Someone had posted somewhere, not in any Get Good thread, about not understanding the line:
Oh it's been so long since powder soft serene.
This is my take on it. Since the song is based on the speech her cousin gave that references Sylvia Plath's poem about nature being beautiful and that the song is for a friend contemplating divorce, I think that the line means it's been a long time since being able to enjoy life and the goings on that surround us in nature. Because the friend has lost her constellation eyes (to me that means like her starry eyes how we are in the beginning throes of love) she was unable to see all the good around her in other people, friends, nature and life. So Vanessa sings to say that she will be there for her, she will help her get good again, and that someday she will get good again especially if she can take the time to stop and smell the roses. So basically the friend has not been able to relax and enjoy life hence, it's been so long since powder soft serene.
Does this explanation make sense to anyone else?