Sorry to hear about the goalpost problem, seems like a pretty unsatisfying ending to what sounds like was up to that point a pretty good game. :?
Yes, the whole goal post fiasco was a huge disappointment. My team was within a yard of scoring a touch down! It was an incredible play that we made. The other team was in possession of the ball and had decided to try for a field goal. The kicker, rather surprisingly, had bad aim and kept missing the posts...actually the whole end zone. On fourth down the kicker must have been pretty nervous and ended up making a bad snap. My team picked up the fumbled ball and ran with it...pretty much trying to show that other team how football should be played. Maybe that psyched out the other team, I'm not sure, but we got within a yard of the opposite end zone. Things were looking good when suddenly the goal post fell and the game was called. I didn't know field posts could be that unreliable.
And tell them to keep that flag in their pocket next time for that unnecessary roughness, a little rough play is okay by me
I'm glad
someone appreciates the work of our offensive coordinator! Hee-hee, the other team was definitely surprised. In my opinion though, if the other team isn't going to take charge and lead with the kickoff, then we've got to step in and set the tone of the game.