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Messages - blu_kazzoo

Pages: [1]
General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / i would really like to see
« on: September 23, 2005, 09:20:21 pm »
Put Your Hands on Me and This Time, i really like This Time, i duno, i havent seen to many people post about this one.  PYHOM is REALLY good.  I love that one also.  I havent heard best behavior, i need to hear it, need to find it first....  Does anyone know if some of the new ones will be on the 3rd album, or is it just a guess?

Since there doesnt seem to be any in existance, I'm trying to make them myself, but im not all that great at guitar yet, so its going kinda slow. So if anyone is particularly good in that area, maybe, if they have spare time *lookes up at people with puppy eyes*... That would be soo amazing, only if someone wants though.  OKay im done!

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / COOL!
« on: September 23, 2005, 07:46:04 pm »
Im doing a talent show at my shcool, im guna do This Time (and thus my asking somewere else were the music is!) good luck!

i really want to play the guitar when i sing it.  If anyone has it that would be SOO great!


i need it for a talent show im going to do at my school.

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