Creative Endeavors / Piano & poetry
« on: May 15, 2012, 05:32:31 pm »
Soo, I have this assignment to turn a poem into a song. Meaning, the poem lines become the lyrics and the music needs to be written. But, I know absolutely NOTHING about playing piano let alone writing piano music.
So, since there are so many very talented piano players on this site, I thought some of you may be able to help me
I have the first line of notes I would like to use but I don't have any set tempo or anything yet. Also, the dash marks are the syllables I'd like to last just slightly longer when singing. Anyways, here's the poem:
Someday- in a crow-ded place-
I'll see- your old- famil-iar face
Yes, you'll- be old- and so will I-
And hindsight- will have made us wise-
And stones- that used to weigh- so much
Will simply- topple at the touch-
But through our aged- eyes- I will see
You- young- and strong- and you'll see me
Still wild- and beautiful- and free-
(the poem is I...I...I... From Anna Nalick's blog, in case you were wondering
So, since there are so many very talented piano players on this site, I thought some of you may be able to help me

I have the first line of notes I would like to use but I don't have any set tempo or anything yet. Also, the dash marks are the syllables I'd like to last just slightly longer when singing. Anyways, here's the poem:
Someday- in a crow-ded place-
I'll see- your old- famil-iar face
Yes, you'll- be old- and so will I-
And hindsight- will have made us wise-
And stones- that used to weigh- so much
Will simply- topple at the touch-
But through our aged- eyes- I will see
You- young- and strong- and you'll see me
Still wild- and beautiful- and free-
(the poem is I...I...I... From Anna Nalick's blog, in case you were wondering