Gas prices go up when supply < demand...
Stop driving you fuckers! :-P
yea, but everyone needs gas (unless you don't drive)...So they could probably put what price they want and it not have to depend on supply and demand...
Though it could, but I doubt it.
There are laws against that happening.
No... actually, there aren't laws against that. If there were, we wouldn't be a market economy. Reagan completely removed all regulations on the gasoline industry in the late 80's.
There are laws against price fixing, but not price leadership. The gasoline retailers in the US all operate on price leadership. Which means they can pretty much alter prices as they see fit when they see fit and they don't have to say "boo" to us or the government.
While OPEC can greatly influence the prices of Gas in the US, they don't actually supply as high a percenteage of the gasoline Americans use as most Americans think. Only about half of the oil used in the US is from foreign sources and only about half of that is from OPEC countries.
The reason for these increases right now are simply supply and demand. Gasoline usage is seasonal, and as the weather starts to warm up supply tends to lag behind demand a little. The last number I was given, which was while I was still in college and studying environmental economics in 2000, was that oil consumption went up about 10% starting in mid to late february.
Throw on there that MANY cities (including LA and I know Louisville as well) use reformulated Gasoline during the summer months to ease pollution. This adds an extra cost to the gasoline during the summer months which can be as high as 10 cents per gallon.
Also, according to a news week article I read last week, this year some of the refineries are actually having trouble getting online and back up and strong from what is called "maintenance season". Basically, they slow down to do maintenance on the refineries during mid winter then have to get things up and running again for summer. Apparently 3 or 4 major refineries are having restart issues.
Mix all that together and p00f! High gasoline prices.
My suggestion to everyone on here and your parents: SELL YOUR FUCKING SUV'S AND BUY SOMETHING THAT MAKES SENSE, YOU FAT GREEDY CAPITALIST PIG DOGS!11!11!!1!