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Messages - milf guy

Pages: 1 [2]
Entertainment - Movies / TV / Books / MTV Europe
« on: March 15, 2004, 01:24:59 pm »
u didnt even ask his name? like " ahhh my friends might know you, but what do i call you?"

Entertainment - Movies / TV / Books / MTV Europe
« on: March 15, 2004, 01:02:37 pm »
he looks familiar but i dont have mtv even if i did i wouldnt watch it hardly ever. i might have seen him at a m8s house once but why not google his name.

it will definetly come up google is the best.

Polls / Wardrobe Malfunction Vs. The Kiss Vs. 24 Hour Marrige
« on: March 15, 2004, 12:50:18 pm »
i vote kiss.

the others were like big deal. marriages break up all the time. and boobs? big deal. tho that was a nasty boob.

now the kiss was a keeper! it was 2 very hot very famous women kissing. i was like "yea this show is badass"

Entertainment - Movies / TV / Books / Worst Movies Ever???
« on: March 15, 2004, 12:46:41 pm »
not seen it but it was very successful. i just remember stories of people leaving and throwing up because it was so scary.

Entertainment - Movies / TV / Books / do u all read?
« on: March 15, 2004, 09:29:29 am »
do many of you here read a lot? types of books are you into? fave authours? and do u all love harry potter like me? :)

yea i like to read. i dont have a book on the go at the minute. i did have stephen kings dreamcatcher but that was way to not for for me.

i am a big fan of fantasy, horror, comedy, what ever. i tend to like most books if i just knuckle down and read them.

reall like stephen king and terry prachette. also i really heart <3 harry potter. im not ashamed to say i was on the point of tears on the last book. harry is so brave <3

I merged your topic into a similar one for you, there is also a Harry Potter thread if you want to talk about him with other fans-Let-[/size]

Entertainment - Movies / TV / Books / Worst Movies Ever???
« on: March 15, 2004, 09:23:12 am »
kill bill is a masterpiece! tarentino is a wicked director just look at the pans and the way the camera moves thru the whole film! the positions the sounds man that film is amazong.

I really love films with a juicy plot, good acting, goo camera work and good set ups. I also love films with people who i want to be. Like last night i saw this crappy film called steel frontier (some b movie) but it had this cool guy like the gunslinger from a stephen king book. he is like a ranger and the coolest man ever. so i liked the film cos i wanted to be that man.

but back onto crap films:

Unbreakable - totally whack.
Rollerball - the old one and the re make. chris clein what are u doing.
Hulk - this maybe because i was tired but i fell asleep.
save the last dance - its like this. "no your not funny, your fat"

there aint many films i hate because i love films i can watch 5 new films a week easily.

i have no new films to watch tonight,

Entertainment - Movies / TV / Books / The Lord Of The Rings
« on: March 15, 2004, 09:03:35 am »
ghisy i hate you. i have one of the worst colds in the world i have not smoked for 2 days because my throat feel like sandpaper. And u just made me laugh quite hard!

there are some funny ones there partly because i done a lot of them while watching return of the king lol.

also the 3rd movie eats any movie and spits it out. omg it is badass! rohan rock i love the classical piece for them!

Introduce Yourself / hello i am new
« on: March 15, 2004, 08:37:25 am »
i like vanessa carltons music and i think she is way hot. and i like forums. well some forums. there seems to be a nice community here so i thought id try and join :)

Also im learning the piano and a forum full of people who love a pianist would be a good place to get to know people.

i will read a lot more than i post. Half the time i just laugh/agree/disagree in my head and dont end up writing anything. so even tho my post count will be low i am reading :)

nice work! musta take a fair few minutes :)

grakthis i really appreciate this! I am getting the songs i dont have, ill get the others a bit later in a week or so to save ur bandwidth and let every 1 else get some :)

I was getting really excited when i read there was this demo tape floating about. If you would like me to have a copy i'd be more than happy to help people get it (im in the uk) and would be willing to send it any where as long as i was sent a SAE (with stamps).

but if that has all stopped okey. cant w8 to hear these songs i bet they will be great!

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Official Vanessa Pictures Thread
« on: March 15, 2004, 07:56:37 am »
mucho hot!

Introduce Yourself / hello i am new
« on: March 11, 2004, 09:26:02 am »
not know it all just know foums :)

yea my name comes form me looking like the guy from american pie. the one who chants milf. you know the milf guy. I like the ick name and it has stuck as my internet handle.

Introduce Yourself / hello i am new
« on: March 11, 2004, 09:03:33 am »
well im not brand new. in fact im 19 years old but who knows how long i have left.

dont worry i just thought id best say hello :) i wont spam or double post i am computer literate and understand how forums work and what people hate :)

so hello all hope all is well in your lives and thats all i have to say because i dunno what else to say.

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