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Messages - HarmySandwhich

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Quote from: "BWilli"
a what?

I was referring to your modship.

Weren't you a mod before? Did you decide to give the position up?

Quote from: "BWilli"

i wonder if all our old names will work on the boards or if we'll have to re-register...

Reregister probably...hang on. Are you not a green bean anymore?

The website works! AND IT HAS A DIARY!

EDIT: ffs...i'm too late.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Official Vanessa Pictures Thread
« on: October 09, 2007, 07:38:55 am »
Quote from: "Hazy Eyes"

:heart: :heart:

Quote from: "wiedzma_ple_ple"
Yeah, thank you  :)

Hey - the picture in your signature and avatar, may I ask where you got that from? I've never seen that picture before.

Well, there goes my hope that i'm going to get hold of the album on the 9th...


General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Re: is it just me
« on: October 08, 2007, 03:26:15 pm »
Quote from: "remixx"
or does it seem like this album isn't getting any more promotion than Harmonium did?

it comes out tomorrow..... shouldnt she be everywhere right now

i know about the whole TV appearance schedule thing... but it still seems kind of dull and too little too late

I disagree. There is actually quite a lot of promotion for Heroes and Thieves - VH1 Commercials, not to mention a ton of magazine articles and clippings.

Quote from: "Hazy Eyes"
"This Time" as her comeback single? i think that would have done worse than "My Best", to be honest. her vocals on "This Time" aren't that good (to me) and it's over-produced. i prefered it when she was playing it live.

So do I but the public won't be interested in vocal ability. They'll be interested a passionate song with a very memorable melody that's very singable.

Quote from: "itsthefiveofus"
well you can also right click it and click on loop or something like that and it fast forawrds and it just says Heroes and Thieves: Out Now


It says "IN STORES NOW!"

And that's all...dammit, i'm disappointed

I don't think this it would have done so well to be perfectly honest. It's a good song but I just think it lags on a bit with the verses. I still believe, Nessa would have been better off if she released This Time as a single. My best is wonderful but it's not as singable as a single should be in my opinion. A single to promote an album should be very singable. Sadly, My best [in my opinion] is not.

Quote from: "lauraanne"
the countdown can be changed. if you change the computer clock (for PC's atleast) the countdown changes with it.

I thought of that but I never actually tried it. Does it just remain at 0 and nothing else happens?

Well they've added back the black Heroes and Thieves logo.

EDIT: Nope, everything is back on. Apparently, we have about 36 minutes left. I'm going to wait to see what happens after the countdown.

...and now it's not working again...

Quote from: "itsthefiveofus"
wont open up for me either.

can it be a sign that they are updating it like fully now?!?!

Nope. It's loaded now but it's still loading...check again. Oh wait - the countdown and everything is gone. Only the top part appears. The video and the countdown and the label designs are gone.

Alright - now the website won't show up. I'm not sure how far the countdown as gone down to so i'm just checking it now. It's too bad the website won't load.

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