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Messages - rosieposy87

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Completely Off-Topic / It seems London is being bombed..
« on: July 13, 2005, 08:36:32 am »
Quote from: "Grakthis"
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
Quote from: "Grakthis"

Edit: Also, your little rant on Africa is retarded.  The US gives more money in aid to Africa than any other country in the world.

Your little rants of Africa and aid are also retarded. You can use the "LOOK LOOK! We give sooooo much money!WE'RE GREAT!" but do i need to remind you that your economy produces the most in the world yet you give relatively little in proportion? Surely the best judge of a country's intentions is how much the government is prepared to surrender in relation to the size of their economy, not how much money overall they give.

I agree.  That's still irrelevant.

Accusing the US of being at FAULT for Africa's problems because we don't give enough is absurd.

Its funny, because you have absolutely no evidence for that. At no point have i EVER said it is America's fault for Africa's state- that was your poor assumption.

Polls / Best Behavior
« on: July 13, 2005, 06:53:21 am »
I LOVE IT! Best song evaaar!

Completely Off-Topic / It seems London is being bombed..
« on: July 13, 2005, 06:45:50 am »
Quote from: "Grakthis"

Edit: Also, your little rant on Africa is retarded.  The US gives more money in aid to Africa than any other country in the world.

Your little rants of Africa and aid are also retarded. You can use the "LOOK LOOK! We give sooooo much money!WE'RE GREAT!" but do i need to remind you that your economy produces the most in the world yet you give relatively little in proportion? Surely the best judge of a country's intentions is how much the government is prepared to surrender in relation to the size of their economy, not how much money overall they give.

 There are plenty of other viable arguments for America's donation of aid- for instance their plan to combat HIV, but the fact they give the most in the world is not one of them. You've been told this before, so i don't know why you don't just suck it up and decide to change your argument.

Completely Off-Topic / It seems London is being bombed..
« on: July 12, 2005, 12:51:23 am »
Quote from: "kev222"
I'm off to Ipswitch this weekend. I went out of my way to get a train that changes via London out of spite to terrorists.


Edit: Why doesn't this banana dance in firefox?

Lol, i have to go to London 3 times this week!

Tylor, are you trying to wind me up?

Polls / Anybody ever use eBay?
« on: July 11, 2005, 09:53:57 am »
Quote from: "BWilli"
i use it, but mostly as a seller.  i rarely buy off of ebay.

what do you sell? My boyfriend's sister was trying to sell stuff she got free in magazines to make money to buy a games console (she's 9). lmao.

Polls / What is your favorite "new" song?
« on: July 11, 2005, 09:50:17 am »
I am SO excited for this new album! ALL of the new songs have just blown me away- she is at her best! She is making music i wish was made all the time!

Polls / Anybody ever use eBay?
« on: July 11, 2005, 09:49:21 am »
My dad bought a Pugin tile from ebay for about £150- he's mad! I've gone through phases of using ebay loads, but not right now.

Completely Off-Topic / It seems London is being bombed..
« on: July 10, 2005, 05:06:42 am »
Quote from: "morningsting"
Quote from: "BWilli"
Quote from: "amberbeads"
Well if you think about it a bit more logically, it wasn't until yesterday that the announcement was made that London would host the Olympics. Obviously these bombings took a lot of careful planning. So did they have an alternate plan just in case Paris won the Olympics rights?
Seems more like coincidence to me.

that's what i'm thinking too.

i's not out of the question that the plans were made in Paris, NYC, Moscow and any other cities that were in the running to get the Olympics...and then when the decicion was made, they carried out the plans in that specific place.  It could have happened that way, I just don't see it as likely.

but like Andrew said...stranger things have happened.

But still...
Like he said,
What if they knew ahead of time?
Like what if the Olympics were rigged so London would've won no matter what?
I mean,
They didn't even come out first until the very end...
It just all seems strange to me.

What is the point in speculating about this? I don't give a flying fuck about whether or not the olympics was rigged or whether it was timed. What does it matter? London won the bid fair and square. And how the hell would Al Queda know it was rigged? What a STUPID suggestion.

 It was so obviously meant to coincide with the G8 summit but i don't suppose you know about that due to the chronic lack of care or knowledge about the situation in africa or global warming.

The fact is that people died, so respect that. There is no point in going over and over this in a hope that maybe you'll find peace of mind.

Completely Off-Topic / Happy birthday Nikki (Dancernl)!!!!
« on: July 09, 2005, 06:58:08 am »
HAAAAAPPY BIRTHDAY! We're missing you and your wise viewpoints around here! hehe, hope you have/had a great day,


Completely Off-Topic / It seems London is being bombed..
« on: July 07, 2005, 09:34:16 am »
Repost from my lj. Can't believe this is happening

I'm so scared and so shocked. Today i was going to Cambridge for an open day. I got the train up to london and was on the northern line at euston about to change to kings cross. They evacuated the station and said there was a power surge. I got completely lost walking to kings cross and ended up walking past woburn place and tavistock square. Luckily, i called my mum and she redirected me back.

Then hundreds of emergency services started arriving and we were told it was an 'electrical fault' but people started coming out with black smoke over their faces and i started getting scared. I saw a man bleeding from the mouth, i saw a woman faint, i saw overflowing hospitals- it was so eerily quiet. I was completely alone and my battery was running out. My mum called and we decided i should walk to waterloo- it was about 9:45 and she directed me down woburn place except i got lost. Thank god i did because thats exactly where the bus bomb went off, and it would've been exactly where i was walking down. That could've been me. I have never been that close to something like that before. Something made me lose my way.

 It became clear something really serious was happening because there were police cordons everywhere and undercover MI5/police officers trying to get to the scene. Luckily, i managed to walk the hour or so it was to Oxford Circus and meet up with Fran who works at Vogue. I've stayed there the whole day. I am at her house now but i feel so shaken and scared. At one point i thought i was going to faint.My mum is stuck in cambridge and trying to get to me but all the motorways are blocked. There is no way i can get across london and home again, so i can't get home until tommorrow. So scary.

I love Mark! He's the bloody best! He was SO kind to me- and even remembered me when i saw him again. He ain't bad looking either! hehe.

Completely Off-Topic / Happy Independence Day everyone!!
« on: July 06, 2005, 11:30:14 am »
Quote from: "BWilli"
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
Quote from: "BWilli"
Quote from: "Ghisy"
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
LMAO Ghis, you show your lack of intelligence again. Oh and will you please remind yourself that you're NOT American?

Lack of intelligence? Because YOU think you're the smart one? ROFL
Will you please remind yourself not to post useless messages? Thanks.

i'd just wish she'd stop bashing the US.  honestly, I have nothing against rosie, but it's getting really old now.

 Brian, am i an abstract concept!? Errr NO- so why don't you address your little cause for concern to me rather than the infinite abyss?

ok..i wish YOU'dstop bashing the US.  honestly, i have nothing against YOU, but it's getting really old now.

Quote from: "neos"
Brian, I doubt any of Rosie's posts on this thread count as "bashing the US". She was talking to Ghis, not burning American flags :roll:

Quote from: "rosieposy87"
BOVERED about independence day! At least here we just say our days off are blatant attempts to have a long weekend, rather than pretending they actually mean something!

i was directing it toward her comment here which I felt was a tad negative towards the US.

I agree that i do have negative sentiments towards the US, not at all to the people who live there but to what America stands for and the values it upholds. If its getting old, it is only because America's tiresome and aggressive foreign policy isgetting old, because its stance on global warming is getting old and its belief that any decision should be taken only because it is 'right for America' is getting old. People in America do not have to live with the consequences of this- because YOU are the ones protected- but the rest of the world does.

Completely Off-Topic / London to host 2012 Olympics!
« on: July 06, 2005, 11:25:45 am »
TAKE THAT CHIRAC!!! OOOOH i am ridiculously excited! I watched the result live and i just couldn't believe it! I am SO excited! Its weird to think i'll be through uni and in my first job by then.

Completely Off-Topic / I need everyones thoughts/prayers.
« on: July 06, 2005, 03:03:04 am »
Pretty much exactly the same thing happened to me 2 weeks ago Gina, except it was very sudden. I know how horrible this will be for you and how much you loved him. There's not really a lot you can say in this situation that will make it better- because saying he lived a happy and loving life doesn't quite seem the point, because you're the one who's going to have to deal with him not being here anymore. So i'm so so sorry gina- i will think of you really often- the pain will pass someday.

Completely Off-Topic / Happy Independence Day everyone!!
« on: July 06, 2005, 02:52:03 am »
Quote from: "BWilli"
Quote from: "Ghisy"
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
LMAO Ghis, you show your lack of intelligence again. Oh and will you please remind yourself that you're NOT American?

Lack of intelligence? Because YOU think you're the smart one? ROFL
Will you please remind yourself not to post useless messages? Thanks.

i'd just wish she'd stop bashing the US.  honestly, I have nothing against rosie, but it's getting really old now.

 Brian, am i an abstract concept!? Errr NO- so why don't you address your little cause for concern to me rather than the infinite abyss?

 Ghis, if you have something against useless posts i would go ahead and just delete every post you've ever made here. But well done at attempting a witty comeback!

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