steveau having optimism isnt ignorance. Also the fact that i cant 100% say i will be on this earth tommorrow is something that i cannot control. However cheating is something i can control. So your statement is relatively weak
thinking anything is 100% is not optimism, it's delusional.
Can you say you'll never commit suicide not knowing if someday you might experience the kind of pain that might make you rather die? I know I don't believe in suicide but I can't say 100% that I wouldn't do it because I can imagine a point where it could be a possibility. It's just being realistic.
Thats rather weak in my opinion. I have goals and giving up on life no matter how bad it gets is a promise i will never reach any goal.
Weak? How so?
Don't get me wrong, Pete. I am sure you firmly believe that you and Noelle are SIGNIFICANTLY less likely to cheat than the average couple. And frankly, I'd be inclined to believe you.
But no matter how confident you are, you must acknowledge there is a small % chance of it occuring.
That's all I am saying. When I go to sleep every night, I accept that there is a small % chance I will wake up in the morning and feel murderous rage and run out and kill someone. Why? Because even though the odds are TINY, it's still possible.
I can't stand here and say "I would never murder anyone..." because I just don't KNOW.
You never know till you're there.
That's all anyone is saying. And having "faith" in something is different from acknowledging the reality of it. I have faith that the sun will come up tommorow, and I base my life around this assumption, even though I know there is a small % chance the sun won't.