ending where Nessa sings, "This Time" - it's heartbreaking just listening to it but that crucial element is what makes this song so enjoyable. It's got so much emotion to it and i'm astounded how deep this track is.

Alright, i'm coming towards the end of the album with Fools like me. Initially, this track really took me be suprise because the first time Nessa sang this track, it was quite quite dark. To be completely honest, I was expecting this to be very similar to Afterglow. I couldn't be more wrong. This track is upbeat and I'd like to compare this track to Private Radio. I love the additional male vocals which I believe adds something more depth to this song - is that Stephen? It's also very nice to hear Nessa trying to grow as a singer by singing higher notes than she did previously with Be Not Nobody and Harmonium. All credit goes to Nessa because she's evolving into a better singer with each record.

Last track review before my fucking hands fall off. It's called More than This and I still stand my opinion that it sounds like Over the Rainbow, especially the beginning piano bridge. This track is a really personal and beautiful track, I feel. It's full of melody but I have to say the only thing I didn't like about it was the part beginning, "The Tree grows so thick". Quite simply, it doesn't go. No. I didn't like it. To me, it just sounded like aimless singing which I was quite disappointed about. This is a pretty negative criticism I think. This along with Stevie's Vocals are the only two very bad things about this albums, I believe.
In contrast, good call on the choir.

Overall, i'm astounded. Nessa has outdone herself. I never thought for one second that she couldn't. This album is by far superior to Be Not Nobody and in a total different league to Harmonium. Sure, Harmonium was more technical but i'm glad that Nessa traded that for improved vocals on this album. This album has got me playing it, over 15 times and still counting. Great job Nessa - I will love your music forever.

Is anyone as confused as I am?

Threadstarter, take this to the "Where can I download thread" and either way if you want audio that comes from a CD that you can already purchase, there's no point asking for it here. It's synonymous to asking for audio that you can already buy.

A thank you would be nice, I think - and a please :idea:

Quote from: "MVES"
Quote from: "HarmySandwhich"
Here mate:

:( that is not the wav file??

u don't have the CD with the track??
 i mean the retail CD

Bah. I don't understand you!


Quote from: "Hazy Eyes"
I thought you were ripping it for him?


Yeah, sure. I'll upload it for you.

lol. I am. He just misunderstood what I said I guess and asked for it when I already told him that I would do it [which is why I said, *whoosh*]  :lol:

Quote from: "MVES"
Quote from: "Hazy Eyes"
Yeah, it's on my copy of the album.

I think someone's doing it for you though! ;)

yes but we need to get the audio.. for the video :D

u have the audio of te video?

can u help us please :D



Oh yeah, the video version is different from the studio version. Just wait a while and I'll convert it for you.  :wink:

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / It's leaked
« on: September 26, 2007, 02:18:35 pm »

I'm trying to see if I can edit the song so I can remove Stevie's voice..

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Re: Stevie
« on: September 26, 2007, 02:07:32 pm »
Quote from: "Twilight_Angel"
but so far I do think Stevie didnt make it any good.

"So far, Stevie doesn't make it sound great."

Edited  :lol:

But yeah, I agree with Portions and the others. She did sound like a billiegoat. When Nessa said, Stevie sang, "amazing harmonies", did she really mean that? I mean, i'm so disappointed with that one.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / It's leaked
« on: September 26, 2007, 02:01:49 pm »
I think everyone here will be buying it. As some one said before, when we get our presigned copies, we'll have to compare them. What does everyone think the sleeve will end up looking like? It would be really awesome if it was an actual booklet with photos as well as the lyrics.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / It's leaked
« on: September 26, 2007, 01:51:52 pm »
Quote from: "portions.for.foxes"
Quote from: "HarmySandwhich"
Quote from: "portions.for.foxes"
Quote from: "Jophess"
Quote from: "portions.for.foxes"
Another thing I'm noticing, is that the pacing on the album is really steady. Like, the album goes from begining to end in one straight line, it doesn't dip or move in and when it has the potential to finally breathe under all the heavy production, it doesn't.

Like, with BNN and Harmonium, we had lighter songs contrasted with darker and heavier songs, and it felt like those albums had direction. This album has direction, but in a very different sense. Like, there are stand out tracks, but they all have an extremely similar feel and style to them, and there aren't any darker tracks to change the tone of the album at all.

I guess that's how I'd describe it, the album doesn't really change in tone or intensity or feel at all. It all feels really constricted and produced the hell out of. I like the production, but I just wish there was more of a balance with the tracks, because there really isn't any.

That's how I feel at least.

I think repeated listens will mollify this feeling.

Yeah, I hope so. It's still a very bright album though.

SO, people, BNN, Harmonium, or H&T?

I still think Harmonium is her crowning achievement as an artist, H&T is very good and is much better than BNN in my opinion, but Harmonium just holds a very special place in my heart.

Harmonium was a better technical album than either Be Not Nobody and Heroes and Thieves but I think the new one is vastly superior to Be Not Nobody. I think this is Nessa's best work to date purely from a melodic [as in really singable tunes] point of view.

I think we can basically confirm with this album that Ron Fair is a horrible producer. lol

Awww, don't say that. Ordinary Day, A Thousand Miles and Rinse were masterfully produced! However, I have to confess that I think the orchestra arrangement was much better on Be not Nobody than either Heroes and Thieves and Harmonium.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / It's leaked
« on: September 26, 2007, 01:47:42 pm »
Quote from: "portions.for.foxes"
Quote from: "Jophess"
Quote from: "portions.for.foxes"
Another thing I'm noticing, is that the pacing on the album is really steady. Like, the album goes from begining to end in one straight line, it doesn't dip or move in and when it has the potential to finally breathe under all the heavy production, it doesn't.

Like, with BNN and Harmonium, we had lighter songs contrasted with darker and heavier songs, and it felt like those albums had direction. This album has direction, but in a very different sense. Like, there are stand out tracks, but they all have an extremely similar feel and style to them, and there aren't any darker tracks to change the tone of the album at all.

I guess that's how I'd describe it, the album doesn't really change in tone or intensity or feel at all. It all feels really constricted and produced the hell out of. I like the production, but I just wish there was more of a balance with the tracks, because there really isn't any.

That's how I feel at least.

I think repeated listens will mollify this feeling.

Yeah, I hope so. It's still a very bright album though.

SO, people, BNN, Harmonium, or H&T?

I still think Harmonium is her crowning achievement as an artist, H&T is very good and is much better than BNN in my opinion, but Harmonium just holds a very special place in my heart.

Harmonium was a better technical album than either Be Not Nobody and Heroes and Thieves but I think the new one is vastly superior to Be Not Nobody. I think this is Nessa's best work to date purely from a melodic [as in really singable tunes] point of view.

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