well this isn't getting ridiculous or anything. :roll:
k.. so this is what my friend said:
"I'm a Mac genious eh? Me likey, me likey
I'm not to sure since he has a pc, but maybe have him dl this prog -
http://www.freedownloadscenter.com/Multimedia_and_Graphics/Misc__Sound_Tools/iPod_to_pc_Transfer_Pro.htmlhowever, it appears that the ipod was formatted for a Mac to begin with. If thats the case, he can't use it with a pc without reformating (bad idea). He should just find a mac.
If he finds a Mac, have him use Senuti -
http://fadingred.org/senuti/ to move the files from ipod to Mac (just as a footnote, Senuti is iTunes backwards, which is what the prog does.)
Hopefully it can get worked out, and he'll post the song for you all to hear"