01)Nolita Fairytale - this is a g0od c0meback s0ng! the drumbeat and the simple pian0 mel0dy just can't get 0ut 0f my head. 9/10
02)Hands 0n Me - As f0r the 0fficial studi0 versi0n, it turns 0ut m0re catchy and the v0cal impr0ved. the 0chestra and 0ther extra instruments just hit me! 8/10
03)Spring Street - 0k. this is s0mething different! this s0ng isn't like any 0ther typical V s0ngs. its s0mething new. and i need s0me adjustment time t0 accept this kind 0f s0ng. but its getting int0 me! 7/10
04)My Best - n0w i understand why V wanted t0 pick this s0ng as the lead single (but it wasn't). its s0mething h0nest as the mel0dy is simple and just nice. i l0ve the way this s0ng fused s0me 0f the mel0dies fr0m 0thers s0ng. 8/10
05)Come Und0ne - the pian0 in this s0ng is just fantastic! and the v0cals are the best in this s0ng! i guess its just t0o much percussi0n in it. effecting the harm0ny 0f this s0ng. 8/10
06)The 0ne - this is my fav0urite s0ng (bef0re i heard the studi0 versi0n) maybe v0ice 0f Stevie ruined the beauty 0f this s0ng! this is a really sad s0ng but it turns 0ut n0t that sad! blame 0n Stevie! 9/10
07)Her0es & Thieves - This is the sec0nd best s0ng in this album! i am s0 in l0ve with this s0ng! A perfect 10! 10/10
08)This Time - i just n0t s0 int0 this s0ng. eventh0ugh this is the m0st wanted s0ng by the 0ther fans. 6/10
09)F0ols Like Me - this sl0w s0ng bec0mes a catchy s0ng. wh0 did this? Genius lyrics th0ugh. 8/10
10)Home - Great great great pian0 skills! i bet the best next single! great ballad s0ng! 9/10
11)More Than this - The best s0ng ever written by V! i d0n't kn0w h0w t0 explain but i think its the best s0ng i've ever heard and n0 s0ng will beat this f0rever! A perfect ending. 11/10