I don't know if West Virginia matters at all, but it's where I live, lol, and something really cool happened the other day. My friends and I were riding in the car, and we were listening to a local radio station, which is 103 CIR, and that station is, like, THE station to listen to. It's the "Hit Music Station." Anyway, that stupid fucking Soulja Boy song came on, for the millionth time, and I was in hell. But after that went off, guess what they played? WHITE...freaking...HOUSES! I was so excited and happy and kinda surprised. They used to play ATM and OD a lot, and they even played Pretty Baby a few times. But they've never really played WH, and I thought that if they were going to play a song of hers now, it would be Nolita. But hey, I wasn't complaining! I was THRILLED. What was also cool was that my two friends love that song. Katey loves Vanessa in general, she's not a Nessaholic, but she loves ATM, OD, WH, Nolita, and Hands on Me. She LOVES Hands on Me and WH especially. Michelle isn't really a fan, but like I said, she loves WH and likes Nolita Fairytale a lot too. (But she doesn't like ATM. That amuses me.) Don't know if anyone cares, but I was ECSTATIC, lol.