Ok, I am going to get NESSAholics involved with ATR! What I need is:
5 AIM icons made
5 MSN icons made
4 AV's for the forums made
4 sigs/doubled as banners made
We're going to use 6 aim/msn icons but there is already one made for each (If we can use Scott's msn icon? and I made an AIM icon already).
Okay they need to all say AThousandRoses.org. The sigs and banners must also include that our goal is $2,500, and that we're building white houses (in your own phrase...you don't have to say "we're bulding white houses")...All must have a picture of Vanessa in it somewhere. AV's must be made to fit NH.com board requirements. Sigs, also, must be made to fit NH.com board requirements, BUT if you make extra banners they don't have to be made to fit--the best extra will be choosen.
NOTE: Please split assignments up, I want to see different styles, and I want to get everyone involved. I know Christine made hand-outs and I think she made Wallpapers...She might have made AV's/Sigs/Icons/Banners, but seeing that she is gone, I don't know...SO! That means you don't have to make 1,000 of them, because they won't all be used if you do that. If you want to make Wallpaper, you're welcomed to do that. I know for a fact that Christine made hand-outs.
Please PM them to me. Instead of posting them. I don't want to like 100 posts for this.
Thank you!