It's the same deal if you sell books before their release date. We had Harry Potter last Monday, but we weren't allowed to sell it until Saturday. Fines up the ying yang. That's all I can say about that.
HP is such a rad album. I've read some reviews I've agreed with (the good ones
) and some that have made me go o_O WTF? but I have formed my own opinion and written my own review but basically I said this: yes it's still over produced,
BUT the overall sound and lyrics have vastly matured and I think it's her best effort to date. I dig the departure from the "poppish" sound. I like that I can hear the country/folk/classic rock influences I know she has. Solid album...2 thumbs up. anyone who already has the ACTUAL CD in their grubby little there, or is there not, a bonus track? And if so, wth is it?