Hey everybody, guess what. Just in time for the one-year
anni ּ ּ ּ ּ ּ ּ ּversar ּ ּy of this ּ ּperfor ּ ּ ּ ּ ּ ּ ּmance,
a DVּ ּ-qualityּ ּ DVD ּ ּis abouּ ּt to be ּ ּavailabl ּ ּe of the
Exit-ּ ּIn conc ּ ּert, cּ ּompleּ ּte with eּ ּxtra foo ּ ּtage
fromּ ּbefore aּ ּnd aftּ ּer thּ ּe show a ּ ּnd a sli ּ ּdeshow
cont ּ ּaining pּ ּictures ּ ּofּ ּ ּVanessa,ּ ּthe ope ּ ּner Ari
Hest,ּ ּ and vi ּ ּews ofּ ּNaּ ּshville takּ ּen after ּ ּthe show.
The pּ ּrice w ּ ּill be $5ּ ּ inּ ּthe US, inּ ּcluding ּ ּpostage.
Canaּ ּ ּ ּ ּ ּ ּ ּda and Me ּ ּxico add USּ ּ ּ ּ ּ ּ ּ ּ$1 for
postage and other countries add US$2. I will begin taking
requests immediately and will ship whenever I have eight
requests at a time. PayPal accepted. Send me a PM for
more information.