wow, nice....
well, I think love is like alot of emotional things. Pure real emotion is just wild. Although I hate when people use emotions as an excuse for something that by the nature of what you're dealing with deserves the intellect. For real, there is a balance for each and every person.
The problem most people have with love is that it can be manipulated as other emotions may. And even when it is not manipulated, with love you kind of make an emotional commitment in exchange for an environment from a relationship with someone. So when that environment changes you really feel it. The change of environment breaks the emotional commitment and the pleasurable environment which you have fully agreed to. When someone takes that away it hurts. It hurts not only emotionally but it hurts right down to the positive stimulus you are used to from a more romantic relationship. It hurts from absence of that person touching your skin, from that person touching your mind, and from touching your heart.
But that is no excuse for avoiding it because that is the way people are. Love is a part of you. And the more you resist the harder you fall because you really need it. Humans need it. You are human( I hope
Some people I think are too wild though and I sometimes want to throw a book at them and the way they think. Who knows, They might actaully pick it up and read it.