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Messages - Jessica

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Completely Off-Topic / Re: This Generation is Deaf
« on: July 06, 2007, 12:39:45 am »
Quote from: "IfICouldFall"
I'm sorry for the somewhat obnoxious title but I feel really mad right now!  :x

For music class, we have this thing called "Fresh Music Friday". We get to bring in our favorites songs and we listen and comment on them (like it? not like it? and why?). Anyway, my two friends and I brought an Arctic Monkeys song, a Death Cab for Cutie song and a Jack's Mannequin one. As soon as everyone finished listening to it, they were all really really ruthless and started calling it "emo... gay..." or what have you. I'm just really mad that the social circuits of the school must have a specific type of music to like. Everyone else brought something rap, hip-hop etc. (I'm not saying that it's bad, I happen to like some of it) and everyone was all for it and were the only ones that sort of got rejected.
It's really unfair and crappy!  :x  :x  :x

So... what do you think???

i felt the same way before.. in one of my art classes last semester we had a project where we had to design a cd cover using a color scheme that represented the type of music that was on the cd. so i made a mix of some of my favorite songs, most of them kind of dark.. like  the requiem for a dream soundtrack, she floats, some tori amos... and there was this group of annoying sorority type girls sitting in the back by the stereo when my cd was playing saying to eachother "what the fuck is this shit?!" and then when they put on their cd it was like all rap and just really uncreative studio edited stuff.
      at first when they said that it kind of offended me.. but then i realized how immature they are and that i'm better off not being like them: ignorant people that dont open themselves up to other music types and only  listen to whats "cool" and on the radio top 40. so its kind of sad really. usualy people that are like that are that way because they're so insecure about themselves that they dont have the guts to listen to anything "different" or "artsy" because they think they wont be accepted or cool.

yeah. end rant.

Completely Off-Topic / Happy Independence Day everyone!!
« on: July 05, 2007, 04:02:58 pm »
Quote from: "Ghisy"
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
Ghis, if you have something against useless posts i would go ahead and just delete every post you've ever made here. But well done at attempting a witty comeback!

If you only come to the board to post cr*p like that, don't even I bashing England?
Of course, you always want to be right, so I won't even argue anymore...:roll:

Quote from: "neos"
Ghis, sorry to land this on you but your response wasn't witty. No haha. And yes, Rosie is smart. VERY smart, in case you hadn't noticed.

She's not that smart, just an annoying brat. Period.

have you ever TALKED to rosie? she's very smart. and i don't see what the big deal is the entire WORLD hates the USA. we should be used to it by now.

Completely Off-Topic / All females on the boards
« on: July 03, 2007, 12:44:38 am »
are any of you thinking of, or have already gotten the HPV vaccine? you have to do it before youre 26 so i'm going to wait a few years to decide.. also you can't take it if you're on birth control pills (well, i guess you could if you wanted to, but 2 women died because of it) so i'm hesitant to getting it. plus i am so confused about all of the different types of HPV the sexually transmitted kinds, and the harmless ones that 80% of people already have and the ones that cause cancer. too much information to sort out and make a decision! plus it just came out and has only been tested on people for 5 years, so long term side effects could just pop up a few years later...

Live Shows / 7/24/2007: Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA
« on: June 29, 2007, 02:48:42 pm »
Quote from: "eclv"
Yay! Steph, Holly and Jess. Jess, I thought you knew. I posted a few days ago to one of your opinions about NF and said hope you're coming to The Roxy to see for yourself.

I got Nicole, Katia and I's tickets in the mail yesterday!! :) An Evening with Vanessa Carlton  :D

i hadn't seen it till last night! but yeah, i called the roxy today and bought 2 tickets.. much cheaper than ticket master! 39 bucks for two. cant wait to see you guys there!

Polls / Nolita Fairytale
« on: June 29, 2007, 02:22:14 am »
Quote from: "eclv"
I will admit that from the clip I didn't have an opinion, couldn't really tell if I liked it or not. But now that I have heard the whole thing. I love it. I love the drums, I love the piano. The lyrics aren't that strong but it's still good. Definitely radio friendly.

Jess I hope you're back in the country and are coming to the show at the Roxy. You can judge for yourself. Should be an interesting, fun night.

yep! i'm back from england and i'll be there!

Polls / Nolita Fairytale
« on: June 29, 2007, 02:21:01 am »
ok, FINALLY. i like it. not the studio version cos its too poppy and overproduced. but the acoustic version on her myspace that she's playing in her apartment is good :)

Live Shows / 7/24/2007: Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA
« on: June 29, 2007, 01:59:56 am »
i just saw it on vanessa's myspace right now.. thank god i couldnt sleep and decided to go there otherwise i never would have known! i wanted to buy tickets now but the ticketmaster site is down for maintenence. gar.
if it's not up tomorrow maybe i'll stop by the roxy and buy it at the box office.

hmm, i'm wondering which of my fortunate friends i will force to come with me to this one. muahha.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / V's Site is (Kinda) Back Up!! =]
« on: June 29, 2007, 01:50:31 am »
i wonder if that's just a place holder? or they're going to continue to go with the harmonium theme through this new album. you'd think they'd design a new layout to go with the new album theme... hmm.

Polls / Favourite Friends Character?
« on: June 22, 2007, 02:03:24 pm »
princess consuela bananahammock.  (phoebe)

Polls / Carnivore or Herbivore?
« on: June 22, 2007, 02:01:35 pm »
i don't care too much for meat so i mostly eat vegetarian food, but i'll have the occasional hamburger (not mcdonalds or jack in the box or anything nasty like that) but as long as its good quality and i know where it's coming from

Polls / your ideal summer?
« on: June 22, 2007, 12:56:08 pm »
i didn't like summer until i lived in england and froze my ass off. now i appreciate california weather even though its hot as hell outside right now.

i love doing a little bit of everything. i love to travel, just hang out by the pool, go to the beach and lounge around doing nothing.

Polls / Nolita Fairytale
« on: June 22, 2007, 12:51:19 pm »
Quote from: "HarmySandwhich"
Guys, I think it just may be a track that's better sung with percussion. For example, Private Radio sound better with it. I'm sure Nolita will be a rarity seeing as though a lot of the time, Nessa doesn't tour with a full band. That's my opinion anyway.

but how can she release a new single that she can't perform live? it wont get any promo

Polls / Nolita Fairytale
« on: June 22, 2007, 12:49:50 pm »
don't like it.

Completely Off-Topic / Musical Software Discussion & Review
« on: June 22, 2007, 11:00:58 am »
i use garage band, my recordings are on:

Completely Off-Topic / Recent Pictures Thread Part 3
« on: June 21, 2007, 06:38:23 pm »
my boyfriend is in photography school so i usually get stuck being the model for all his assignments.

these are from a few weeks ago

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