Author Topic: Deer Tick  (Read 5786 times)


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Deer Tick
« on: January 05, 2014, 09:51:22 am »
Alright, so I'll admit the only reason I started to listen to their music because I was interested in who Vanessa was duetting with on 'In our Time.' However I have over the last few months become big fans of their music, and have tickets for their upcoming gig in Manchester (hopefully Vanessa will be there too :) )

Reading a few comments on here, and I do kinda agree, that John's voice can be described as a bit nasally, although I have learned to really his style, and also that he is a really talented guitarist and musician.

A couple of songs that I recommend, off of a variety of their albums:

Baltimore Blues No 1 - really good guitar line, and made me buy a cheap one off eBay, just so I could learn it
In Our Time - because Vanessa (duh) and a nice country style story to the song.
Daydreaming - (Strictly off another of John's bands called Middle Brother) but a beautiful song nonetheless.
Thyme - Makes me think of Christmas for some reason...
Twenty Miles - their most popular song on Youtube I believe? But for a good reason.

Any thoughts from you guys?