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Messages - rosieposy87

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 201
Completely Off-Topic / Recent Pictures Thread Part 2
« on: August 07, 2005, 10:47:39 am »
Quote from: "Ghisy"
Quote from: "Steveau"
damn you have HOT friends!

I second that!!
The brunette in the middle is cuuuute!  :oops:

Translation: the brunette in the middle has nice boobs!

Other Musicians / Paris Hilton
« on: August 06, 2005, 11:32:35 am »
Quote from: "morningsting"
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
Quote from: "keith"
"Screwed" is BLOODY AWFUL!

Ummm since when were you English?

It's a free country.
She can use "bloody" if she wants.
I use it sometimes too...

And you probably use it incorrectly too!

Completely Off-Topic / happy birthday nerrrrrrrea!!!!
« on: August 06, 2005, 12:45:25 am »
NERE!!! You're 21!! :rosie: Shock Horror! What am i going to do with an officially grown up sister now? eh? I hope 21 is much more than the fear you have predicted! I know its going to be great. I still can't believe you're so old now- and we met when you were my age! I was looking at photos yesterday and you don't look all that different- i guess you age well (a useful property)! hehe. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Sign Vanessa's birthday card
« on: August 05, 2005, 07:13:09 am »
name: Rosie
Sn: Rosieposy87
Message: Happy Birthday! Can't wait for the new album!

Completely Off-Topic / ~*~Happy Birthday Jules~*~
« on: August 02, 2005, 03:40:32 am »
JUUUULES! You're such a great person- i miss talking to you! Hope life is good and that your birthday is even better. Take care and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!


Completely Off-Topic / Happy Birthday Jillian!!!
« on: July 31, 2005, 11:38:11 am »
HAAAAAPPY BIRTHDAY! If you came here you could have sex, play the lottery and buy scrap metal! Congratulations!!

Completely Off-Topic / It seems London is being bombed..
« on: July 22, 2005, 12:46:31 am »
Quote from: "Scotty"
Nail bombs used to be used by the IRA

Nail bombs have been used by every terrorist organisation. Doesn't tell us anything. What they're saying now is that the bombs were identical to the ones used on July 7th but just didn't explode.

Completely Off-Topic / It seems London is being bombed..
« on: July 21, 2005, 05:25:40 am »
They're saying they were nail bombs that didn't have any explosives- but had detonators so they made a huge noise but haven't hurt many people. There's been an explosion on a bus too. Two weeks later and here we go again...

Completely Off-Topic / Happy Birthday Rosie!
« on: July 20, 2005, 06:39:59 am »

Me with my presents from Kieran, hehe:

Me looking disgusted at my first legal drink:

Me with my chum before the party (new bag!!):

Absolutely smashed:

Completely Off-Topic / Happy Birthday Rosie!
« on: July 19, 2005, 12:05:18 pm »
Thankyou so much everyone!! I had such a brilliant day. My boyfriend is taking me to Barcelona for my present! So exciting. I had a great party in the evening and got extremely drunk on Vodka slush- which is alcoholic slush puppy, hehe. My first legal drink was accidentally Bombay saphire and tonic- EURGH!

Other Musicians / Natasha Bedingfield
« on: July 18, 2005, 07:35:45 am »
Quote from: "aleera84"
Animated radios?? Hmm I dont know which one that was but you just jogged my memory B =)
I saw the 'I bruise easily' video a few weeks ago, its really good and different.


She re-did the video for the American market (like they all do). I'm pretty sure its 'These Words'.

Completely Off-Topic / I need everyones thoughts/prayers.
« on: July 14, 2005, 08:33:17 am »
I'm so sorry about your grandpa- maybe the pain will ease slightly knowing he is free of a body which so clearly did not reflect his amazing spirit. He's free somewhere. I find the idea of heaven quite hard to understand and maybe you do too- but i think of life after death as complete freedom. You'll know hes with you when you see a beautiful flock of birds, or sunset, or a crisp autumn day. Take care of yourself Gina.

Other Musicians / Daniel Powter
« on: July 13, 2005, 10:13:58 am »
Do you have the album Scott? Or is it on 'Kazaa'?

Completely Off-Topic / It seems London is being bombed..
« on: July 13, 2005, 09:53:11 am »
Quote from: "Grakthis"
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
Quote from: "Grakthis"
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
Quote from: "Grakthis"

Edit: Also, your little rant on Africa is retarded.  The US gives more money in aid to Africa than any other country in the world.

Your little rants of Africa and aid are also retarded. You can use the "LOOK LOOK! We give sooooo much money!WE'RE GREAT!" but do i need to remind you that your economy produces the most in the world yet you give relatively little in proportion? Surely the best judge of a country's intentions is how much the government is prepared to surrender in relation to the size of their economy, not how much money overall they give.

I agree.  That's still irrelevant.

Accusing the US of being at FAULT for Africa's problems because we don't give enough is absurd.

Its funny, because you have absolutely no evidence for that. At no point have i EVER said it is America's fault for Africa's state- that was your poor assumption.

 8O  8O  8O



BUT YOU USED MY QUOTE DEAR! Get your bloody finger off capps lock!

Other Musicians / Daniel Powter
« on: July 13, 2005, 09:46:51 am »
I really like him! Love his voice and 'Bad Day' reminds me a bit of ATM.

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