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Messages - Jessica

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Polls / Automatic or Manual Car
« on: October 12, 2007, 03:29:04 pm »
Quote from: "SAMMIE CARTER"
Quote from: "zurielshimon"
I've driven both, and you can use heel-to-toe on either.  It's where you use your left foot for a moment to control both the brake and the accelerator.  I've had to use it a few times.

But if you're driving an automatic, it shouldn't be so much of an issue.  Automatics have a torque converter that never completely disengages when you come to a stop (unless you shift it into neutral), so rolling back shouldn't be a problem.  At least, it's never been for me, and I've driven in lots of hills.

there's actually a specific hill that i'm talking about in la. it's on la cienega(?) and sunset blvd. there's a stop light at the top of the hill... and i HATE it. it's fine if it's a green light cuz you just drive right through. but if it's red, i get nervous if there's a car too close behind me because when i take my foot off the brake for .5 seconds the car rolls back. ya know? no? whatevs. hahaha.

your automatic car rolls back?? what the hell do you drive, a tank?? automatics dont roll back unless its a really huge and heavy SUV or something

Polls / Automatic or Manual Car
« on: October 12, 2007, 03:27:44 pm »
Quote from: "NoelleNC"
Won't you like get kicked in the face in LA for not switching to a Prius by now? Sheesh, come onnnn get with the trend =P

lol well a mini cooper is as fuel efficient as you'll get in a gasoline only running car... 30 miles per gallon.. and as for the prius, everyone is still driving their gas guzzling SUVs around for no apparent reason other than "they're pretty" so yeah... theres tons of minis around my area

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Tonight Show with Jay Leno 10/11
« on: October 11, 2007, 09:30:06 pm »
it'll be on in an hour over here :/

why do us innocent west coasters always get jipped :(

Polls / Automatic or Manual Car
« on: October 10, 2007, 05:39:26 pm »
Quote from: "Will"

The bicycle nazi exits the thread.

yeah because i can actually get somewhere in LA riding a bike...

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / The "I have the album" thread
« on: October 09, 2007, 05:03:27 pm »
definitely a bigger fan of side 2.
i was SO dissapointed with what they did with Hands on Me.... WHAT was she thinking? i nearly cried with disappointment because it was my favorite song so far.

Heroes and Thieves is my favorite track at the moment. I love the artwork.

Completely Off-Topic / Amazing Piano Works.....if you can find them
« on: October 08, 2007, 09:30:42 pm »
i downloaded eternal harvest and vamo alla flamenco

thanks :) something new to listen to!

Completely Off-Topic / ITS AUTUMN!
« on: October 07, 2007, 10:27:10 pm »
Quote from: "All I Ask2003"
lol it's funny how 81 degrees is hot to you guys.  that's a GOOD day here in FL.
it hardly ever gets below 50something here, i hate that.  i love the cold.
it's raining here almost everyday, and when it's not, the humidity is enough to make you need to brush your hair every 5 minutes anyway.

most days here are in the high 80's to mid 90's. yuck.
i think it was actually 76 degrees this morning, which is amazing.

well i mean its better than the 107º weather we had last month but its still annoying.

Polls / Automatic or Manual Car
« on: October 07, 2007, 10:24:15 pm »
hm.. i just found out that for $500 I can add "dynamic stability control" with hill holder feature on a mini cooper. which means it wont roll back on a hill.. which was my main concern... ugh i still can't decide! :(

Polls / Whats your sign?
« on: October 05, 2007, 05:38:13 pm »
i can't stand scorpios. waaayy too much to handle.

Live Shows / 11/06/2007: Ivar Theatre - Hollywood, CA
« on: October 05, 2007, 04:10:07 pm »
im glad i paid 70 bucks for two tickets when each one only cost $25.

*hates ticketmaster*

Live Shows / 11/06/2007: Ivar Theatre - Hollywood, CA
« on: October 05, 2007, 09:40:16 am »
good thing i decided to check my "newsletters" folder in my email.... i never do but i was bored and saw "dont miss vanessa carlton!" from ticketmaster.
yaaaay. another show.!

Completely Off-Topic / ITS AUTUMN!
« on: October 05, 2007, 09:38:03 am »
Quote from: "Twilight_Angel"
I love fall... *sigh* its the best season =]

i love fall too. and fall clothes. but too bad i'll have to wait until november until we maybe get some fall weather.

Quote from: "PianoPlayer12"
Quote from: "Jessica"
heres a kind of disappointing album review...

"heroes & thieves - album reviews
For all the hype surrounding doe-eyed songstress Vanessa Carlton's move to Murder Inc—partying on Irv's yacht, the tour drug confessions, new friendship with co-writer Stevie Nicks—fans might expect her third release to mark a dramatic reinvention for the piano-tinkling songwriter, or, at the very least, some innovation. Strangely, this latest release feels more like a fumbling debut than the work of a Grammy-winning, platinum-selling artist; instead of the charm of Be Not Nobody or Harmonium's elegantly haunting melodies, the record is unsure and sometimes juvenile.

While opening single "Nolita Fairytale" is a pretty, swooping instruction to "take the glitz back, I want the soul instead," the following tracks falter with weak melodies and bland tales of her first forays into the adult world. A large disappointment is Carlton's usually-distinctive distinctive voice, which this time fails to enchant: straining on "Undone" and holding none of its usual clarity. Only the final few tracks deliver on her early potential: "Fools Like Me" brings delicate violin to shadow a wistful vocal, while "More Than This" manages to capture her trademark sincerity with a layered piano ballad and full crescendo.

—Abby McDonald


ya thats not too bad the reviewer doesnt know she isnt grammy

haha yeah i noticed that too ;p

heres a kind of disappointing album review...

"heroes & thieves - album reviews
For all the hype surrounding doe-eyed songstress Vanessa Carlton's move to Murder Inc—partying on Irv's yacht, the tour drug confessions, new friendship with co-writer Stevie Nicks—fans might expect her third release to mark a dramatic reinvention for the piano-tinkling songwriter, or, at the very least, some innovation. Strangely, this latest release feels more like a fumbling debut than the work of a Grammy-winning, platinum-selling artist; instead of the charm of Be Not Nobody or Harmonium's elegantly haunting melodies, the record is unsure and sometimes juvenile.

While opening single "Nolita Fairytale" is a pretty, swooping instruction to "take the glitz back, I want the soul instead," the following tracks falter with weak melodies and bland tales of her first forays into the adult world. A large disappointment is Carlton's usually-distinctive distinctive voice, which this time fails to enchant: straining on "Undone" and holding none of its usual clarity. Only the final few tracks deliver on her early potential: "Fools Like Me" brings delicate violin to shadow a wistful vocal, while "More Than This" manages to capture her trademark sincerity with a layered piano ballad and full crescendo.

—Abby McDonald

Polls / What delicious alcoholic beverage do you prefer?
« on: October 04, 2007, 09:46:40 am »
Quote from: "Will"
Quote from: "Jessica"
yes you've been drinking the wrong beer.
WHY does anyone drink budlight? why! it makes no sense.

It's a step up from Natty Ice in terms of taste and it has fewer calories. Oh yeah, and it's cheap. Still not good reasons to drink it, but there you go.

Quote from: "zurielshimon"
Newcastle Brown, that's another one that I like, but that's really a "special occasion" beer for me because that's almost not even affordable around here.

Poor you. Newcastle is good stuff! :(

i've never heard of natty ice but judging by the name it sure sounds like the bottom of the food chain.

mmm new castle. yummy.

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