Well well well...it's 2 AM here in la and it's fucking hot! That's why I'm awake. Yeah, my whole family's asleep and I'm in my bed online with my sister's laptop. The weather this week has been dreadful! It's unbearably hot. And I can't sleep. I know what you're thinking (if anyone is actually reading any of my crap), why can't I just open the window!? Well I'm arachnophobic. And I have the gayest scream ever so opening the window is a no-no. I'll wake the whole neighborhood up.
I hate summer. I get all these red break-outs on my neck during the summer. I itch all over. And I can't sleep at night. I lie down in bed at 12:00 and barely get to sleep at 4 in the morning. That annoys me. And my parents too!
Why am I writing all of this? I'm stupid, lol. No, just trying to pass time.
Well goodnight earthlings (or good morning rather).