Where's the "I don't really care, I just wish she'd get off my TV" option? I can't even watch CNN anymore without seeing her meltdown make BREAKING NEWS...what the fuck?
Yeah... Well, I do hope that she'll get better, just because I hope everyone gets better, but I hate that she's getting so much attention.. I hate that Britney/Paris/Lindsey/whatever 'trendy' celebrity that can't get their shit together(/put underwear on) gets all this attention. I check my news on cnn.com, and there is almost always something about one of these girls, taking up valuable news space...
I mean, how many people actually know what's going on in Kenya right now? I understand why the rest of the world is so frustrated with us, we are more interested in what these girls are doing, rather than the people that are dying.
(ps, not an attack on anyone who is posting, just a general thought)