shelly how does the animation work?
you left click on the picture or words you want to animate...go up all the way to the top where it says modify. Click that and scroll down to where it says animation. Click animation selection. You will get this box that says going down
frames---depending on how many frames you want you might want to change it. The more frames the better the animation looks smoothness. but sometimes you only need a few frames. click how many frames you will need for that one particular animation.
move-when you pick this it makes the picture move off to the left. click how far you want it to go. Once you have pressed ok you will see a line of dots. There will be the header one which is can make that to make the picture move any direction you want.
direction- basically you just move the little scroll the way you want the picture to move. I find this to be easier than the move animation button.
scale to- this makes the picture bigger or smaller. You've seen scotts new animated know how the "close" part comes and it keeps getting bigger and bigger? well that scaling to. to make the picture grow click the scale is 101-250. To make it srink the scale goes from 1-99.
Opactity-This one is really fun. This makes the picture either appear or dissipar. you can figure this out on your own. It's fun.
Rotate- you will see cw and ccw. Cw=Clock wise..Ccw=counter clock wise. this turns it into a circle.
to make the frames go slower they are 10ths of a second I believe so to make it slower you need to make the numbers bigger. ie the default number is 7 to make it go slower make it like 25 or higher.
Ohh yes and before you export click over to the right where it says optomize click animated gif.
hope that helped.