
Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?

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Author Topic: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?  (Read 16526 times)


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Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
« Reply #45 on: May 13, 2003, 10:20:30 am »
Have you ever actually been to England Andrew? tried toad in the hole? fish and chips? Yorkshire pudding? Sticky toffee pudding? bangers and mash? Have you ever tried a full english roast Andrew? I thought not...
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Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
« Reply #46 on: May 13, 2003, 10:54:37 am »
First off.  For all you know, I have been to England and I have tried all of those things.  I dont know why you would presume I haven't.  Hell, my parents and grandparents are in england right now.  They've been there for 2 weeks now.  My older brother spend 2 months there.  Granted, I haven't been there, but you had no way of knowing that.  Bad form.  :wink:

Second of all, im telling you about history.  And historically, the descendants of the british didn't contribute anything to cooking.  They just didn't.  Maybe in modern (as in, last 400 years or so) times the English have taken credit for some dishes... but by then they had protectorates and colonies and what not all over the world.  Where do you think all of these "british" recicpies came from?  India. Greece. Africa. etc.

Im not saying those aren't all great foods.  And im not saying there is anything wrong with taking the dishes of other countries..... hell, I LOVE mexican food and Indian food.  I'm just saying, don't demean Americans for doing it when the British are just as guilty.

Both the British and American cultures are a mish-mash of other countries.  Which is why we are the two most powerful countries in the world.  Diversity = Strength.
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Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
« Reply #47 on: May 13, 2003, 11:02:13 am »
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
tried toad in the hole? fish and chips?

*drools* haha how about salt & vinegar Pringles?? huh??  :wink:  Ok ok I know you get them in more places... but they're SO English!

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Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
« Reply #48 on: May 13, 2003, 11:07:35 am »
nere: hahaha, do u want me to send u some more? cos i happily will, just not sure how welll they'd do through the post! lmao, oh i know- you could come here and get some! bwhahaha
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Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
« Reply #49 on: May 13, 2003, 11:10:58 am »
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
oh i know- you could come here and get some! bwhahaha

Yess! That doesn't sound too bad at all  :wink: Hmm maybe later this year, I'll try to do some convincing around the house, after all we owe you a visit huh? And since the summer family hols to Paris are not happening well... they might just as well agree, you never know *fingers crossed*

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Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
« Reply #50 on: January 12, 2004, 10:17:09 am »
Yes, I passed it my first year, it was easy.

Manda :wink:

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Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
« Reply #51 on: January 12, 2004, 09:44:45 pm »
i go to private school and i dont think we have to take that?
im a senior and they never told us anything..
but its okay my school makes up for it for making us think we're not gonna ever get into college if we have a C and threatens us with not graduation for any little thing you do
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Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
« Reply #52 on: January 15, 2004, 08:33:21 pm »
My friend goes to a private school also, and she did not have to take it. So I'm guessing maybe it only applies to those in public school like myself.

either way, its a very easy test, most pass it the first year they take it. I passed, then it got taken away because we didn't have money at the time, but they are going to start it back up again this year, I feel sorry for the freshaman.

I remember the test being like a couple of hours for like three days. It was really time consuming.


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Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
« Reply #53 on: January 15, 2004, 08:41:02 pm »
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
Have you ever actually been to England Andrew? tried toad in the hole? fish and chips? Yorkshire pudding? Sticky toffee pudding? bangers and mash? Have you ever tried a full english roast Andrew? I thought not...

Andrew seems to know everything, lol
or atleast think he does
just because you have tried something, doesnt mean everyone thinks it's the same way you think so.

I have tried english food when i was in london years ago, I thought it was good!

Oh, I had fish and chips last week! yum! :)
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Re: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
« Reply #54 on: January 15, 2004, 08:46:54 pm »
Quote from: "Laura"
Yeah so in California (Im pretty sure it's just in Cali) we have to pass a highschool English, & Math exit exam. And if we don't we don't get a diploma. Do me a favor:If you ever get a chance to meet Gov. Gray Davis, kick him in the arse for me and every other highschool student in California.  :lol:

P.S. blah can someone fix my poll? it keeps coming back, disapearing, and adding more answers, can a mod help please?

I never heard of that law... maybe it's only mandatory for public schools?
we dont have to take a test to get our diploma. As long as we pass the needed classes and don't get too many c's or lower we're good to go. We do have more course requirements though.
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Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
« Reply #55 on: January 15, 2004, 09:16:40 pm »
I really think its only for those in Public Schools.

Loyola and Notre Dame Academy and other schools like those don't have to pass the exams or take them at all.

My friends told me about this, and I really think it shouldn't have to be passed to pass high school, at our school its you who takes the classes, if you don't take a certain class and don't graduate basically its your fault.

classes are all up to you.


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Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
« Reply #56 on: January 16, 2004, 07:54:12 am »
Quote from: "Katia's Lover"
We have them here in Georgia, and for one--they're the easiest things ever.  If you can't pass them, you don't deserve a diploma.  Just my opinion.

That's what I was thinkin'. Granted, I'm not in high school, but it seems like if people learned what they were supposed to high school, the exit exam should be easy enough and they would pass it. Plus, it's just Math and English - Two things EVERY person should know when he or she graduates 8th grade.

Just a thought.


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Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
« Reply #57 on: January 16, 2004, 08:04:54 am »
Quote from: "PIBby"
Quote from: "Katia's Lover"
We have them here in Georgia, and for one--they're the easiest things ever.  If you can't pass them, you don't deserve a diploma.  Just my opinion.

That's what I was thinkin'. Granted, I'm not in high school, but it seems like if people learned what they were supposed to high school, the exit exam should be easy enough and they would pass it. Plus, it's just Math and English - Two things EVERY person should know when he or she graduates 8th grade.

Just a thought.

I agree, though i think the general point of this thread was that she hasn't been taught what she was supposed to learn, and therefore has no opportunity to learn it. So hmmm.
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