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Messages - HappyZen

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Completely Off-Topic / Recent Pictures Thread Part 3
« on: May 23, 2007, 10:59:52 pm »
But why are you giving everyone the fingers? :-)

Congrats B :-)

Well done mate .. now you are licensed to tell everyone they're all fucking nuts!!! :-)

Completely Off-Topic / try this..
« on: May 21, 2007, 12:25:48 am »
I knew what was coming and yet I still yelped ..

That's a really scary looking face!!!

Completely Off-Topic / Happy 95th birthday, Let!
« on: May 09, 2007, 07:15:33 pm »
happy anniversary of the day you were born! :-)

LAst year sounds great, I hope this year is equally as great :-)

Quote from: "medic0803"
I found it @ youtube... so.. I got the mp3 and I thought people would like to hear it..

here's the link

how do you rip an mp3 from youtube?

Thanks for sharing. :-) brilliant!

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Where can i download _____ ? part (2)
« on: November 15, 2006, 06:25:02 pm »
Clamicas you are truely a legend!!!!

I was hoping someone would post a "summary" of the other thread, since there are many songs I wish I had, can't find, get lazy ..

I wasn't gonna bug ppl about it .. but you did it with your own initiative!!!

YOU ROCK!! :-)


And thanks everyone who contributes and for posts their nessa files :-)

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Where can i download _____ ???
« on: November 14, 2006, 09:16:45 pm »
Quote from: "medic0803"
Heroes And Thieves


Thanks so much Ghis .. it's a really sweet song .. I can't wait to hear a clearer version of it, but appreciate what I have. :-)


Completely Off-Topic / IIT The Pope Was Right
« on: November 09, 2006, 08:41:03 pm »
Quote from: "Grakthis"
Seriously, Z.  We don't need more of your antisemetic propoganda here.  Go away.

Edit: if you don't like arguing with me, then why are you doing it?

Ok, now I know for SURE you're just antagonising and being silly ..

Because I don't want to think that I don't understand.
Because I can't see what you see and you don't see what I see .. so ideolistically I still think that one day we might see eye to eye.

Completely Off-Topic / IIT The Pope Was Right
« on: November 03, 2006, 08:00:20 pm »
Quote from: "Grakthis"

tl;dr = too long; didn't read.

So yes, you're right... I didn't read it.  I read enough from Z where she said, and I quote:

"you’re obviously a victim of Israeli propaganda and brain-washing .. *sigh* .. they control the media"


"Muslims demand the extermination of the Jews"


I lost all desire to read any opinion from her after that.


hi :-)

And what .. so what if I said you're a victim of propaganda? Maybe it's news to you .. sorry if that surprises you ..

at the moment, commercial media's primary purpose is to sell a product not report with 'objectivity'.

They all give money to Mr Bush's campaign.

Rupert Murdoch: Board of Directors, Philip Morris (USA).
Philip Morris donated $2.9m to GW's campaign in 2000

TIME-WARNER TBS - AOL (donated 1.6 million to GW's 2000 campaign)
America Online (AOL) acquired Time Warner–the largest merger in corporate history.
Television Holdings:
* CNN, HBO, Cinemax, TBS Superstation, Turner Network Television, Turner Classic Movies, Warner Brothers Television, Cartoon Network, Sega Channel, TNT, Comedy Central (50%), E! (49%), Court TV (50%).
* Largest owner of cable systems in the US with an estimated 13 million subscribers.

All I'm saying is .. let's quote John Mayer "When they own the information they can bend it all they want" ..

I don't know what their purpose is .. They suppose GW, GW declares wars .. maybe to make it appear that George Dubya is a VERY GOOD president and get him reelected? Maybe so no one questions the $160 billion dollars the U.S gov has spent on Israeli aid or the poor soldiers that risk their lives everyday remind me why again?

Free press .. classic :-)

And damn it .. I also said
"but because any site of pain and suffering on T.V regardless of race religion or creed makes my heart ache .. " ..

I said that:
"Muslims demand the extermination of the Jews ..."
Which is your point of decrees ..

Tell people the WHOLE STORY next time will ya?

I was trying to summarise YOUR point .. since YOU seem to think that .. all muslims demand the extermination of jews .. rememmber? Like when you said ..

Oh, poor Palestinians... poor lebanon... those mean Jews.

Fuck you and fuck anyone who thinks that way for even a heart beat. If it were ANY midle-eastern islamic government in that situation with the Jews living there, we'd be lamenting a genocide instead of worrying about a few blown up bridges.

Those shits should be grateful that Israel hasn't wiped them off the map. There was a time when a weaker country picked a fight and got blown up for it. Get your head out of the Muslim kool-aide you've been drinking and wake up to reality

Remember when you said that Andrew? :-) I do :-)
.. erm .. turned out to be more than a few bridges after all :-)

Anyway, I seriously don't care .. They can all just go and eat lemons ..  They're all as bad as each other .. Not a single war not one single one is ever actualy done based solely on the pretext of religion only where a religion has been stripped from the inside .. and replaced with power corruption and greed but kept the shell i.e the name of one .. because NOT A SINGLE RELGION condones violence ..

It's just a very very sad world we're living in when the emphasis is on "winning" .. winning what I don't know, because it's not just Arabs or Israelis or Americans or Africans or people are dying. The earth is slowly dying too .. but everyone's too pre-occupied in who's "right" and "wrong".
 .. whatever that is.

The Prophet Muhammed said that .. the strong man is not the one who is a strong fighter, the strong man is the one who can control himself when he is angry.

Respect Andrew ..

P.S Nice photo in your LJ .. you make a nice couple.

And I didn't realise that you posted about me .. :-) thanks for the compliment .. :-) .. But .. I am not ANY of those things you said!! .. But I don't need to prove that to you .. I don't care :-)

Mind you, if I were to adopt your attitude, I would take for granted that every America is pompous ass :-D

Maybe if you read what I type .. rather then what you think I do, we'd get somewhere :-)

I don’t like arguing with you Andrew. You yell and scream and call me names and you call people stupid and naive for not believing you're completely right .. but you're not. Not everything's black and white ..

Maybe you're ill?
hahahahahahahahahahahahah  :lol:
Black or white thinkers risk ill health:


Completely Off-Topic / IIT The Pope Was Right
« on: September 28, 2006, 09:24:45 pm »
Quote from: "Grakthis"

Except I sat and listened to Zena spouting the same extremist bullshit that middle eastern muslims spout.

I said who to the what now?

How come I got dragged into this?
*sigh* ..

If Andrew you're referring to our discussion way back when to the war of Israel on Lebanon .. you can't just wave these statements around and extend them for any arguement you choose.

My comments then, have nothing to do with now ..
and had NOTHING to do with the fact that I am Muslim.
As a human being with a moral concious what happened in Lebanon was attrocitous. It was Samson and Goliath .. Israel used every ounce of it's military might against the Lebanese civilians .. ignoring every call for cessation of violence .. ignoring international laws of combat .. I mean cluster bombs? Come on ..

Calling me an extremist is so insulting. It not only makes me very sad that you can't differenciate between one thing and another, but it highlights that the whole thing is futile ..

I abhore extremists and extremism, I hate terorists and terrorism I disagree with everything they stand for and what they do, I denounce both with no uncertain terms. I am so ashamed they used my religions name when they commit these terrible disgusting acts ..

I am so sick of people crazy sick men hijacking the name of my religion, my peaceful religion which denounces terrorism and denounces extremism and denounces killing of the innocent for any reason. A religion which promotes true freedom .. free from the desires of being controlled by man made ideologies ..

Quote from: "grakthis"
The root of terrorism is a radical faith that teaches dying to destory your enemies gets you a place in an ideal afterlife. Period. That is the entire root of terrorism.

Get rid of a faith that GLORIFIES violence and suicide attacks and you get rid of terrorism as we know it.

Where do you get your information from? Fox?

Islam .. commands love, mercy and peace.
Muslims start everything with "In the name of God most gracious, Most merciful" .. It's the humans that mess everything up not the religion.

Terror, on the other hand, is the opposite of religion; it is cruel, merciless and demands bloodshed and misery. Terrorist act should be sought in disbelief rather than the belief in a religion.
The name or the identity of the triggerman is not important. If he can kill innocent people without blinking an eye, then he just a murderer with no fear of God, whose main ambition is to shed blood and to cause harm.
For this reason, "Islamic terror" is an erronous concept which contradicts the message of Islam. The religion of Islam can by no means countenance terrorism. On the contrary, terror (i.e. murder of innocent people) in Islam is a great sin, and Muslims are responsible for preventing these acts and bringing peace and justice to the world.

I can't live with certain injustices that I see in the world. My opinions are INDEPENDANT of my religion. (on the by, It was MY journal, and I found it impossible to stay silent when a country I have a connection to thanks to 10 years of spending summers there was facing so much pain and suffering .. )

I am so sick of this so called war on "terror". Having to justify my beliefs because some crazy misinformed loon .. or some poor opressed soul has gone off and done things because he's got his brain wires crossed

But I agree with Andrew .. what a silly bunch of people .. how they get riled up about every single little comment .. sweating the small stuff .. why can't they set the track straight leading by example?

The pope apologised .. That's it! It should have ended there ..

We all know that in the refence time frame of what the pope said, there was never any organized attempt to force the acceptance of Islam on the non-Muslim population, or of any systematic persecution intended to stamp out the Christian religion.
And that wars to conqur lands we normal all countries fought to gain control of other countries and land .. gosh we're still doing it NOW! 15 centuaries later!!! Why should we single out one incident?.. at least Islam gave the inhabitants rights ..  The life and property of all citizens in an Islamic state are considered sacred whether the person is Muslim or not.

Why do they have to go all psycho when all they have to do is lead by exapmle?

We all know that Muhammed came at a truely ugly time in human history .. and brought about many positive things ..

So what does it matter what one pope quotes one archaic Byzantin emporor?

There are so many issues in this thread I don't even know what to say ..

But .. for goodness sake .. the pope apologised, and the whole world is over it.

And that Andrew .. wow .. I didn't realise you hated Muslim people so much and I didn't realise were so ignorant of them ..
or maybe you just read what ever you want to read and never scratch the surface .. I don't kow! But really .. wow!
But i'm so disappointed .. maybe if people like you listened and saw things with your heart instead of with an aggressive head ..
And people actually listened to people like me instead of accusing me of spouting off like an extremist ..

Quote from: "grakthis"
No. but it would be safe to say that the "crazy fuckin' poor and uneducated are at fault." Because that is one thing the vast majority of violent criminals have in common.

Sure .. then why can't entertain that same though for Muslim people ...
These crazy fanatics act independant of any sanity or any religion ..

I tell you what the 1.5 Billion muslims aren't going anywhere soon .. And since it is the fastest growing religion .. understanding dialoug and tolerance might be a good thing .. maybe the world can reflect on the current crisis in the world, and think of how to make it fair for everyone rather than pulling out some random quote from 6 centuraries ago ..

I believe the Muslim mainstream will be the most powerful weapon in the "war on terror".

It is a good idea therefore separate extremists from moderates ..

Maybe the time is when people quit focusing on what muslims do .. but rather on what they should be doing? I give them examples of what their Prophets did .. Jesus was a prophet of ours .. and he taught great things .. Muhammed taught great things too .. I think that's what leaders and people should be doing .. rather than critisizing and pointing the finger ..

Remind Muslims that a religion of peace calls on people to be peaceful and act peacefully and that they are obliged to live by the laws of the country that they live in. And a religion that invites you to contempate shouldn't have it's believers following blindly one cause or person without using instincts and common sense .. instead of always attacking them

The majority of us are ok ;-)

Completely Off-Topic / Make-Up Tips!
« on: September 06, 2006, 12:04:03 am »
Quote from: "Gina"

I suck at applying shadow too, no matter how hard I try, it never looks right.

Eye shadow .. eye liner .. lip stick ..

I suck at make up in general :-)
Oh well .. :-)

Completely Off-Topic / R.I.P Steve Irwin
« on: September 05, 2006, 11:59:35 pm »
He once said that the problem with Australia is "I don't own it mate! If I owned it, I'd turn it into a habitat for the animals" ..

He used to make me laugh at how simple he was ..
He was invited to Bill Clintons farewell dinner and he didn't go
"Nah mate .. i'm not into that kinda stuff ya know?"

His passion and enthusiam for what he did was inspiring .. I really repected that .. He created thousands of hectares for the animals, and brought their plights to the people of Australia, and the world ..

He really made a difference to the world.
It's really sad :-(

Completely Off-Topic / Happy Birthday Andrew!
« on: August 31, 2006, 09:04:24 pm »
Quote from: "LimeTwister"
Happy're getting old.

It's in proportion .. he's getting old and so are you ;-)

Happy anniversary of the day you were born .. :-)

If your b'day wasn't spent in style, I hope the rest of your 27th year makes up for it :-)

Completely Off-Topic / Happy birthday Tat!! (freshlettuce)
« on: July 26, 2006, 07:10:43 pm »
happy anniversary of the day you were born .. :-)

Hope it sets you up a great 25th? anniversary of your life :-)

Completely Off-Topic / ..
« on: July 12, 2006, 04:23:13 pm »
Happy Anniversary of the day you entered this world .. :-)

And a thought to your mum who was in lots of pain on this day :-)

Miss you babe .. hope you have a great day.

Completely Off-Topic / Recent Pictures Thread Part 3
« on: July 10, 2006, 07:12:44 pm »

It's been almost one year since Mine and Kevins happy adventures ..

happy almost 1 year trip anniversary Kev! :-)

full pic with all the detail of the pic are found here ..

On the left is our feminist leader .. who Kev and I imaginatively called "the leader", Kev222, Moi and on the furthest right is Jennifer from Sco'lnd or Scotland to the rest of the English speaking world :-)

Such good times :-)

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