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Messages - HarmySandwhich

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Quote from: "bumblebee429"
Sorry, I went through the files you uploaded and worked it out

This is Sessions@AOL 2002, Be Not Nobody era:
Quote from: "HarmySandwhich"

and this is Sessions@AOL 2004, Harmonium era:
Quote from: "HarmySandwhich"

:) thanks again!

xox Sarah


Thank God. I was going to throw myself off a cliff a second ago.  I thought I had gone mad.

Quote from: "bumblebee429"
Quote from: "HarmySandwhich"

I'm 100% sure that's the Harmonium Session @ AOL. There were 2 Harmonium AOL Sessions? I'm confused. I thought there were two AOL Sessions: one from Be Not Nobody and one from Harmonium.

Yeh, there were two. That one is the Be Not Nobody one (with A Thousand Miles, then a long interview, finishing with Paradise)

I'm still confused. The file I gave you, "AOL Sessions.RAR" contained the files, White Houses, HAWBW, Who's to say, Afterglow, papa and SF". This is the file you were looking for, isn't it? But you say it isn't?


I'm 100% sure that's the Harmonium Session @ AOL. There were 2 Harmonium AOL Sessions? I'm confused. I thought there were two AOL Sessions: one from Be Not Nobody and one from Harmonium.

Quote from: "bumblebee429"
Quote from: "HarmySandwhich"
Quote from: "bumblebee429"
could someone please upload the mp3s of the Harmonium Sessions @ AOL?

Thanks so much

AOL Sessions 2.O

Thanks, but does anyone have the 2004 sessions @ AOL? From the Harmonium era?

xox Sarah

Er. I'm pretty sure that's it - the Harmonium ones, right? That's the file. The date on the file might be wrong but that's the AOL Sessions from the Harmonium era.

I feel as if White Houses was the best choice to be released first as a single and I never understood why exactly it didn't do so well - possibly because of "label doing a crap job promoting it", getting banned on MTV, but I think it really is the hallmark of the album. If I didn't pick White Houses as the lead single, I probably would have picked Afterglow because it's very radio friendly. Perhaps Private Radio would be a good first single too but I fear the negative criticism going for a more ironic direction.

If it were my choice, Summer would be a good time to release the single.

Polls / Nolita Fairytale
« on: June 22, 2007, 06:12:51 am »
Guys, I think it just may be a track that's better sung with percussion. For example, Private Radio sound better with it. I'm sure Nolita will be a rarity seeing as though a lot of the time, Nessa doesn't tour with a full band. That's my opinion anyway.

Completely Off-Topic / Happy Birthday to me
« on: June 21, 2007, 11:35:07 am »
Quote from: "KULPDOGG"

happy birthday!


Thanks. I'm feeling a little upset. I got one lousy text and it's 20:30pm. Share your worst Birthdays (please).

Completely Off-Topic / Happy Birthday to me
« on: June 21, 2007, 11:29:47 am »


Why does everyone have to be in Switzerland?

Quote from: "white_houses"
Quote from: "HarmySandwhich"
New interview?

Or is this old? She is so pissed.

It's being talked about in this topic ;)

Sorry. I've been a little off lately on the forums. Anyway - yeah, she had way too much Vodka there.

EDIT: OH! This is where Kulp got that clip from!

New interview?

Or is this old? She is so pissed.

Quote from: "KULPDOGG"
Quote from: "zurielshimon"
Quote from: "musicnotex"
omg that clip totally rocked :D so happy to hear v play it with just the piano! i wonder if theres anyway to get an mp3  file from that one heh...

Theoretically, if you can hear it on your computer speakers, you can get it on MP3. :wink:

i'm on it, give me a minute to upload it...


Kulp. I fucking love you man.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / V's Site is (Kinda) Back Up!! =]
« on: June 21, 2007, 01:30:28 am »
That is fucking awesome. I've waited so long for the site to be updated. I was a little disappointed with the last update, especially the VCMB where there were a lot of seperated forums.

I just think this whole situation is a terrible mess. If I had heard House, I would give it to everyone else [if I was allowed to]. Blueglove, think of the situation if you were in our shoes. Would you or would you not be yearning for at least a small clip? I'm not saying you're obligated to provide us with samples at all but you can't know how the rest of us feel. You're not in the position to know what it feels like.
You should at least have the decency to not talk about House, seeing as, 1.) none of us can respond with credible feedback and 2.) we'll just be yearning for a clip, which you "tell us to stop asking for" [figuratively speaking] and 3.) it's egotistical, no matter how much you deny it.

I'm sure you'll taken a few tracks for others from the Downloads thread. It was their decision to provide a track [if it was rare etc], and no doubt you said "thanks". When you talk about House, what do you want us to say - oh that's great you have this track and we don't, won't you please tell us more about it so we can yearn some more?

Quote from: "ManuelD"
Quote from: "HarmySandwhich"
Quote from: "Gingernut"
Quote from: "HarmySandwhich"
Quote from: "Emmyspiano"
i LOVED the dancing WH! it was like nothing else on mtv

My thoughts exactly. I have a video already pre-conceived in my mind with Nessa dancing down a waterfall/stream, surounded by fairies, signing.

I always thought Vanessas music was a bit too mature for fairies. I'm thinking of her actually walking down a street, but my imagination sucks :)

You're right, your imagination sucks. :lol:. Lemme try enlighten it:

I'd always imagined, Nessa would be wearing something like this in the video. She'll be dancing around this, surrounded with these, with maybe a little of mist

It's not a Disney movie.

Oh come on. It's called an imagination. Whenever I listen to Nolita Fairytale I always think of that setting (above).

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