Author Topic: Customer Service....  (Read 7029 times)


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Customer Service....
« on: December 13, 2008, 10:15:04 pm »
So does anyone work at a customer service type of place at a store? I work at the Guest Service desk at Target (thats what they call it) and dang some of the people can get soooooo bad to the point of having to call the police one time! how can one handle these people without loosing it?!?!? I have not had it as bad but the day after christmas, well lets just say I see hell approaching because everyone is going to want to return/exchange gifts!


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Customer Service....
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2008, 12:41:45 pm »
YA author Maureen Johnson wrote this bit in answer to a customer-related question on her blog. :P don't know how much actual help it would be though, lol.

Quote from: "Maureen Johnson"
I have held many jobs in which I dealt with the public. I remember well dealing with bitchy, longwinded, annoying, unfriendly people who have come to take your time and ruin your life. This kind of customer is impossible to dismiss. They don’t care about you, or the other people, or common decency. They’ll scream, they’ll throw money in your face, knock things off shelves. They’ll make twenty people wait in line behind them while they rant and rave and announce that they don’t care. You can never be rude back, sadly, as that just adds fuel to the fire (and see the above questions for where that will get you).

This kind of anti-Cheer behavior must be stopped. I used to employ many methods for doing this. Here is one of my favorites. It never failed me.

Say you work at Target, at the customer service counter. For the last twenty minutes, you have watched a horrible woman screaming about the fact that the store has run out of the Hannah Montana Rockstar Powerdrill and Bake Sets that were advertised in the circular. She has been taking out her wrath on an innocent checkout girl. The checkout girl, reduced to tears, pointed at your counter in defeat. Now it is your turn for punishment. But no. You will not go down quietly. You need to be one step ahead of her. Before she even gets to your desk, run around so that you are standing in front of her on the same side of the counter. Bow low at the waist and pretend to take off a hat.

From this point on, speak entirely in Renaissance Fair speak. Wring your hands together and say something like, “Please, good madam, speak to me that I may absorb the gist of your need!”

This should set her a little off-balance, but she’ll keep rambling on. Whatever she says, just look shocked and exclaim “Most injurious, sweet lady! Most assuredly injurious!” Offer her a chair. If there is no chair, offer your own back as a bench. Say, “Fie on this! Fie, fie! Come. Together we shall investigate this injustice and rectify all that seeks rectification.”

Lead her away. Make sure to keep stopping and bowing and that you always walk a few steps behind. Go to the toy section, but to the wrong aisle. Proceed to take every single toy off the shelf and ask, “Doth this be the object of merriment?” Whenever she looks like she is tiring of you, jump up and down and exclaim, “Curseth my pumpkin head! I have possessed the knowledge all this while! I will bring the bauble henceforth!” Disappear. Come back with a toaster oven.

After an hour or so, when you have exhausted all the objects in the aisle, scream at the top of your lungs and say, “Fair lady! Fair lady! Do you hear the sound of carriage wheels on the road and the steps of a hundred mighty horses? I THINK THE QUEEN IS COMING!” Run out of the store and never come back.


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« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2008, 06:28:09 am »

I work for an electric company,  I take English and Spanish calls. Spanish, they are easy, those type of customer (most of them Latinos)  are understandable, patient, they listen, but they can be dumb sometimes! English customer, all of them American's,  they can be irritating, annoying,  when they are mad, once they don't like something they heard, "I WANNA SPEAK TO YOUR SUPERVISOR' seriously they would always get the same answer and would end up pissed off, they want things for free, it doesn't work like that!


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« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2008, 10:53:44 am »
I work at TJ Maxx mainly at the customer service desk. It's absolutly horrible. I cant understand why people can't be polite, it isnt hard. And same with me, people want things for free or a huge discount (even if there is nothing wrong with the product). Last time I checked TJ Maxx as well as TJX companies are basically a huge garage sale! My advice to to people in customer service is...

1. Try not to be in customer service, you dont get paid enough for what you deal with

2. Be polite no matter what unless the customer seriously offends you. Then ask a fellow associate to take over or call a manager.

3. If you have a huge line of people, take one at a time dont even think about whos next.

4. After Christmas (when there are tons of people returning things) be firm. You dont need to nessesarily kiss ass like before. Remember all of your stores policies about returning as well as every other policy.

If you want you can read some "tips" I wrote on my facebook.


- When I greet you and ask "How are you?" Please give me "I'm fine, thank you" Honestly, I don't give a fuck why you are shopping here or how you can't fit in a certain pair of pants. Also, I don't want to hear your life story.

-Do NOT throw your items at me, it simply is not that hard to set them on the counter.

-Do NOT throw your money at me, just set it on the counter. Wait, even better, hand it to me politely!

-Do NOT hand me your money all folded up, I really don't want to be unfolding all your gross money that came out of your ass pocket.

-If the store phone rings and I say "excuse me, I need to answer that phone call" please don't roll your eyes or comment that I am not professional. I actually am being professional, do you want me to ignore a potentially important phone call?

-PLease do NOT return things from the Dollar store and expect me to believe that you baught a cheap ass stuffed teddy bear from here even when it clearly says "Dollar General" on it.

-Do not gve me a hard time when you have to wait 5 minutes because you decided to return something you baught 2 1/2 years ago with no tag and I have to find something with a price to compare it to.

-Yes, my name is Emily, and I do have to wear this hidious name tag but please don't harass me and call me by my name because you think it's funny.

-Leave you horrible kids at home. I don't want to clean up anything they broke and I do not need to hear them screaming while I try to do my job. It's annoyng and distracting.

-We don't give out gift boxes, this isnt sears.

-I HAVE to ask about the TJ Rewards credit card, please do NOT yell at me about asking, or give me a lame story about how youare not able to have one or you maxxed out your cards.

- Sometimes I have to ask you about making a donation to a certain charity. Just say no. I don't need to hear you complain that everyone is after your money or how you "already did" I know your lying. It's a dollar!

-DO NOT distract me while I cash you out then at the end of the transaction say "You didnt ask me about the credit card, I get the coke!" and then laugh! You dumb ass, it's a coke it costs $1 at wal mart. Cheap ass.

-EVen if I do ask you about the credit card dont say I didnt ask. Like you really need an extra 1,00 calories.

- Dont ask me for a discount on anything if there is nothing wrong with it, you're annoying.

-Don't sit on the furniture. Yes, you may sit on it for the 10 seconds it takes to see if its comfortable but don't sit on OR FALL ASLEEP while your wife is trying on a pair of jeans two sizes too small. P.S the furniture is sometimes on a rolling surface

-The store is NOT a playground, keep your kids at home.

-The standard markdown is 10% if you think something is wrong with it. So don't lie and tell us so and so said to take $39 off.

-Dont ask me to help you un zip or un tie anthing.

-Better yet, dont ask me how something looks. All associates will lie to you to get the sale. And I dont need to see your bra or boobs, thank you. (I actually had that happen!--YIKES)

-Don't pay in ALL $1 bills when your total is $57.00. It's takes too long (especially when I have a line) to count out 57 one dollar bills.

-If you total is 57.99 dont give me the change in pennies. Actually...this shouldnt even be acceptable.

- "Can I go out this door?" .....DOES IT SAY EXIT!!??

-WE close at 9:30...not 9:35 or 9:40. Listen to our closing annoucments. We make three of them before the end.

- If you have 200 items don't wait until 9:30 to cash out. I obvisouly want to go home now to bitch and complain to my co workers and sister about lame customers.

-If something dosent have a tag or price on it, dont say "Well it must be FREE!"

Rememer cashiers are people too. We arnt DUMB, it's just a job we have.
And if you don't believe me just put your hands on me
I see the dalai lama, I feel him blessing me


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« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2008, 05:16:04 pm »
omg. Ok I get the same crap ALL the time

There is a little tear in the fabric *keep in mind that they had to search for it and its on the inside where no one will see* I want 30% off....... yeah ok.

We have this thing were if you want to bring back and return a CD/DVD it can't be open. *because people would buy cd's burn them and than return them* you can only exchange it for the same one. Don't yell at me because you think the policy sucks. its not the store its copyright law

don't tell me I am dumb because you can't return your item that you lost the recipt for, was more than $100, and you payed cash so I can't use a credit card to look it up.

keep track of your own damn papers!

the holidays are the worst!

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« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2008, 06:01:15 pm »
I work at Starbucks and the customers are by far the bitchiest/stupidest/most arrogant/rudest sons of bitches I have ever come across.

I hate my job.


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« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2008, 03:08:54 pm »
Some people think they are being shrewd when they are able to get something for free or at discount by haggling and annoying people who work at a store.  It's not intelligence; it's a character defect!  Especially in the United States of America where most retail has price tags.  You are supposed to comparison shop, not vomit haggle at a defenseless person making less than $10 an hour.


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« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2008, 10:40:00 pm »
haha, i work in customer service at a popular grocery chain in the southeast, and i can TOTALLY Sympathize with you all.
a few more fyi's:
 -Don't hand me 40,000 old lotto tickets all crumpled and folded, we have a self-check machine on the counter for you to check your OWN DAMN TICKETS. if its just a few, that's fine, but no more than ten...
 -Don't babble on and give me animated gestures about how we don't carry your coffee ice cream anymore. You really just sound like a f&#*ing idiot to me...
 -Don't ask me if i'm open if my register light is off, and my closed sign is pulled out.
 -If i tell you 'no' because of a store policy, don't continue to question me or further ask for a manager. Policies have been policies, since the dawn of the goddamn company.
 -Get off your cellphone if you plan interacting with me whatsoever.
 -As office staff, we have to take all incoming phonecalls. It doesn't matter if you were talking with me first, I have to pick up the phone. I am insructed to do so and will get bitched at if I don't.
 -When cashing a payroll check from another company, If i don't know you or the company, i have to call your employer and verify you work for them, and/or call the bank holding the account and verify funds. Also, learn your local store's check cashing limit.
 -Do be reasonable, not quick to anger. in one word: 'civil'.
 -Don't call and ask for the expiration date on anything, and for us to set aside the product for you. I'm busy 90% of the time.
 Do say thank you when i'm done helping you out with whatever you needed. It's a simple way to show appreciation for the person who's been inside behind a counter all day!

When it comes to people and senseless bitching, i usually don't care. You can't really phase me. I keep my expression calm and look them directly in the eyes. Listen and pretend you care. People who take things to the extreme usually have mental problems or issues, and listening to them is the best you can do.
Don't take anything personal, these people don't know you or who you are. They can call you "worthless" "no help" "a piece of shit" and it's all meaningless unless they actually know you...

Furthermore, if you're a rebel like me, and find it hard to restrain yourself from doing or saying things that offend most people, then practice on keeping it in, lol. You're surrounded by (mostly) normal people. It's a respectable business atmosphere you work in, and most people won't laugh with you when you find a dead lizard stricken with rigor mortis and stick it in their face...
Let's just say i'm good at acting now...


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« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2008, 03:03:19 am »
Quote from: "feishien"
YA author Maureen Johnson wrote this bit in answer to a customer-related question on her blog. :P don't know how much actual help it would be though, lol.

Quote from: "Maureen Johnson"
I have held many jobs in which I dealt with the public. I remember well dealing with bitchy, longwinded, annoying, unfriendly people who have come to take your time and ruin your life. This kind of customer is impossible to dismiss. They don’t care about you, or the other people, or common decency. They’ll scream, they’ll throw money in your face, knock things off shelves. They’ll make twenty people wait in line behind them while they rant and rave and announce that they don’t care. You can never be rude back, sadly, as that just adds fuel to the fire (and see the above questions for where that will get you).

This kind of anti-Cheer behavior must be stopped. I used to employ many methods for doing this. Here is one of my favorites. It never failed me.

Say you work at Target, at the customer service counter. For the last twenty minutes, you have watched a horrible woman screaming about the fact that the store has run out of the Hannah Montana Rockstar Powerdrill and Bake Sets that were advertised in the circular. She has been taking out her wrath on an innocent checkout girl. The checkout girl, reduced to tears, pointed at your counter in defeat. Now it is your turn for punishment. But no. You will not go down quietly. You need to be one step ahead of her. Before she even gets to your desk, run around so that you are standing in front of her on the same side of the counter. Bow low at the waist and pretend to take off a hat.

From this point on, speak entirely in Renaissance Fair speak. Wring your hands together and say something like, “Please, good madam, speak to me that I may absorb the gist of your need!”

This should set her a little off-balance, but she’ll keep rambling on. Whatever she says, just look shocked and exclaim “Most injurious, sweet lady! Most assuredly injurious!” Offer her a chair. If there is no chair, offer your own back as a bench. Say, “Fie on this! Fie, fie! Come. Together we shall investigate this injustice and rectify all that seeks rectification.”

Lead her away. Make sure to keep stopping and bowing and that you always walk a few steps behind. Go to the toy section, but to the wrong aisle. Proceed to take every single toy off the shelf and ask, “Doth this be the object of merriment?” Whenever she looks like she is tiring of you, jump up and down and exclaim, “Curseth my pumpkin head! I have possessed the knowledge all this while! I will bring the bauble henceforth!” Disappear. Come back with a toaster oven.

After an hour or so, when you have exhausted all the objects in the aisle, scream at the top of your lungs and say, “Fair lady! Fair lady! Do you hear the sound of carriage wheels on the road and the steps of a hundred mighty horses? I THINK THE QUEEN IS COMING!” Run out of the store and never come back.

 :lol: oh that's great. This cheered me up after a crap day at work.
Hannah Montana Rockstar Powerdrill  :lol:
Next time I want to swear at customers, I'll do this instead.
"Music produces a kind of pleasure that human nature cannot do without."

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« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2008, 09:21:07 pm »
Quote from: "MeganJane"
Quote from: "feishien"
YA author Maureen Johnson wrote this bit in answer to a customer-related question on her blog. :P don't know how much actual help it would be though, lol.

Quote from: "Maureen Johnson"
I have held many jobs in which I dealt with the public. I remember well dealing with bitchy, longwinded, annoying, unfriendly people who have come to take your time and ruin your life. This kind of customer is impossible to dismiss. They don’t care about you, or the other people, or common decency. They’ll scream, they’ll throw money in your face, knock things off shelves. They’ll make twenty people wait in line behind them while they rant and rave and announce that they don’t care. You can never be rude back, sadly, as that just adds fuel to the fire (and see the above questions for where that will get you).

This kind of anti-Cheer behavior must be stopped. I used to employ many methods for doing this. Here is one of my favorites. It never failed me.

Say you work at Target, at the customer service counter. For the last twenty minutes, you have watched a horrible woman screaming about the fact that the store has run out of the Hannah Montana Rockstar Powerdrill and Bake Sets that were advertised in the circular. She has been taking out her wrath on an innocent checkout girl. The checkout girl, reduced to tears, pointed at your counter in defeat. Now it is your turn for punishment. But no. You will not go down quietly. You need to be one step ahead of her. Before she even gets to your desk, run around so that you are standing in front of her on the same side of the counter. Bow low at the waist and pretend to take off a hat.

From this point on, speak entirely in Renaissance Fair speak. Wring your hands together and say something like, “Please, good madam, speak to me that I may absorb the gist of your need!”

This should set her a little off-balance, but she’ll keep rambling on. Whatever she says, just look shocked and exclaim “Most injurious, sweet lady! Most assuredly injurious!” Offer her a chair. If there is no chair, offer your own back as a bench. Say, “Fie on this! Fie, fie! Come. Together we shall investigate this injustice and rectify all that seeks rectification.”

Lead her away. Make sure to keep stopping and bowing and that you always walk a few steps behind. Go to the toy section, but to the wrong aisle. Proceed to take every single toy off the shelf and ask, “Doth this be the object of merriment?” Whenever she looks like she is tiring of you, jump up and down and exclaim, “Curseth my pumpkin head! I have possessed the knowledge all this while! I will bring the bauble henceforth!” Disappear. Come back with a toaster oven.

After an hour or so, when you have exhausted all the objects in the aisle, scream at the top of your lungs and say, “Fair lady! Fair lady! Do you hear the sound of carriage wheels on the road and the steps of a hundred mighty horses? I THINK THE QUEEN IS COMING!” Run out of the store and never come back.

 :lol: oh that's great. This cheered me up after a crap day at work.
Hannah Montana Rockstar Powerdrill  :lol:
Next time I want to swear at customers, I'll do this instead.

lmao. I must try this.... =]

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« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2008, 06:29:51 pm »
I work in a callcenter for a TV & Internet provider (nothing life or death)
I started as a customer service rep, now I'm a manager and I get the supervisor escalations... I can get some people SOOOO pissed, its almost amusing. Usually it just comes down to "you didnt pay your bill so your service got shut off, and yes there's a reactivation fee"
*their heads explode*
I thank the good Lord that it's a call center and not face-to-face.... I probably would have gotten shot by now otherwise.


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« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2009, 03:04:02 am »
I work for Peet's Coffee & Tea.

I'm used to retail. My first job was at Dairy Queen/Orange Julius, second I worked at Best Buy, and now Peet's.

I really wanted to get away from retail after Best Buy but I needed something just to hold me over until a background check for another job was going through, my manager was the biggest sweetheart and I actually enjoyed what I was doing.

I ended up staying and have been with the company for over a year now! I don't get a lot of rude people, mostly morons. When people say Tall, Grande, or Venti? I always say "I'm sorry, what size?" Or if they say "What do you have like a frappuccino?" Of course I play dumb, to make them feel dumb. I say, "I'm sorry I have no idea what that is, and I don't know the ingredients or how it's made so I cannot say what is similar to it at this time." Luckily one of my leads does not take shit from anyone.

Whenever someone is rude to me and I just can't take it (and she's working with me) I will just say, "You know, I'm going to have soandso take care of you" and when she's done with them I have a big smile on my face! And people, do not mess with people who make your drinks or prepare your food. Seriously.  :wink:

But if you have to be professional or you can't deal with someone, tell a lead or your manager. You do not have to put up with that. If they do not want to help you or you feel their wasn't balance, walk. QUIT! You do not have to tolerate shit from both your management and customers. Take a step back or step up.

You know that Dirrty feeling when you wake up with no pants on face down on the floor of the city bus and you got like a condom in your ear? Thats the feeling we are trying to create! - Sarah Michelle Gellar