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Messages - HarmySandwhich

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So no one liked my idea then  :lol:

Quote from: "Gingernut"
Quote from: "HarmySandwhich"
Quote from: "Gingernut"
Yeah I guess you're right. But where does Peter Pan come into this?

That was Peter Pan?  :oops:  

I've never seen Peter Pan. Alright - perhaps this?

It wasn't Peter Pan, it was a joke. I just see this song as a sort of coming of age thing with V. I think she's matured in her songwriting and in herself, so fairies would kinda contradict the song IMHO.


Quote from: "Gingernut"
Yeah I guess you're right. But where does Peter Pan come into this?

That was Peter Pan?  :oops:  

I've never seen Peter Pan. Alright - perhaps this?

Quote from: "Gingernut"
Quote from: "HarmySandwhich"
Quote from: "Emmyspiano"
i LOVED the dancing WH! it was like nothing else on mtv

My thoughts exactly. I have a video already pre-conceived in my mind with Nessa dancing down a waterfall/stream, surounded by fairies, signing.

I always thought Vanessas music was a bit too mature for fairies. I'm thinking of her actually walking down a street, but my imagination sucks :)

You're right, your imagination sucks. :lol:. Lemme try enlighten it:

I'd always imagined, Nessa would be wearing something like this in the video. She'll be dancing around this, surrounded with these, with maybe a little of mist

Quote from: "Emmyspiano"
i LOVED the dancing WH! it was like nothing else on mtv

My thoughts exactly. I have a video already pre-conceived in my mind with Nessa dancing down a waterfall/stream, surounded by fairies, signing.

Other Musicians / Joe Satriani
« on: June 17, 2007, 03:08:52 pm »
Chances are slim but anyway.

Anyone? I know Dan (GuitarDude from the VCMB, swore by him)


Another Video:

Quote from: "whitehouses81680"
it's called "quail dude squaw"'

Ahhhhhhh. I thought so. That's the one that's rumoured to be on Heroes & Thieves. AWESOMENESS.

Quote from: "charmedguy18"
Quote from: "HarmySandwhich"

Read the comments about the segment beginning 4:10. I thought that too. I wasn't too sure what this track was. At first I thought it was either Private Radio or Annie and that it's just hard to hear (even if it isn't, it still works out pretty good).

Can anyone offer a answer?


Me wubs it.

I suppose the comments were deleted because I don't know what you're talking about.

At the segment beginning 4:10, Nessa plays a track and Stephen mixes it with some drums. I have no clue what this song is, if anyone would help enlighten me.

Guys. Do you think Heroes and Thieves will have any Harmonium B-sides (i.e. tracks that didn't make it on the album)? I made a thread recently about the DVD, Pleased to meet you, filled with mysterious tracks and stuff. I'm really hoping to catch a bit of Harmonium in there.


Read the comments about the segment beginning 4:10. I thought that too. I wasn't too sure what this track was. At first I thought it was either Private Radio or Annie and that it's just hard to hear (even if it isn't, it still works out pretty good).

Can anyone offer a answer?


Me wubs it.

EDIT: I just reported this topic to a moderator. I don't want this to turn into a Heroes and Thieves debate seeing as we already have a sticky. Thanks for the answer Whitehouses.

EDIT 2: Actually, Kulp just raised a very good point. Can I keep this thread open? Thanks.

Polls / METAL!
« on: June 16, 2007, 03:22:12 am »
Being a guitarist, I don't mind metal but I don't really like screaming. The only metal I like is Melodic Death Metal (minus the screaming) such as old Children of Bodom, Dark Tranquility and In Flames. My favourite type of metal is shred (guitarists playing really fast), although shred is a genre in its own right although it can be called metal such as Yngwie J. Malmsteen (one of my primary influences), Dream Theatre (Prog Metal, arguably). I don't mind Prog metal such as Opeth. I can't stand Metallica.

Other metal that I occassionally listen to?
- Necrophagist
- Arch Enemy

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / replacement picture for phpbb
« on: June 15, 2007, 07:34:33 am »
I can't see the picture! It's not showing up!!


Quote from: "blueglove"
Quote from: "bluebutterfly"
Quote from: "blueglove"
thank you, but this was posted by me like 4 months ago.. pay attention to the posts

although I haven't been on here much lately, i had no idea that a video of All is well had surfaced....  just curious as to how you got it, since it's from the Sydney show and you're from the US.?

I was on daily motion, and searched vanessa. I saw it a few weeks after the show happened. actually about a month... it is a amazing video! jsut wondering why they call it rain.. hmm

All is Well is about Nessa being able to sleep better when it's raining and where it does, she feels that, "All is Well". But you probably knew that anyway. Perhaps the uploader didn't know what the name of the song was or forgot?

Quote from: "Ghisy"
Quote from: "HarmySandwhich"
I know me and a few Nessasholics hate the part where Nessa says, "Hey" as it reminds us of Avril Lavigne and her, "HEY HEY I DON'T WANNA BE YOUR GIIIIIIRLFWEND!", which we all dispise.

Well, "hey" is a word so it doesn't necessarily sound like Avril saying hey. That's kind of a silly comment in my opinion.
Plus there are people here who like Avril's song and new cd and I'm one of them so we don't "all despise" it.
To me, NF doesn't sound "kiddy", it's a pop song about fairytales. Like jsbachsonata said, it sounds more mature than WH.

When I said "we", I was referring to the select few who didn't like it (should really have made that clearer). I didn't say it sounded like Avril, I said it reminded me of her and I made it clear I didn't really like her. Of course, anyone is free to say, "HEY" but i'm just one of those who think the song would be better off without it.
However, I must agree with your last comment.

Quote from: "Rainy night"
From people around me I only get negative feedback on Nolita Fairytale... I just wish I could spread more 'Nolita fairytale' love around me... And reading some of the posts on the board made me more sad...  :cry:  

Quote from: "white_houses"
From what I've seen, it's the other way around for me ;)

That's so great if people around you like Nolita Fairytale (I want people to love Nolita Fairytale so V's come back is gonna be huge  :heart: )!!!
You actually gave me hope back white_houses  :D
Thanks!!!  :wink:

I agree with White Houses. On Nessaholics, all I'm seeing around is positive feedback with only a couple of people admitting to not liking it and maybe a few speculative comments about it not being the right first single as its too person. Asides that, it's almost all positive. I know me and a few Nessasholics hate the part where Nessa says, "Hey" as it reminds us of Avril Lavigne and her, "HEY HEY I DON'T WANNA BE YOUR GIIIIIIRLFWEND!", which we all dispise.

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