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Messages - Posi

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Other Musicians / Evanescence
« on: July 20, 2003, 10:23:08 pm »
Woot! Yeah Amy is a total sweetheart when it comes to the fans. Except for this one case. Was really funny actually. It was on a Road Trip I and 3 others from Cali went to in Louisianna and at the Lafayette show afterwards Amy and the band except for Ben came out to sign Autographs. So Nate (Blimptor from Evboard) and I were standing there talking to Amy and this little scrawny kid came up asked her to sign his CD, was very polite and the dreaded Question came up.

"Are you guys Christian? Are you a Christian band?"

Amy's face was SO PRICELESS! It went from a  :lol:  to a  :roll: /jawdropping look. The kid left and she was like AAAAAANNNNNNYWAY..... And just smiled. The little things ya know? The body language, and how you can learn from people that way. Was fun times. Glad you had a good encounter and time as well!

As for Ben. To get his attention easier? FLash him.... he seems to be obsessed with boobs.  :twisted:

Introduce Yourself / Posi has arrived...
« on: July 20, 2003, 10:10:37 pm »
Quote from: "tylor2000"
Hi posi,

I've never even been by to see the EV board so you wouldn't know me from there.

I figured I'd say hello.


Danke Tylor ;) XOXOXOX And you should take a look at our board! (Not spammin I SWEAR BV!)

Quote from: "PintOGuinness"
My turn my turn... get out of my way all you.. people...

Welcome Posi to the forums...

since you already seem to know crazy birds, wacky brits, and our admin... I would reccommend getting to know a good beverage... ;)


Thank you for the welcome Guiness but I'm afraid I don't like YOUR beer of choice. Personally I think it tastes like chocolate flavored mud. I'm more of a Heine and Rolling Rock kinda gal. ;)

Quote from: "GJenkins05"
Quote from: "Posi"
Hey! Its southpark Avatar :) Glad to see you here!

Yep, that's me LOL. I've been looking to change the Av, but I don't have anything great to change it to, so eh, I keep it LOL.


Well if I can help with any ideas for a new avatar let me know. Maybe i can find another one of Amy flipping Ben off. :)

Quote from: "Me&myPiano"
That is cool. I'm more into the less hard rock stuff like Lillix & someone else, lol

Though that's cool you like Metallica, I don't mind them. My mom just bought their new cd, I should sneak in a listen.

You don't happen to like Queen do you? I love Bohemian Rhapsody! One of my favorite songs.

I should emphasize on the OLD Metallica. And I LOVE QUEEN! Bohemian Rhapsody has a special place in my heart. And of course, Fat Bottom Girls.  LOVE QUEEN!

*sings Can Anybody Find Me Someone to Love*

Introduce Yourself / Posi has arrived...
« on: July 19, 2003, 08:32:33 pm »
Quote from: "VanessaLover03"


Quote from: "badsrx7"
Yea .. like they all said..

Welcome ;D

Danke Very much! :)

Quote from: "GJenkins05"
Welcome Posi  :D. I'm from the EvBoard too, but I was lazy and just registered my name as my username there  :wink:. Nice to see you here.


Hey! Its southpark Avatar :) Glad to see you here! :)

Quote from: "Me&myPiano"
Quote from: "Posi"
this is fun. anyone else got Q's?

Yeah I do.
What other artist's do you like?

Oh hmm... A really big toughy.

I like alot... Like alot alot. In my CD case you will see lots of stuff, like Pink Floyd next to Stabbing Westward andTravis Tritt next to Pink.

But as for faves. I lean more to the metal. Metallica, Korn, Ev ;), NIN, Offspring, Deftones, Linkin Park, and Pantera. LOTS of Classic Rock :) \m/

Quote from: "TSE"
la la la la la la


(Christine, that me, is registered over there too but has 0 posts . . .she just likes browsing)

Ah, a lurker eh? hehehe Well I hope you enjoy the [E] :)

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Unidentified non-flying object
« on: July 19, 2003, 08:15:55 pm »
Yeah looks like those candy ropes. :)

Introduce Yourself / Posi has arrived...
« on: July 19, 2003, 12:56:22 pm »
Quote from: "kev222"
Hey Posi. Welcome :)


Hey I know you! This is awsome. Feels weird with the roles reversed eh? You be mod, me not. *sighs a relaxation sigh*

Introduce Yourself / Posi has arrived...
« on: July 19, 2003, 12:52:55 pm »
Quote from: "blackvulture"
Quote from: "Posi"
yeah i dont like it here... can ya tell? :)

Have I mentioned how lovely Seattle is??? hint*hint

You can try and try sweetheart!!  but me no be single! ;)
I still love you though of course. :) this is fun. anyone else got Q's?

Polls / Kicking a-- or taking names?
« on: July 19, 2003, 12:51:22 pm »
What if you are both?

If I have to I will definitely kick some tail, but I guess I take names more.

It was so cute when she ran up to the mic with her arm on her chest. I run like that too.  8)

Introduce Yourself / Posi has arrived...
« on: July 19, 2003, 12:47:27 pm »
Quote from: "DixieChck615"
Well...let's see...what part of the Nor Cal are you from?

I am in the lovely town of Boringlame... I mean BurlingLAME. GAH!


yeah i dont like it here... can ya tell? :)

Introduce Yourself / Posi has arrived...
« on: July 19, 2003, 10:42:15 am »
Yes I like LP ;) I'm feeling it might possibly NOT be as much as you but yes I do.

Any more Questions? I will answer anything... (almost)
Advice? Babysitting? *coff*

Introduce Yourself / Posi has arrived...
« on: July 19, 2003, 10:38:32 am »
Quote from: "danielmarko"
*feels surrounded by Evanescence lovers*



*sits next to Daniel*

GO Linkin Park!    8)

Completely Off-Topic / Bad penguin!
« on: July 19, 2003, 10:36:28 am »
HAhaha :) thats funny! So cruel in the animal world.

Introduce Yourself / Posi has arrived...
« on: July 19, 2003, 10:35:06 am »
Quote from: "Me&myPiano"
Hey, Welcome! It's good to see another Ev fan here  :)

Oh hunny, I'm not just a fan, I think Kev can vouch for me when I say I'm just plain obsessed!

Introduce Yourself / Re: Posi has arrived...
« on: July 19, 2003, 09:28:44 am »
Quote from: "aleera84"
Hello  :D  My name is Katie and welcome to, your going to love it here.
I hope to see u around here alot.

Quote from: "Posi"
BVulture, the most handsomest guy in the entire world. :)

I have to agree with u on that one hahaha.

Mmmmmm mmmmhmmmmmmm! He came to California to visit and I couldn't stop hugging him. :( But alas... he had to leave!

Thanks for the warm welcome!

Introduce Yourself / Posi has arrived...
« on: July 19, 2003, 12:38:47 am »
Well I'm looking forward to some calm nights instead of the constant bitch bitch whine whine...    8O   ooh, can i swear?

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