Sort of in the same topic... I don't know if this happens to anyone else, and I've always wondered so that's why I'm asking here, but for some people, when I look at them initially I don't think they are very good looking or maybe they are unique looking in an offputting way but then if I think about them when they are not around they seem prettier to me in memory and so gradually I guess I actually find something oddly attractive about them. And sometimes they still only seem better looking in hindsight. For me this happens more with girls than guys, and not all the time or anything, but sometimes. And I don't mean in a romantic way, just generally.
It's funny that it would happen more with females since I am straight. But I guess it's because I can tell right away if I find a guy attractive and their looks can't really grow on you if you don't find them attractive in some way to begin with.
Idk, maybe I am a weirdo haha