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Messages - Jessica

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lol maybe she thinks that that's the way you're supposed to type online.
or maybe stephan was typing it for her as they hang around the house and he was trying to be funny lol


watch this regina spektor video-- its one of my favorites:

does anyone else like the new snow patrol song w/ martha wainright? its so pretty. even though i was listening to it while d riving and got a flat tire and now it reminds me of that and how pissed off i was. eh.

Polls / What's the cheesiest pick up line you've ever gotten?
« on: September 13, 2006, 08:35:28 pm »
haha this is a great thread. *bumps*

an 80 year old man at costco came up to me and asked if he could marry me.

umm... once i was walking on the sidewalk and a guy drove by and said "hey sexy!" and so i screamed back "hey UGLY!" that was fun.

Completely Off-Topic / Make-Up Tips!
« on: September 09, 2006, 11:11:55 pm »
i am make up retarded.
my friends laugh at me cos i own like, one eye shadow. and it was a gift. hahaha.

i've changed cosmetic brands throught the years...

i started off with clinique when i was 13 i think, then switched to MAC and eventually their products made me break out (and i have really good skin) so i was mad about that . lol. so i switched to Chanel for foundation or powders.. and i really like it. oh i also tried benefit. it's ok for somethings.. i like lancome's skin care, like their facewash. it's the only one that doesnt make my face feel tight and stiff after i wash it.

i recently braved liquid eyeliner. its kind of fun. i dont really know why i'm not that great with eyeshadows and stuff like thatbecause i can draw, paint and design well. i'm just bad at painting my face. lmao

ooh, i like Benefit's cheek stain. you can also use it on your lip for a natural red look.

>>> my favorites:


Polls / New Facebook: Love it or hate it?
« on: September 07, 2006, 09:51:24 pm »
i just saw it for like .5 seconds and was like WTF and then my ADD kicked in cos i didnt take my meds today and was like weeee lets go to the nh boards.

so yes.
here i am.
and i don't know if i like it yet.
ima gonna go......

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Vanessa and Irv pictured together
« on: September 07, 2006, 09:50:14 pm »
Quote from: "Steveau"
Looks like it's probably going down. It still feels strange but I'm sure they're better at promoting. Maybe she'll get a mention in a new Ja Rule rap.

maybe she'll do background mmmbops ;p

Polls / What do you prefer
« on: September 02, 2006, 04:10:59 pm »
i dont really have a preference..

i love maynard keenan's voice from Tool. esp. when he sings w/ a perfect circle, and on the most recent tool album 10,000 days... his voice is beautiful.
and when he sang with his friend tori amos at her concert...

i also love fiona apple's voice.. ben jelen has a great voice too.. hmm

yeah can't decide.

Completely Off-Topic / Guys and ass...
« on: September 02, 2006, 04:07:39 pm »
Quote from: "MeganJane"
I don't know.

But according to Scrubs, the difference between a black girl and a white girl is that when a black girl asks you if her ass looks big in those pants, you better say "hell yeah!" Haha

hahah, i'm white, and yes, he better say hell yeah! lol
my boyfriend says "i like your ass!" and i say "thanks i like it too :)"

i think everyone should love their ass.

i'm colombian/urugauyan and my ass resembles shakira's. it makes me proud. hehhe


Completely Off-Topic / New Baby!
« on: September 02, 2006, 03:51:45 pm »
how cute she has a little thing to support her head!

good luck with parenthood!
its definately something i couldn't brave to do...

Other Musicians / Me
« on: September 01, 2006, 01:01:43 am »
Quote from: "Ghisy"
Jess, I downloaded the song before leaving for work.
Will give it a listen tonight! ;)

thanks!! i'm suprised i hadn't harrassed you sooner to go to my page and listen hehe ;p

Other Musicians / Me
« on: September 01, 2006, 01:00:29 am »
Quote from: "MeganJane"
Hey, I'm already your friend on myspace, I think your compositions are very cool  :razz:

thanks!! yes, i've been to your page before... can't wait to hear some of your recordings!

Polls / Whats your fav fast-food?
« on: September 01, 2006, 12:51:56 am »
since i got bored of all the polls that we've all already done on  the first page and am not wise enough to create a new poll, i'm bringing the old ones back from the dead ;)  


that's what fast food should be.
fast and fresh. and doesn't make me question what really is in my hamburger.

and if you haven't had it... then get yourself to southern california at some point in your life.

i think its weird that people take money into account of whether they like the fast food restaurant or not. i've never really looked at the prices before.... its fast food, it's cheap no matter where you go.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Vanessa and Stephan at Bungalow 8
« on: September 01, 2006, 12:34:49 am »
Quote from: "milla"
this is irrelevant to vanessa but ashlee simpson shouldn't have got a nose job..her nose was like the one thing that made her vaguely interesting looking.

and now she just looks like every other person in the music industry that doesnt deserve to be there

Polls / which drink you prefer
« on: August 31, 2006, 05:14:37 pm »
not a big fan of soda...

iced tea is my favorite :)

Creative Endeavors / Nessaholic Musicians Unite!
« on: August 31, 2006, 10:34:36 am »
Quote from: "MeganJane"
Ok, so I didn't think to put it on myspace, but it was mostly my idea, and I don't even get a mention. That sucks!

My idea:

Us nessaholics who are singers/songwriters/musicians etc. inspired by the work of Vanessa, could have a page on the Nessaholics site, with a photo, brief bio or summary of what we do, links to our sites/myspace pages etc.
It could be like a "If you like Vanessa Carlton, you may also like..." page. I think it would be good for us to support each other, because I'm sure not everyone who visits joins the forums.

I started up this thread as I had an idea for us to help each other. Why did you leave me out of it? I didn't even get a friend request.

yeah, what happened?? :(

Creative Endeavors / Nessaholic Musicians Unite!
« on: August 30, 2006, 04:40:09 pm »
Quote from: "medic0803"
the site is up!

I am using my magic wand at the moment... so.. it mights get more profile view soon  :wink:

hey! it looks great!! only thing is... could i change my little bio thing that's on the page? it sounds kinda funny with the tense changed...

could you replace it with this: ?

For as long as she can remember, Jessica has loved music and has been fascinated by musical instruments. She was born in Los Angeles, California in March of 1986, the youngest of three daughters born to a Uruguayan mother and Colombian father. With the influence of her Latin parents and older sisters, she was exposed to a diverse range of music at a young age. From Tango to Classic Rock, to American Pop. She began experimenting with many instruments in elementary school but none of them suited her liking. At age 13, she began a year of piano lessons that got her started on the right foot until her family moved again, with many months in between without instruction or a piano. A few more years went by without lessons but her love for the piano was still strong. When her family made their final move back to Los Angeles, she completed one final year of classical training. After being fed up with the instructor and being treated like she was never good enough she decided she was better off alone. Choosing her own repertoire and teaching herself whatever she wanted to learn, from Beethoven to Vanessa Carlton. This freedom made her much happier and opened the opportunity for creativity to bloom. At age seventeen she began drifting away during practice and experimenting with different sounds, beats and melodies. Eventually these experiments turned into songs, which she learned to use as a retreat from daily life.

if its too long let me know :) thanks!

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