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Messages - thirdmovement

Pages: 1 [2]
Entertainment - Movies / TV / Books / 24 (Fox Network)
« on: April 05, 2006, 04:58:11 pm »
Okay I swear I followed the strict protocol and did a search but I couldn't find a '24' thread. So slap me on the wrists if I'm blind.

Anyhow, anyone on here wathching this season? It's absolutely insane if you ask me. I can't get enough of it. But how on earth can the president be involved?? It's beyond comprehension. Post any theories...please....I'm dying here.

No worries, I merged it- Let

Other Musicians / Matisyahu
« on: April 05, 2006, 04:53:28 pm »
Quote from: "TSE"
the cat has a dog? :?

AWESOME laughing my ass off right now.

Other Musicians / r. star
« on: April 05, 2006, 04:51:14 pm »
wow what an interesting sound.  can't really decide if I like it or not. I bet if I listen to it more I'll start loving it.  :?  but yea thanks for pointing him out! I love the beginning of Losing Your Memory...kinda reminds me of church. or weed. (just kidding  :roll: )

sent you a pm

Other Musicians / Fiona Apple
« on: April 05, 2006, 10:40:34 am »
wow I'm amazed by Fiona Apple. All this hype about the "Free Fiona" movement convinced me to pick up her album "extraordinary machine." Now I'm obsessed with all of her songs from that album and now I'm listening to her second, "when the pawn..." Incredible! She's a lyrical master. must see her in concert.

Introduce Yourself / me new to this board...!!!
« on: April 05, 2006, 10:32:56 am »
welcome welcome! I'm new too, and 18, and have been a fan since ATM.  but yea, welcome

Introduce Yourself / I'm "New!"
« on: April 05, 2006, 10:30:56 am »
thanks for the welcomes guys! means a lot.

Introduce Yourself / I'm "New!"
« on: April 03, 2006, 10:43:37 am »
So...I put the 'new' in quotes because I've been a fan for four years. Don't ask why I haven't joined the boards until now because I'm going to tell you right here. The fact is I'm just lazy, and clearly I can procrastinate for 4 years and still manage to join the boards. I've been reading them periodically anyway...I've just been hiding. Proof: I remember back in 2002 when this nh site was in its baby stages and there used to be an intro to the site with "A Thousand Miles" playing in the background. so there. I'm a half-newbie.

Other than that, hello, my name's tim, and I haven't listened to vanessa in 0 days. "Hi Tim, welcome." (see, little things go on in my head and I type them out like that and they probably don't make any sense to you.) So I'm 18, currently homeless (but hopefully this will change soon), I work at the Old Spaghetti Factory in Denver, where I feel like expendable labor because I AM expendable labor.  But I like money. Ummm...I'm going to college soon, but I'm probably staying in state unless NYU accepted me. and then I'm outta he-ah.

Umm... Vanessa is my favorite band above all others. then I absolutely love Fiona Apple and am moderately obsessed with the Low Millions.  I like Ben Folds and Beethoven too. Beethoven's kinda random there but it's because I took classical piano lessons for 11 years and I've been writing my own songs (voice too) for about a year now.  I'm kinda obsessed with writing music. Probably because I'm so bewildered as to how I can love one of my own songs once it's written, but after a week or two, I begin hating it. And that I think is why I keep writing one after the next. I want to write a song I can always play for myself and be satisfied.

But enough of me! I'm rambling. I hope I get to know some of you on these boards.  I think I come across overly opinionated on message boards and what have you, but I'll try my best not to piss any of you off or, on the flip side, be pissed off by any of you.

Oh and keep in me mind for your street team. I'm on the street team for the Low Millions (all like 5 of us) so I have experience!  and I know all the hot spots in denver/boulder.

OH one more thing! My favorite of V's songs is White Houses, even though I really do love every single one of her songs, even the B-sides.  I'm really looking forward to the new album, I think "All Is Well" would be an awesome title because it'd be fancifully ironic.

Crap! Too bad I typed too much, now no one's going to bother reading it.

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