On the subject of (Dark) Carnival...
The opening piano part has been put to rest, it seems, but what about the rest of the song? I think I know what to play for "and she runs on her own ... in this Dark Carnival where the end is close" but what about for "It's the edge of the dawn ... before the light"?
I know that Nagyovafan said to play the D minor chord in the right hand (which is D, F, and A, correct?); and then play D, C#, C, and B in the base. Apparently, as I've also read, this is in the wrong key...so I think, following the same pattern that I've been seeing, it should really be:
Right hand:
Left hand:
This doesn't sound right to me, though, and when I listen to Carnival or the E3 Dark Carnival performance, I'm pretty sure it isn't right. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? As I'm pretty sure I am somewhere... :roll: