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Messages - HarmySandwhich

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General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Wow....
« on: June 03, 2007, 12:57:36 pm »
I ended up getting Annie. I got slightly offended when it said I was I?


Quote from: "Jophess"
Full version come quickly!

How did I miss this? I checked the boards like two times today.
At first, I was eh about the song, but these 42 seconds have grown on me and now I'm really excited.
It's definitely not blues, it's sorta pop-ish, upbeat... summer-y stuff. I like it. The album will be awesome, but OCTOBER? Maybe they'll move it up.  :wink:

I disagree whole heartedly. It has a distinct blues vibe. I know this because I listen to a lot of blues music from Howlin' Wolf to Stevie Ray Vaughan. If anything, it sounds like John Mayer blues.

Quote from: "white_houses"
It was?

Can you get the CD single? Why wasn't a music video shot?

I don't think you can get a CD single but I'm quite sure, Private Radio came out on radio play after White Houses. It apparently made #9 in the Taiwanese charts in 2004. I'm getting these from Wikipedia. If you wiki Nessa, you can see all the singles that have come out and Private Radio appears as the second. Who's to say was released in 2005.

Quote from: "CelestialHorse"
This is exciting! :D Very nice! I wonder what songs will be used as music videos..wasn't Annie going to be the 2nd single off the 2nd album?

I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be Private Radio. I know for certain that it was released as a second single.

Quote from: "charmed_one"
Quote from: "charmed_one"
Sorry to double post  :oops:, but I was wondering if anyone had a vid of playing C'est La Vie and Wanted live from Nashville Exit/In. In fact if someone would be able to share the whole concert? :). I would heart you forever xD.

Anyone? :(

I'm in the middle of uploading it. It's a huge ass file. It'll probably be on my youtube account tomorrow. If you want a raw file, I'll provide you with one.

October 9th is quite a long way away from the previously set date. Nonetheless, I'm stoked. I can't wait for Heroes and Thieves to come out.

Completely Off-Topic / My Ipod doesn't like "The One"
« on: June 02, 2007, 09:02:07 am »
Oh come on guys. Ipods aren't that bad. It's my second Ipod so far. I had a 3rd Gen Ipod before that lasted well over 3 years. My 80GB Video Ipod I bought from Hong Kong, lasts me up to 6 hours - I am not kidding.

It might have a few defects such as above but you've got to admit, the design is superior. Other MP3s wish they had its design.

Completely Off-Topic / My Ipod doesn't like "The One"
« on: June 02, 2007, 02:19:30 am »
Quote from: "Twilight_Angel"
ah, no worries. My ipod does that all the time with most songs

if i upload a new one all my old ones dont work!

its just a weird little thing. have alot of vanessa songs i dont! O_O
where did you get them?
am i missing something here???

Oh really? GREAT! So it's not just my Ipod. Anyway, I do have a lot of Nessa tracks but i'm sure a lot of people here have more than I do. If you want all the concerts/rarities etc, visit My website has all the audio on "Vanessa Media".

I know. I'm so excited for it. It took me sometime to get into Harmonium (I still can't listen to Papa that much because I don't really like the chorus) and theres were always one track that I tend to skip (Wanted) but with all this new stuff coming out - I've yet to click that skip button.

Quote from: "czarina"
The clip is sure interesting! Its difficult for me to tell how it will build because it sounds chopped at a weird time, but I like it and I do think it sounds like John Mayer's more bluesy side.
I cannot believe its finally happening you guys!!!!

Well at least I wasn't the only one  :lol:. It specifically reminds me of the ending of, "Something's Missing" (John Mayer's Heavier Things, album - when he says, "Check").

I agree guys. I really can't fucking wait for the new album. It was quite strange actually. Lately, I've been listening to a lot of Harmonium and I formed the opinion that Nessa can never beat this and even she did [from Pleased to Meet You] however I really think she can with Heroes and Thieves. This track reassures me that she can.
I know this might be sadistic of me but I don't want to music to be, how should I say, commericalised in the comic sense. I guess that sounded a little wrong [perhaps I just can't explain what i'm thinking] but if you can work out what i'm feeling, i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one feeling like this.

I love it. It's awesome and it does sound alittle different from what she would usually do (unless it's only me who thinks it). It sounds quite jazzy and I'll admit, it sorta reminded me of John Mayer's blues side (that was the first thought in my mind, i'll have you know).


I less than three it!

Completely Off-Topic / My Ipod doesn't like "The One"
« on: June 01, 2007, 03:43:46 pm »
Alright, so here's the issue. My Ipod resets when I click on The One. All other songs work but whenever I click on The One, my Ipod resets as soon as I get to hear anything.


That video was taken some while ago (possibly a month ago). Since then, I've deleted The One from my Ipod and reloaded it on and now it works. Just when I think it's over, what happens? Now Ameriteen is infected (exactly as above but with Ameriteen). What could be the problem. My Ipod can't possibly be broken because all other songs work or does it just not like Nessa?

Creative Endeavors / New Nessa website in the making
« on: June 01, 2007, 09:27:58 am »
I have just finished my exams and so I have more time to update my website. I have updated quite a lot of it today but I still have a lot of work to do on it.

Creative Endeavors / New Nessa Gifs
« on: June 01, 2007, 09:26:42 am »
Quote from: "itsthefiveofus"
nice I like them! = ]

Thank You. I appreciate you taking the time to comment.

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