As for my tattoo, I wanted to symbolize the Libra. The Libra "character" is The Scales, just like the Leo "character" is The Lion. The Libra is ruled by the planet Venus, which is the planet of Love and Relationships. Part of a Libra's main mission in his life is to find the "ying" to his "yang" ... hence, the Ying-Yang on the top of the scale. The glyph, or symbol, of Libra represents the setting sun. It also resembles an "equal" sign, though it more accurately reflects an "approximately equal to" symbol. Again, Libra's drive to compare and balance is represented in its glyph. My scale in the tattoo is sitting on top of the libra glyph, and behind the glyph is the setting sun. Libra is an Air Sign, hence the wings in the tattoo. But the wings also represent a lot more, like my desire to transcend above the world, but only when everything is in balance. It represents also how the desire to balance keeps me grounded.