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Messages - shinesobright07

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Other Musicians / I hope it gives you hell..
« on: September 21, 2008, 04:32:29 pm »
I love this new single by The All American Rejects!! I can't stop listening to it! I love the anger...and the lyrics are awesome..


merged - let

Creative Endeavors / Vanessa re-touched.
« on: September 18, 2008, 04:53:47 pm »
Good job! She looks cool with more colour.

Completely Off-Topic / Have you ever wondered why?
« on: September 18, 2008, 04:52:32 pm »
Quote from: "itsthefiveofus"
why do I have a whole bunch of friends but not a boyfriend? Sure I have always kinda stayed away from the whole dating thing b/c of all the High School drama that is pure crap more than half the time.

 That's what I've been wondering too =(
 I met this perfect guy. And then met his girlfriend..

 One day it will happen for us =)

Im so glad she's writing lyrics! I hope it really works out for her in the film scoring business, too. I did learn things I didn't know about her before.
 Great interview.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Does any Nessa song bring you memories?
« on: September 15, 2008, 05:13:38 pm »
I pretty much base my life upon comparing situations in my life to situations in songs. And there are so many Nessa songs that remind me of a certain feeling or memory.

 A Thousand Miles: It reminds me of when I was younger and I'd spend hours playing Spider Solitaire and singing ATM at the top of my lungs!
Ordinary Day: The summer before seventh grade.. when we'd go to the beach near by surrounded by never ending hills and meadows!
White Houses: Reminds me of dancing infront of my old friend's HUGE window, revealing a snowy backdrop! It was near Christmas time!!
 Who's to Say: The Nessa song that got me hooked. My friend and I listened to it on her ipod standing outside in the school yard while it was freezing cold!
 Annie: When my friend and I walked to the nearest Pizza Pizza in a blizzard.
San Francisco: This makes me so happy. Before my friend moved away, her, my other friend and I once sat out on my friend's lawn and talked all night under the stars, eating pizza and ice cream! I always think of that whenever I hear that song!!
This Time: Reminds me of last year, a difficult time for me, when my friend moved away and I felt alone, and I had to put up with an impossible teacher and friends who were excluding me. It was bad times, though Im not necessarily sad when I hear the song. It's weird. It just makes me feel a little strange, like there's a hole in my chest. But it reminds me of how that experience made me stronger, and I got through it.
ANND Nolita Fairytale reminds me of when my family, uncle,aunt, and cousin went to Centre Island in TO! That was the funnest day of my life! =)

 There you go. I never realized how much significance Nessa's songs have in my life. It's so amazing..

 PEACE. It's cool how we all share some sort of memory..

Entertainment - Movies / TV / Books / The Office
« on: September 13, 2008, 10:22:36 am »
Well it's been a long summer, now it's only a matter of two weeks until the finale!

 =) So excited.

Other Musicians / You are not going to believe this O_O
« on: September 13, 2008, 10:19:54 am »
Im pretty sure someone made that just to raise controversy and get attention.

Completely Off-Topic / New iPods
« on: September 13, 2008, 10:17:32 am »
Wow I guess technology never stops..

 Love the office on the Ipod too =P

I met Crash Parallel (a Canadian born band) and got them to sign my Converse! And after, me and my sister met the singer backstage and we talked for a bit. And at the Simple Plan concert..I was like eight feet away from Pierre! =)

 But my couin's friend's cousin hangs out with famous bands like Faber Drive and Hedley.

 =) And I only dream about being BFFS with Nessa!

Oh it's good that Vanessa Carlton is stepping in for a good cause =)

Completely Off-Topic / The Official Sig Makers Thread...Part 2.
« on: August 26, 2008, 09:21:02 am »
Quote from: "VanessaCarltonMania"
Quote from: "shinesobright07"
I already have a picture I made, but I don't know how to put it as my sig. Help please! =)

First u have to upload ur picture to a site like photobucket for example.

After u upload it, under the picture u will find links or URLs
there's one link that is called IMG copy that and paste it into the box thing where u put ur signature (where u edit ur profile) .

This should work! =D

 Thanks so much! I'll finally have a cool sig (like you!)

Completely Off-Topic / The Official Sig Makers Thread...Part 2.
« on: August 25, 2008, 07:19:30 pm »
I already have a picture I made, but I don't know how to put it as my sig. Help please! =)

« on: August 22, 2008, 05:15:23 pm »
Aw Im glad to see a Toronto admirer! I do have to agree (even though I don't live in the city..I live on the outside in a smaller city) when we go downtown, we always have so much fun. Visiting soon? I recommend visiting the ROM, CN Tower and going to the Old Spaghetti facotry!

The best program for me personally would be pdf if that's not too much trouble.. my old crap box of a computer doesn't seem to workwell otherwise. And I was also wondering if you had the sheet music (or if anyone had it) to Rinse. That would be great =)

 Thanks for everyone who pitched in to make this wonderful sheet music so we can all learn! xo

« on: August 16, 2008, 02:05:50 pm »
Quote from: "iluvvanessa"
the salt and vinegar are gross, i don't like them, if i eat chips its just lays or the hawaiian kind, but rarely do i eat chips cause im on a diet

 Whoooaahh How can you not like salt and vinegar  :razz: They're my favourite!!

 I also noticed that in the USA they have a lot of cheese in a can! Like whipped cream! Has anyone ever tried that?

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