Well now I’m pissed. I typed up my entire review for this film, and clicked post, and it asked me to log in (which I already was) and I lost the review.
Oh well, life goes on…
All right:
As I’ve stated before in another thread (possible the thread for this film), I love football movies. Up until last night “Rudy” was my favorite. That may have changed after seeing “Friday Night Lights”. Directed by Peter Berg, the film stars Billy Bob Thornton, Tim McGraw, Lucas Black, Derek Luke, Jay Hernandez, Garrett Hedlund and Lee Thompson Young.
Based on a true story, which took place in 1988, this film follows the season of an ultra-competitive Texas-based high school football team, as they shoulder the entire town's hopes, dreams and indirect threats to win the state championship.
Thornton stars as Gary Gaines, the head coach for the Permian Panthers, the local high school team in Odessa, TX. Lucas Black is Mike Winchell, the quiet yet amazing quarterback for the team. Derek Luke is Boobie Miles ( :razz: boobie) who is the real star of the team. The town-folk believe he is the reason the team will go undefeated and win the state championship.
In the first game of the season, Boobie ( :razz: boobie) is kickin’ ass, scoring all of the 40+ points for the Panters. Gaines takes him out in the fourth quarter, and puts in the second string running back. This dude gets hurt, so he decides to put in the third stinger Chris Comer (Young), who can’t seem to find his helmet. Boobie ( :razz: boobie) goes back in and gets injured. They win the game, but the crowd’s excitement turns to concern for the star player. The season is now in jeopardy.
I’ll stop there as to not ruin any of the film. You’ll definitely have to check it out.
On to the acting:
Thornton gave us a great performance and showed the stress that Gaines was under from the people of Odessa. They wanted him to bring home the state championship and would except anything less than that. You could tell that he just wanted to belt out a “Go fuck yourself. If we win fucking win, we fucking win. If we lose, to fucking bad.” He yelled a lot, but when it came to cursing, all he got out was a “Gosh darn it” type of line. It was actually kind of funny to see Thornton like this. Mainly because the last film I saw him in was Bad Santa.
McGraw’s character was probably my favorite in the film. Sure, he played a drunken, washed-up, abusive, asshole father, but he did a great job at it. I kind of felt his anger, disappointment, and impatience with his son. All he wanted was for his son to be as good as he was.
I haven’t seen many of Lucas Black’s other films, but I’m gonna try to. The kid is a really good actor and played his role perfectly. Like Thornton, Black showed the stress that his character was under. Once Boobie got injured, Winchell had to try and carry his team to the championship. That, as well as his ill mother, was really tough on him, but he never gave up.
Derek Luke as the cocky Boobie ( 8O cocky boobie), really showed his talent as an actor. At first I didn’t like the character. I’m not big on people who gloat about how good they are. But Boobie knew he was the best football player in Odessa, and he wanted everyone else to know it too. The way Luke portrayed Boobie Miles, showed you how strong-willed Miles must have been. After the injury, he kept his head held high around the other players, not showing how crushed he was, but you could tell he was heart broken. All he wanted to do was play football. His greatest talent was taken away from him. Luke turned out to be another of my favorite actors in this film.
The film is very character driven and, I don’t know about the rest of the audience, but I felt for each one of the lead actors throughout this film.
There was only one thing I didn’t like about the film, and it dealt with the creative side of the movie. There was a lot of hand-held camera action, and it got a little distracting at first. Once the film gets going though, it didn’t become too much a big deal.
Football fan or not, I think you’ll like this movie.