I just saw it a few hours ago. I did. I laughed and everything:) Martin looks like some sort of mutant. We love Will, in a highly obssesive way. I recognize greatness when I see it. It's a gift, a gift. I got a Will poster, my priceless property.
I had to sit next to this insect-obssesed-Tony Blair-look-a-like freak. So he started playing with his laser, pointing at Will. Will has been kicking ass before he could crawl. Big mistake. Leave your laser crap for the playground. I could have bitched slapped his ass if I wasn't so afraid of him..So I yelled at him. I did, and he cried. He said: "Whoa, chill out, d00d, I think dis movie is whack!!" If it was you, I hope you choke on that sandwich you're eating.:)
Thats all. Be nice:)