tu voyages beaucoup dis donc! c'est comment les Etats-Unis?
(toi et ton amie vous parlez très bien français/you and your friend are speaking really good French)
I know a few words in Arabic: "salamalikoum", which means "hello" doesn't it?
And "bakschich", which in French would mean something like "pourboire" (I heard that in Egypt)
hahaha That is cool! (yes, ur arabic is correct!)
Je voyage beaucoup avec ma famille....depuis que j'avais 1 ans! :razz:
We moved here when i was around 8 years old and we've been here ever since...so i've done alot of traveling back and forth in my life :lol:
When we do travel to the USA, we only go for summers and we go to see our family there.
It is alot of fun!
My friend and I go to the same school since we were little, but she is way better than me in French parceque tous les parents parlent la langue Francaise avec leurs enfants avant l'ecole....et moi j'etais enseigner par une maitraisse dans ma village quand on a retourne au Liban....parceque mes parents ne pratique pas la langue tres bien....
did that just make sense? I had no help from my friend this time :lol:
Okay, i wanted to ask u since u seem to be into celtics :razz:
There's this old TV show called Charmed. It's about witches and stuff....very interesting but purely fiction and not real :lol:
The "charmed ones" mark is a TRIQUETRA which is a type of Celtic knot....
If u have any clue wat i'm talking about....do u think that it is in anyway against God?h
Because I love that show and i wanted to get a necklace with that symbol, but I didn't want anything against my Christianity.