That little boy (Felipe - also known as Froilan in Spain cos that's one of his other names - the Prince's nephew) was so much fun yesterday during the church service! He's so sweet!
Those pics are great Rogier!
Ah, I just loved the whole thing. People here are complaining that it was too cold, that no emotions were shown and that all in all it was a sad ceremony, but I don't think so. They weren't as explicit as the Danish couple las week but they were still really cute
It was such a catholic ceremony! Don't you think? The coin exchange was wicked too- very spanish. And their Mantia's (is that what they're called?) were pretty rocking too!
lol yes, very catholic :? It was looooooong, very long! I didn't know the coin exchange was a Spanish thing. Those coins are called "arras", and I think they symbolize prosperity.
The thing the Queen and other ladies were wearing is called "mantilla" Very very Spanish. I am not sure really on which occasions it's supposed to be used because it's more of a southern thing and I live on the north.
about Letizia's make-up (and appearance on the whole) I think she looked pretty tired. She's naturally very skinny and apparently she's lost weight these days, so she didn't look too bright that day, IMO. The dress was luuuuurverly though!