For instance, at one time I had found, by word of mouth, a two bedroom apartment for $450, where two couples lived, me and my girlfriend and her friend and boyfriend. That's $112.50 a month for rent! Enough for lots of beer and parties. Extreme example but still. We were very low drama, which is the only way.....for sure.
$450 for a 2 bedroom apt?! where the hell do you live?! $450 wont even be close to cover half the rent in a ghetto place over here. damn.
Well that was in Reno, NV. It was still way below market. Like I said you have to look around. Knowing people helps too. If a lot of people like you then when people need roommates or see a cheap place they will tell you about it.
For instance, Someone will be looking for a roommate and needs to find one fast. So your friend knows you and he/she also know the person who is needing a roommate.
That person thinks or knows you are a decent person, and the person looking for a roommate wants someone decent. They've been there for years, as they are a senior now, and the person who they found the place from was a senior when they were a freshmen. The lease is the same one from 8 years ago and it just kind of gets handed down so the person moving in has the same exact terms and rent as it was 8 years ago. The Landlord is really cool, because he knows his place is occupied by decent people who might have a party once in a while but aren't going to thrash the place. Besides, he went to college...maybe even that one you are going to. So college students need a break and the mortgage is paid off so no big deal.
Something like that.