Hmmm. Old thread, eh? I idn't know this was about, otherwise I wouldn't have made mine. Butt this is for people on the BOARD, right? Not just people in general, I guess.
Well, to start off with, I lurrrrrrve baseball. I don't play, however. I do play softball, and I've made . . . no, this is gay. For one, it'll sound like I'm bragging and I don't like to brag, and two, what it's called is just GAY. *sighs* I made this thing where I didn't know I made it, but it was because I played third and I was apparently good at third base, or something . . . I don't know. I've made the THING since my 2nd year of 7-8-9 year old softball for my neighborhood league every year, except last year, when they didn't have a team for us 11 year olds.
I'm the youngest in my class. Yes I am. Which is HORRIBLE . . . No, it's not. You know why? I can date ANY guy in my class 'cause they're all OLDER than I am. Hmmm.
I walk everywhere. School, Home, Etc. Everywhere but Church. 'Cause my Mom drives me 'cause she has to go, but my Dad doesn't 'cause he's not Catholic but we won't get into that.
Fire amazes me. I'm a pyro.
I love being in the car, driving North, when it's raining at night.
I've taken Spanish for 6 year and still an onlysaya few things. Blu in Spanish, being one of them.
I have a tendensy (sp?) to easiy misplace things or forget where I put things, whe I'm holding them, or when they're right beside me. Like, the other day, I was walking (of course) to my friend's house, and she called me right after I let my house, and she as like "Cece, where are you?" and I said "I'm leaving my house," and then I ran back in the house, thinking I forgot my phone . . . but I was talking on my hone. O_o
I love sandals!
I don't know what color my hair is.
That is all.