
Was Roe v. Wade constitutionally correct?

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Author Topic: Roe v. Wade  (Read 10118 times)


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Roe v. Wade
« Reply #15 on: June 24, 2003, 04:37:02 am »
Quote from: "PIBby"
Now I know why wehad those what-I-thought-weepointless debates in class. ;)

Abortion is wrong. The end, Huwoollabugabduhla. It's not that hard to understand WHY abortion is wrong. You've got all these people protesting AGAINST people who are pro-Life, even though the Pro-Choice peeps were once a Fetus (or Embryo), themselves. If a girl is raped, there's always c-sections. And the bastard who raped her should be whipped, have salt poured in his wounds, he should have his hands cut off, his tongue ripped out with tongs, and he should be burned alive, for allthe twn to see and the townspeple should be able to shoot rubber bands at his bear ass. >Pro-Life<

okay, i respect your opinion, but put yourself in my best friends shoes:

she was raped when she was 9 years old, and got pregnant. There was no way in hell  she would be able to survive the nine months alone that it takes to carry a child, much less a child birth, or C Section (which is only needed if a woman can not medically give birth to a child - like Grakthis said, it has nothing to do whether or not a woman was raped). Abortion was the only option that was possible. Had she not had an abortion, neither her or the child would have survived.

You don't have to be Pro-Abortion to think that abortion should be legal. If you look back to the mid 20th Century when abortion was illegal, women were getting it done anyways. Only because it was illegal the procedures often took place in unsterilized rooms (hotels were used most often) with unsterilized equipment, thus often causing dangerous infections that sometimes resulted in death.

Women are going to have abortions whether it's legal or not, so you might as well make it legal. [/i]


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Roe v. Wade
« Reply #16 on: June 24, 2003, 04:43:56 am »
Quote from: "GSUCarltonFan"
 If/when Rehnquist and O'Conner retire (two republicans) off the court, Bush ... will put to pro-lifers on the court giving them an advantage.  Will the next court do the unthinkable and reverse itself?  Time will tell...

let's hope not......*shuddersatthemerethoughtofpresidentbush*

like a great teacher in my school once said:

"The problem with the Bush Administration is that they're too afraid to think outside of the box"

(big ups to Big Cal  :wink: )

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Roe v. Wade
« Reply #17 on: June 24, 2003, 06:08:05 am »
*Letting the Republican in him shine through*

What's wrong with Bush?  Do we really need another Democrat to screw (pun intended) up???

O'Conner's "conservatism" also shined through during the Bush v. Gore case that pretty much settled the 2000 election.  Newseek printed an article of witnesses overhearing O'Conner saying "Oh, this is horrible." when Fox News reported that Gore had won Florida.  

It turns out, she is/was hoping to retire and would only do so if a Rep (in this case Bush) appointed her replacement.
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Roe v. Wade
« Reply #18 on: June 24, 2003, 06:39:16 am »
frankly, Pres. Bush just irks me. that's all. when i see him, or hear him stutter, the muscles in my body tense up and i just have to look away. and all that democrate/republican crap just annoys me. i pay no attention to what party someone's in....in the end it shouldn't matter. who cares if someone's a democrat? people should pay more attention to their goals and actions...*not directed towards anyone in particular, just a general thought*

*clearsthroat* sticking this topic to Roe vs. Wade.......

i just hope that bush doesn't illegalize abortion. whether or not he agrees with it shouldnt' matter. he should be looking out for the well being of women across the nation. thats all, i'm spent.


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Roe v. Wade
« Reply #19 on: June 24, 2003, 06:50:25 am »
Quote from: "GSUCarltonFan"
What's wrong with Bush?


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Roe v. Wade
« Reply #20 on: June 24, 2003, 06:53:12 am »
Yes, Bush is a terrible president.

We need more Clinton's in the White House!  (The way he was going, given another four years, he would have MADE more Clinton's)
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Roe v. Wade
« Reply #21 on: June 24, 2003, 07:02:58 am »
Quote from: "GSUCarltonFan"
Yes, Bush is a terrible president.

We need more Clinton's in the White House!  (The way he was going, given another four years, he would have MADE more Clinton's)

If the worse thing he did, and the only thing you can come up with is that he got a blow job... He lied about a blow job.  President Bush lied that something was a threat to national security, and it wasn't.


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Roe v. Wade
« Reply #22 on: June 24, 2003, 07:03:31 am »
Quote from: "Xennifr"
lol and there goes grakthis preaching again..

lol and there goes jen, trying to pretend she has an opinion again..
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Roe v. Wade
« Reply #23 on: June 24, 2003, 07:09:54 am »
Quote from: "GSUCarltonFan"
*Letting the Republican in him shine through*
What's wrong with Bush?  Do we really need another Democrat to screw (pun intended) up???

Republics are so out of touch with reality.  Do they have good economic theory?  yes.  Do they apply policy well.  Yes.  Do they have ANY notion of what the general populace actually wants?  Not even remotly.

It's CLEAR that the american public is HEAVILY pro-choice.  This is not even DEBATED by any pro-lifers I know.  If you took a vote TOMMOROW it would be overwhelmingly pro-choice.

Never have I seen a party more out of touch with the general public.  The democrats inability to put together a good candidate should have given the republicans a landslide in 2000, but Dubya continuted to screw things up so badly that Ralph Nader managed to grab a healthy percent of the votes!  And even THEN Gore won the popular vote.

Dubya is a joke of a president.  He didn't win the election, hes got nazi's for advisors and he's got the intellect of a 12 year old.  I can't wait till he's gone.
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Roe v. Wade
« Reply #24 on: June 24, 2003, 07:12:46 am »
Quote from: "LimeTwister"

If the worse thing he did, and the only thing you can come up with is that he got a blow job... He lied about a blow job.  President Bush lied that something was a threat to national security, and it wasn't.

Bad example Joe.  There is some REAL debate over weather or not Iraq was a threat to national security.  Cause frankly, most people still strongly believe that Sadam was.  If NOTHING else, he still supported terrorist camps; which means he needed to go.

However, Dubya has done MUCH worse than that.  He's tied up in so many different schemes to raise money for his cronies... did people completely forget about he and Chaney's involvement in Enron?
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Roe v. Wade
« Reply #25 on: June 25, 2003, 04:57:24 am »
Quote from: "Grakthis"
Quote from: "LimeTwister"

If the worse thing he did, and the only thing you can come up with is that he got a blow job... He lied about a blow job.  President Bush lied that something was a threat to national security, and it wasn't.

Bad example Joe.  There is some REAL debate over weather or not Iraq was a threat to national security.  Cause frankly, most people still strongly believe that Sadam was.  If NOTHING else, he still supported terrorist camps; which means he needed to go.

However, Dubya has done MUCH worse than that.  He's tied up in so many different schemes to raise money for his cronies... did people completely forget about he and Chaney's involvement in Enron?

Well see! more stuff, I didn't forget the Enron thing although I think the rest of the planet did...thanks Andrew.


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Roe v. Wade
« Reply #26 on: June 26, 2003, 09:02:27 am »
Roe v. Wade is clearly unconsitutional. And the case was a fraud.

Norma McCorvey (aka Jane Roe) recently filed a statement saying that she didn't understand what abortion was when she had the case. Furthermore, she never read the statement her lawyers prepared for her, before sigining it. She only met with her lawyers twice. Once when the lawyers recruited her for this test case and another time to sign the statement they prepared. Most of the case was fabricated. And guess what, she didn't even get an abortion afterwards!

Here is why it is unconsitutional. The ninth amendment says that the Bill of Rights is not a complete list of rights. Roe v Wade pretty much said that abortion is one of those rights that isn't listed in the Consitution that belongs to the people. This is a dangerous precident. The federal Courts can use this to ursup any state law the feel like with it. My interpretation of the 9th amendment is that we have all rights not prohibited by the state and federal governments.
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Roe v. Wade
« Reply #27 on: June 26, 2003, 09:52:09 am »
Ah, the 9th amendment.  What a beautiful yet wicked creature it is.

You're right about Norma McCorvey though.  She had little/nothing to do with the case.  However, that has 0 to do with the court's ruling.  If not Norma McCorvey, it would have been someone else.  If not Roe v. Wade, Planned Parenthood v. Casey.  Hell, Griswold v. Connecticut should have given us our first insight that the USSC would always hold the "privacy" right.

Oh yes, by the way, if you ever have about an hour to waste, I recommend the two best USSC opinions ever wrote:  Griswold v. Connecticut (the majority opinion by Chief Justice Warren) and Marbury v. Madison (majority opinion by Chief Justice James Marshall).  It's pretty humorous how these guys can take the constitution and pretty much do with it what they wish.

And also, the majority opinion in the Roe v. Wade case (I think it was Blackmun that wrote it--might be wrong) is one of the worst prepared I've read anywhere.  In my opinion it was just a bunch of hellabulu put down on a piece of paper that was strictly more opinion than constitutional fact.  Rehnquist was in the dissent of that decision, and he punched holes all through the arguments.  IMO, if the opinion in the Roe v. Wade case would have been written better we might now have had the same typical abortion cases we have virtually every day now.
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Roe v. Wade
« Reply #28 on: June 30, 2003, 04:44:35 am »
Ok.. though I'm tempted to take Andrew's bait.. and respond on the Republicans out of touch with reality comment... and post example after example of Dems LITERALLY acting quite insane (*cough*Nancy Pelosi *cough*).. I wont...

I just want to address my LARGEST pet peeve ever on this subject...

pro-CHOICE is NOT pro-ABORTION.. it is exactly what it says.  It is being in favor of a human beings right to decide for themselves what is the right decision for their own body.  Of course, in an ideal situation, no one would want abortion to be the choice but no government should be able to tell someone what they can and can not do to their own body.  

And I will tell you this.  Make abortions illegal, and you will simply make it another drug trade.  You will make it shady and dirty, and move it to the back allys.  You will make it profitable for the WRONG people.. instead of sanitary doctor's offices they'll have hotel bathrooms... and probably cost the lives of many young women who didin't have to die... if this happens, all the pro-lifers should sleep 10x worse knowing what they've accomplished...
-- Jason


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Roe v. Wade
« Reply #29 on: June 30, 2003, 11:40:56 am »
Quote from: "PintOGuinness"
Ok.. though I'm tempted to take Andrew's bait.. and respond on the Republicans out of touch with reality comment... and post example after example of Dems LITERALLY acting quite insane (*cough*Nancy Pelosi *cough*).. I wont...

Boooooooooooooooooo!!! you're no fun anymore  :wink:

Quote from: "PintOGuiness"

 8O  It's not?!?  damn! Im on the wrong side! Which party supports killing all babies?  :twisted:
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