Found a website with some cool random facts: has a younger sister, Gwen.
The title "Be Not Nobody" came from a dream she had, in which she heard a voice say those words.
"Wanted" was written about a guy she fell for, in New York, who was "ken-like", it turns out he only liked her because she played piano so well.
Vanessa use to pee in the bathtub when she was a young child, she was too lazy to get out. Someone once told her that it's good for your hair!
Vanessa's worst job was shoveling manure, she was 9, and wasn't even paid. She only did it because she liked taking care of the horses.
She use to think there was a ghost in her closet.
Annie is actually Victoria, a little girl who had cancer, and met Vanessa a few years ago.
Vanessa dated John Mayer, she called him a "bad breaker upper". They didn't date for more than a few weeks.
"Ordinary Day" was the first song Vanessa ever wrote.
According to Nessa, vampires are sexy.
You might notice a death theme in her music, she has said e is very fascinated by it.
Vanessa's astrological sign is Leo.
Oops! Vanessa tends to swear on stage.
"Half a week before the winter", according to Vanessa, is about the survival of the fittest.
Vanessa actually dated singer/songwrite John Mayer for a few weeks, years ago. Needless to say it didn't last very long!
Vanessa's mom is a piano teatcher.
Nessa started playing piano at age 2.